Chapter 1

My Wonderful Family

Everyone in the house were sleeping till Spirit woke up and went to the bathroom. When she got there she couldn't stop puking. Gongchan woke up by the sound of Spirit gagging so much that he went to check up on Spirit. Spirit's head was still above the toilet. "Spirit, are you okay?" Gongchan asked while rubbing the other back. Spirit couldn't speak so she just nodded in response, she got up and went to wash . The couple went back to bed sleeping. 

{Morning Time!}

Everyone was wide awake and well. The 2 kids who are Seo Mi and Kangteuk (Leeteuk wanted to get a child, so he adopted one. Kangteuk is the same age as Seo Mi, but a few months younger) Spirit came down last, feeling a little tired. When she got to the table, Spirit wasn't feeling so well. She ran back to the bathroom gagging. Leeteuk ran in there to check on her. "Are you okay?" Donghae asked, but Spirit couldn't hear what they said since she was to busy gagging.

"I think we need to see the doctor ASAP." Leeteuk said while helping up Spirit and walking towards the car. The people who came were Himchan and Gongchan came.

{After the check up}

Spirit came out while the others came crowding her. "So, did the doctor say anything?" Spirit just nodded.

"Sooo~ What's wrong?" Himchan asked.

"I'm pregnant." They stared at Gongchan while the other stared at Spirit.

"H-how old?"

"1 month." Gongchan started to get a little awkward, but was still happy. Leeteuk and Himchan couldn't stop congratulating her. When they got home, Himchan told everybody what had happen and the others were squealing, and thinking what gender the baby was. While their husbands were patting Gongchan on the back. The next 7-8 months would be a struggle. When it was time for bed, Spirit and Gongchan went to bed. Spirit couldn't stop caressing her stomach.

"Are you ready for this?" Gongchan asked while putting his right hand on her stomach.

"Of course. Wae, are you not ready?"

"I'm always ready if you are, baby." Gongchan said while pecking her. Spirit smiled and cuddled up to him, after a few minutes, Gongchan started to notice Spirit went to sleep. He smiled and caressed the others face. 'I hope her hormones isn't going to be horrible.' That was the only thought that was going through his head.

Here's an update guys/gals. I'm also starting another fic called Our New Life (Press the link). I will be updating as much as I can with both stories. (Sorry 

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jackiekitt #1
Chapter 5: It's so cute! I can't wait for you to update!!! :)
Chapter 1: ohhhh i like hope you update soon :{D
I hope this is just like tough love, it was a really good story.