Chapter 5

He's your son not mine
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Please forgive me if I'm too old to update this story, but I do it now! I know this will be very long chapter, I hope it doesn’t make you bored. I'm sorry for the many mistakes of writing and grammar because bad english is very bad. And I didn’t check it, I was too tired and I'm still sick. Hopefully, it may not make you confused, hahaha ... Thank you very much, for those who have left lovely comments, peeked, viewed, read, subscribed, and voted ^^
Please don’t kill me if it’s not good enough..., I promise the next chapter will be better, hopefully ... : D
Have a nice weekend! Now I have to start writing the next chapter for my another story ^^ Thank You!!




I helped Gummy Noona slicing lemons, she will make lemonade while Bomie Noona prepared snacks for us all. I stared out the window, Seunghyun was measuring wood and Daesung was next to him. They were building a tree house for Seungri. My father, brothers -in-law and also Youngbae helped them. My whole family came as well as Youngbae and Daesung, they came along with his wife and their children. My mother and the others were preparing lunch for us all, we will have a barbecue party. My house was very crowded, it could say almost like being hit by an earthquake. Kids were running around, screaming and crying sometimes. This actually made ​​me a little dizzy, not just that I hated them when they were together they could be more sinister than a bunch of gangsters.
Seunghyun looked very happy, sometimes Seungri leaned on his back and hugged him from behind asking him to immediately make the tree house, because Seungri could not wait to move in along with the others. Seungri looked nicely so far, in fact I was very glad to see laughter was never out of his sweet face. He looked very comfortable with his cousins​​, the twins and Youngjo. It was very different from when he was at school because of Mrs. Park had said Seungri very closed. I was very concerned about this, but Seunghyun said it was just because Seungri is still shy and do not know his friends at school. Somehow I did not understand with feelings towards Seungri, sometimes I really care about him, especially when he was being a good kid but when he was back to being the little bastard that always pisses me off and I really hate it. And I hate the most, he was still looking at me with aversion look, as if I was a monster ready to eat him.
Am I that bad?
You're a Seungri!
" Jiyong! you’re daydreaming! Look! What have you done? " Gummy Noona patted me on the shoulder. I frowned. Bomie Noona laughed. I should slice of lemons in the form of rounded but I sliced those into very small pieces.
" Sorry ... " I let out my breath .
" Trying to enjoy it Ji ... , being a parent ... it’s indeed difficult, but over time you will be able to do it , so just learn ... " Noona Bomie said smiling. I looked at her and she my head.
" Omma had told you.. " I pouted .
" Ji .. Seunghyun loves you , he still loves you ... , aah ... , when Minah was born and I became a mother for the first time, I felt very happy , we all love her ... , but I’ve started to feel my husband loved her daughter much more than his wife, at first I felt being dumped, and I was jealous of my own daughter, he changed not like before we had kids, everything changed ... , but that's not entirely true, of course he loves me and his daughter too but on different way. " Gummy Noona kissed my cheek .
But Seungri is not my son ...
He's Seunghyun son... , and Meeyon ...
" This is hard .. " I looked back at Seunghyun.
" Slowly... , and yes, you can do it! Come on.., let's get ready for lunch . " Gummy Noona walked toward the door. I nodded, Bomie Noona followed her from behind. Youngbae came toward me.
" We need more beers Ji ... " Youngbae said. I went back to the refrigerator and pulled out few of can of beers and he helped me.
" Don’t get drunk, there are kids " I said. He nodded.
" What’s wrong with you? Such as lack of ! " Youngbae laughed. I scowled.
" Yeah..., I think so...  " I let out my breath. Youngbae frowned and put those of beers on the table .
" Seriously? " He was as incredulous. I nodded.
" Since Seungri came we 've never had , maybe ... , wait .... , 3 weeks ... " I took a can of beer and opened it. Youngbae laughed loudly.
" And you can hold it?! You're so ing great!  Deabak! Both of you..., I can’t believe it! I.., I could die Ji!  " he shook his head. I thought he was amazed with my affliction.
My life is pathetic!
I wasn’t able to make Seunghyun !
It's all because of Seungri!
" What should I do? Seunghyun is always too busy with Seungri not to mention we are both busy too with our work. On Monday he will going to New York for a week and it may increase the length of my record isn’t it? " I drank my beer.
"You have to be careful what if he let go of his lust in New York " Youngbae teased. I kicked his right knee. He laughed.
" He wouldn’t do that! I think... , I don’t know ... , this ! " I ruffled my hair.
I'll cut his if he dares to with someone else!!
" Ask him! What else? Tell him what you want.. " Youngbae said.
" I never did that, never .. " I grinned. Youngbae laughed again. I never invited Seunghyun to have since we were dating even after marriage and until now, Seunghyun were always asking first. Actually, he did not always ask for it too, it just happened sometimes. But his passion suddenly appeared he would immediately attack me and I will always serve him, not because I did not like it or just give up but so far I've always enjoyed it. I just had never started it first though my lust appeared, I would hold it up until he asked me.
I'm ashamed ...
Baby ... I want your now!
What kind of sentence was that?! It was ridiculous!
" You're a ing idiot! Why you didn’t ever tell me this? " He said curiously.
" Because I knew you'd be making fun of me ! Like now!" I cried.
"You have to tell him..., what's wrong with that? Chaerin did that too, if she wants it she will ask me. It’s a normal thing Ji .. , moreover you've been married for 7 years. Stop behaving like a teenager! " Youngbae smacked my head .
" I'm embarrassed! He'll laugh at me! " I bite my lip. Youngbae shook his head.
" He's your husband Ji ... , it's up to you ... if you're ready to continue to languish ... , one thing is for sure that you need to know ... , marriage not only need love but also . And don’t blame Seunghyun hyung if he will seek his own pleasure out there " Youngbae grinned .
What?? No!!
I don’t want it!!
" But I ... " my sentence suspended, Seunghyun came over to us.
" Baby ..., lunch is ready... " Seunghyun said looking at me and Youngbae. Youngbae grinned and took those beers again.
" Maybe you can try it now ..., the kitchen is a great place " Youngbae chuckled and walked towards the door and then left us. Seunghyun looked at me confused.
Bae! you!!
" What are you talking about? " Seunghyun asked touching my hair.
" It's nothing ... , Youngbae just ... , he wants to change her kitchen " I said grinning .
" Ha? kitchen? " Seunghyun frowned.
"Let's eat.., I'm hungry .. " I pulled his right hand.

