Chapter 3

My Wonderful Family

Month 3

Spirit finally clam down. Everyone was well and happy that Spirit recovered from the dream. Since it was a nice day, they all decided to take the kids to the park. Spirit wore  this. She wanted to wear something a little freely since the baby bump is starting to get bigger. The ummas were watching their husbands and kids playing with each other. "Spirit, how are you feeling?" Kevin asked.

"Fine, it's just that I could hardly fit in some of my clothes." Spirit pouted while the others laughed. 

"Hey, let's go buy some snacks for our family." Himchan said. The others agreed and started to walk to the mini mart. Everyone was spread out in the mini mart looking for the things that their family needed/wanted. Spirit was already done, so she was waiting outside till someone caught her eye. Someone was at the far side of the street. Spirit felt like she knew that person, that person turned around and looked at Spirit. Spirit widened her eyes at the person in horror, she started to shake a little. The person raised an eyebrow at first, frowned, and then surprise ment showed on the face. The person started to smirk and walked over to her. Spirit's instincts were to walk back, but she was against the wall already, the store was just 2 buildings away from Spirit. The person was already at the sidewalk where she was and started to walk closer to her. When the person was just 5 ft. away, Spirit made a beeline for the store, but she wasn't fast enough. The person grabbed her by the hair and brought her up close to the other's face.

"You're still alive? I thought you were dead you piece of ." The person said while pulling Spirit's hair harder. Spirit yelped while tears started to come down her face.

"P-please s-st-stop~." Spirit choked, she was scared, not for her, but for her unborn baby.

"No, you have a lot of years to pay back !" The person snarled while slapping her. When Spirit lay on the floor, she immediately covered her stomach and clenched her eyes tight. The person kept beating her till she heard foot steps and shouting. She opened an eye and saw the others running to them. The person frowned and ran off. The others gathered around Spirit checking her.

"You guys go get the others while me and the others go to the hospital!" Leeteuk exclaimed while picking Spirit up and started to running towards the hostipal with the others right behind him.


Spirit was on the bed sleeping while the others were watching her. The kids were at their grandparents homes. Gongchan was holding Spirit's hand while prying to god thank you for her condition. The condition wasn't harmful to their unborn baby, it was thanks to Spirit who had a fast thinking mind to protect it. "Who attacked her?" Jong Kook asked angrily.

"That's the problem. We don't know. All we saw was some middle age lady beating the crap out of her. The thing was that Spirit wasn't fighting back for some reason. We all know she could  fight back, but it seems as though she was frightened." Leeteuk said. Soul widened his eyes.

"Hyungs! It could have been that devil witch!" Soul exclaimed.

"What you mean?"

"What do you mean? It's that who kicked us out and almost killed Spirit!"

"Are ing kidding me!!?? I thought the both of them went to jail!" Kangin exclaimed.

"They must've had connection or their release date was early than we expected." Eunhyuk growled.

", we have to protect Spirit with all cost than." Seunghyun said while the others nodded in agreement.

Hi! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Sorry if you weren't expecting the cursing or anything, but I'm not having much sleep. It's 4:23 in the morning and the only reason I'm awake is because of my baby brother. I was bored, and cranky, so I thought I would update all my stories. I updated my other fic called "Together, We're A Family". It's about how a few couples buy a house together and never knew that it was actually an orphanage. They had met with the babysitters who had been living in the orphanage since they were young. The couples starts to have bumpy road with their new found family.

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jackiekitt #1
Chapter 5: It's so cute! I can't wait for you to update!!! :)
Chapter 1: ohhhh i like hope you update soon :{D
I hope this is just like tough love, it was a really good story.