Crying In Public

Love and Hate

He was there! Joking with some girl! Rather then feeling relieved – I felt and enormous amount of anger. Me and Zhou Mi had been worried sick about him and he couldn’t even be bothered to send us a quick text!? Not even to tell us he was ok? I’d really had enough of this! I stormed up to him with my fists clenched together just like when I found Han Byeol with that girl. But, of course, this was a completely different situation. I looked as if I was about to punch someone – and it had crossed my mind. Zhou Mi stayed where he was obviously not wanting to get in the way. “Cho Kyu Hyun!” I called but not in an overly angry or loud voice. He span around from the lady he was talking to so to face me. “Do you know this girl?” she asked him referring to me. Kyu Hyun glanced back at her. “No, Of course I don’t.”

At that moment I felt as if I had been drowned. Who was she? Why was he telling her he didn’t know me? It seems everything about Cho Kyu Hyun left me with more and more questions. “Kyu Hyun! Don’t lie! You know who I am!” – He ignored me. “Yah! Listen to me!” I raised my voice and more people started to stare. I felt two hands rest lightly on my shoulders. “Leave it.” Zhou Mi whispered into my ear. But I shook him of. “Kyu Hyun! We have been so worried about you, Why haven’t you contacted us!? Huh? Tell Me!” Suddenly Zhou Mi took hold of me but with a greater force this time. He turned my body to the other direction and tried to lead me away. “Lets go.” He said. But as he pulled my arms I refused to move. He didn’t try too hard t move me, he was scared of hurting me. “Kyu Hyun!” I called. But he didn’t turn back, Then, I stopped struggling and Zhou Mi lead me out.

“Why?” I murmured as me and Zhou Mi walked away from the library. “I don’t know.” He replied, frowning. He was thinking about something. But I didn’t know what. I stopped walking. “Why is he always like this!?” I was staring into mid-air. Zhou Mi waved his hand in front of me. “Hey, are you ok?” – I bit my lip. But even that couldn’t stop me from crying. His eyes widened. “Kyung Mi! Please don’t cry! Please!” He glanced around almost everyone who past us stared. I just stood there crying. Panicking, Zhou Mi told the passers by. “It wasn’t me! I didn’t do this! It was some other guy!” He looked back at me. He placed his hands together in the prating position. “Kyung Mi, please. Let’s go. Kyung Mi!”

*** Zhou Mi’s point of view ***

Kyung Mi was so upset. But crying in the middle of the street!...That was embarrassing! I didn’t blame her, though. And the next time I saw Kyu Hyun he was going to get a piece of my mind! You don’t do this to your friends! Surely he'd know how she'd react! So far her life just seems to be getting worse and worse! It's so sad.  

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Yuriigeniee #1
This is such a nice story ! It makes me feel good to read it ! kekekeke~~
XdonghaeXloverX #2
I love this story so much !! ^0^
hehe cute ending ^^
Alzina #4
awww....cute!!! loved this!!!
I'm already loving this fic. HAHA!<br />
Update soon :D
Omg!<br />
I read this on quizilla!<br />