After the barbecue party my nephews and nieces, Youngjo and the twins stayed at my house. They slept in our family room, right in front of the tv. They liked the displaced victims of the disaster and Seunghyun was in the midst of them, Seungri was right beside him. The tree house was completed and they insisted on sleeping there but Seunghyun disallowed them because it could not accommodate them all.
Last night we can not have again, we even slept apart. Seunghyun was with the kids on the floor while I was on the couch. I knew we can not be able to do it because there were many of the children at home. However, what Youngbae said made me think and I was afraid of it.
Am I not attractive anymore for you Seunghyun?
I can’t titillate you anymore?
I let out my breath. I sat staring at them one by one. Seunghyun was still sleep and the same goes with children.
" Uncle Ji ... , I want to pee " Junho my youngest nephew said tugging my pajama pant. I turned to him, I did not realize he was already awake.
" Okay... " I said. I got up and led him to the bathroom.
I helped him open his pants and he started to pee. I yawned waiting for him.
" I 'm done " he said. I helped him put on his pants again.
"You don’t wet the bed this time ... , a good boy! " I said smiling.
" I had promised to Seungri hyung.  I’m awesome right? " He grinned. I laughed.
" What did Seungri hyung say to you? " I his head.
" If I don’t wet the bed again he would always ask me to play in the tree house. He also said he would invite me to play football with him ​​and Uncle Seunghyun... I love Seungri Hyung.., he's very kind and funny " he grinned again making his toothless visible clearly.
Yeah ...
Everyone said it ..
Accept me ...
"Let 's get breakfast .. " I led his back and we came out of the bathroom.

Junho woke Seunghyun and others. They tidied up back all the blankets and pillows. Not only that, they also tidie up toys, books and their clothes. I always asked them to do it all, as I said before I do not like everything was a mess.
After that they gathered in the dining room. Usually after breakfast around 10 or 11 AM, they will be picked up again by their parents.
I prepared breakfast for them and the atmosphere in the dining room was very noisy as the market. I could never imagine what if Seunghyun and me could have children this much. Seungri presence has made ​​me overwhelmed and often times made my head hurt. But Seunghyun never complained, he always felt happy and being comfortable with all of them, with their screams and cries.
Seunghyun looked very calm, he put Junho on his lap and they had breakfast on the same plate. Seungri told of a superhero in the comics with Youngjo and others. I did not know what they were talking about because it was not a word that I heard in my ears but like a screech that made ​​my ears got hurt.
" I’ll take a shower first " I said to Seunghyun. He nodded. I left them with their rumpus in the dining room.
I saw a shot of water lying on the floor near the door of the library. It realized me that lights at the library still turn on. I frowned, because usually if the library is not in use we always turn off the lights.
I opened the door. To my surprise, papers were lying on the floor. Seunghyun’s drawing board and tools were lying on the floor. My designs were in mess. Instantly my head was boiling.
I got out of the library and back into the kitchen.
I stood in front of them all with my hands on the waist.
" Tell me who makes a mess in the library?" I said .
" What? " Seunghyun looked at me. But the kids did not seem to care, they were still busy with their talk and it pisses me off.
" Shut up!!" I yelled very loud. All fell silent at once and looked at me. Seunghyun got up from his chair and stood beside me, his arms wrapped around my waist. I knew he was trying to calm me down.
"What’s wrong?" he asked.
" There was someone who had made a mess in the library " I looked at him. Seunghyun looked at the children. And they began to looking at each other.
"Who did it ? Come on..." Seunghyun said. They remained silent.
" If you don’t answer, you could not stay in here anymore! " I threatened.
" Uncle Ji ! Don’t do it!! " they all cried. Their voices made ​​me dizzy again. Seunghyun sighed.
" Shut up!!"  I yelled again. Seunghyun touched my fingers but I did not care. They were silent again.
" Come on kids .... , you know the library is not a place to play and it’s the rules. " Seunghyun said. There are 3 rooms that can not be entered while the kids stay at our house to play around. The first one is the library because it is our works room. The second one is the roof, because Seunghyun put his Bearbricks collection on there, I even rarely go there. Seunghyun do not let anyone else touch his ​​collection. The third one is our bedroom, because it is the most personal room. We are not being too set up or be harsh to children but we need to teach them to be polite and respect the property of others.
" ... Well.., if no one wants to confess. No more tree house! " I crossed my arms on the chest and glared at them all. They returned to protest.
"I did it.. " Seungri said raising his right hand. Seunghyun and me looked at each other.  And then we all looked at him.
Yeah .. of course !
Who else!
"Why did you do that Seungri? " Seunghyun stared at him . Seungri did not dare to look at his father, he just looked down.
" You're always acting up! No comics! No cartoons! " I said. Seunghyun was pressing his forehead with his fingertips.
" You're evil!! That's not fair! " He shouted .
You dare to against me?
" Okay! You can’t play in the tree house too!! " I said again.
Take it!! It’s my revenge!!
" I hate you!!" He shouted. I almost to yelling again but Seunghyun did it first.
" Stop it!!! " Seunghyun shouted. We were silent.
" I also do it too " Youngjo raised his hand.
" Me too " Juhno said. And also with the twins and followed with another until they all raised their hands and confess. I looked at each other and Seunghyun again. I sighed.
What's this ? !
They’re protecting Seungri?!
What are they doing?!
I can’t believe this !

They confessed they were playing hide and seek and had to make the library as a place to hide. Seunghyun asked them to apologize and punished them all. They have to do the dishes after breakfast. After that he asked them cleaning up our garage and also washing our cars.
After that they showered and got dressed. Not shortly after it their parents picked up them. Seunghyun, Seungri and me stood on the front house to see them leave our house one by one.
" I want to play in the tree house with Gaho " Seungri said to his father. Seunghyun nodded.
"Have you finished your homework? " I asked. Somehow I was still upset, probably because Seunghyun was too weak to their whining. Seungri nodded.
"Can I bring my comic too? " he asked again.
" Appa will come with you " Seunghyun said smiling.
"Cool!! Come on Gaho! " Seungri ran into the house. I let out my breath. Seunghyun grinned.
Good ...
I lost my chance again!
Of course you would prefer your son!
" Why is your face like that? Tomorrow, I'm going to New York and not going to see him in a few days .. " Seunghyun embraced me.
And you will not see me too stupid!!
I want to have before you go!!
I want it now!!
"Whatever .. " I let go his arm and left him going to inside.

Seunghyun and Seungri really spent time together. Seunghyun even taught Seungri to play football. They and gaho were playing together all of day, Seunghyun almost forgot to prepare his stuffs that he will bring to New York if it was not me who reminded him.
Seungri was watching cartoons together with Gaho, Seunghyun was in the library preparing some files. I was tidying up Seunghyun’s clothes in bedroom. I put those to his suitcase. And then I headed to the dirty clothes basket, I checked the pocket one by one before taking those to the laundry.
I reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a few things. I saw there were toll receipts to and from Busan. I saw the date on it. The same date when he came home very late and when he accidentally turned off his phone.
He went to Busan...
So it was true ... he went there.., visited Meeyon?
Why he didn’t say this to me?
There was an ATM receipt too. Seunghyun had withdrawn some money but I did not know for what.
1.5 million won?!
For what? For who?
And he didn’t tell me too!!
I put those receipts into my pocket and I went out of the room. My mind drifted and I started to smell something fishy. I did not like Seunghyun’s attitude and he started to like to lie.
I walked downstairs and I saw Seungri romping with Gaho.
" Don’t run on the stairs!  You can fall! " I yelled. Seungri scowled at me.
" Why do you like to yell .. " Seungri grumbled . His attitude made my pique increasingly rising.
Father and son is the same!
You both are equally annoying!!
" Why do you always complain? Now go to the kitchen, drink your milk then brush your teeth and go to bed " I showed him my index finger.
" But!" He tried to against me again. I do not understand why he is so hard to tell by me and while everyone always says he is a good kid and very polite.
Someday I 'll prove how bad you are!!
Little bastard!
" Do it! " I glared at him . He bowed his head and walked toward the kitchen. I followed him behind. Seunghyun was talking to someone on the phone and looked very serious. I waited at the front door of the library but he still continued to talk. He had turned to me and smiled but then I heard a loud voice from the kitchen. I immediately ran to the kitchen.
Seungri stood between the refrigerator and table. There was broken glass at his feet. No, it was not, it was broken mug.
Bastard !
He broke my favorite mug!!
" What have you done?!! " I yelled very angry. He feared, He held a glass of milk and his hand shaking. Gaho barked and I did not understand why Gaho did that, maybe he defended Seungri or did not like I was mad at Seungri. And it made ​​me getting angry.
" Shut up! " I yelled back and this time on Gaho.
" What happened? " Seunghyun asked suddenly came and stood beside me.
" Seungri broke my mug! " I yelled again. Seunghyun looked at Seungri.
" I did not mean Appa ! it was .. It was an accident... " Seungri tears began to fill his eyes.
Ahaa! A great idea!!
" How is it possible ? You definitely did it on purpose! Seungri, you're always like that you're always acting to me! Why'd you do that to me?!" I shouted.
"Come on baby ... , Seungri didn’t mean it, it was an accident ... , Seungri do not move! " Seunghyun stepped cautiously approaching Seungri, he let him arms up and sat him on the chair. I was still standing at my place and staring at Seungri sharply. Seunghyun cleaned up the broken mug on the floor and throw it into the trash. Seunghyun looked at me and smiled but I did not respond. Seunghyun lowered Seungri back, they stood in front of me.
" Appa ... , I really did not mean to did it, Gaho scared me and I knocked the mug " he said hugging Seunghyun. Seunghyun nodded.
Fabulous !
Now you’re blaming Gaho!!
"You should apologize to Daddy Ji ... " Seunghyun his head. I looked at Seungri.
" I 'm sorry ... , I did not mean it..., it was an accident... " Seungri said bowing his head and could not look at me. I think he was very scared of me.
I did not answer. Seunghyun looked at me but I turned my face.
" Now go to your room, brush teeth and go to sleep " Seunghyun said. Seungri nodded and Gaho chasing him.
" You're so scary when you're angry " Seunghyun hugged me and kissed my forehead. I pushed and avoid him. I was still very angry, especially Seunghyun let Seungri up just like that.
" That's my favorite mug! And he's always acting up at me! " I crossed my arms across the chest .
" Ji .. Come on , it's just a mug why should this angry, Seungri did not mean it " Seunghyun said walking to the refrigerator and grabbed an ice cream.
" That's our couple mug!" I said. He laughed. He took a spoon and sat down on the chair.
" I'll buy a new one for you. How many do you want? 10 or 20 ? " He grinned. I knew he was trying to calm me but his jokes made ​​me more upset.
"You er! You always defend him! "  I shouted.
" Baby .. , don’t be angry again..., come on..., let me feed you ice cream " he handed me an ice cream. But it was so annoying. There was a feeling of dissatisfaction in my heart. Seunghyun always considered what was Seungri did it was just a children's misbehavior, but indeed all of those made my heart hurt. I put receipts that I found on the table, right in front of him. Seunghyun looked at it.
" I found this in your pocket pants " I said.
" So? " he put in his ice cream into his mouth and he was being very calm.
" What did you do in Busan? You withdrew money...,

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Rolan1878 #1
Chapter 10: Thumbs up
Danees #2
Chapter 10: Rereading it and am enjoyed it as my 1st time. Thank you!
hashimocca #3
Chapter 10: Oh GOD... i love this story.. all of if... from chap one till the end... oh my... you dont know how i treasure this story author-nim.. it's flawless.. perfect... and specialy when seunghyun got jealous to jiyong he turn to be possessive... somehow it makes him more hot.. thank you so much for entertain me with this wonderful story..
Danees #4
Chapter 10: Wow! You have a good story and the way u told it.. amazingly wonderful. Thank you!

Please write more (:
Bianca_MSP #5
Parece muito boa
I loved this story! ^_^
mynamebaby #7
Chapter 10: I love this story,,,,,
Chapter 10: Created an account to comment ! I love this ! <3