Chapter 7

False Hope

Author's POV

"Seriously Himchan? How can you not see this is it? We're done it's been two years. You can meet Haneul but that's it. ~~~ said. "Do you know how selfish you are right now?" "Can you understand that it's for the best? Your parents hate me but love Eunhee. How do you think they're going to react when they find out you knocked me up and now we have a 2 year old daughter?!" "We won't know unless we try! Just please believe me" "I've been believing, for the past two years that you were going to save me and that in the end, we would be together. But no. Nothing happened. I ended up more hurt than ever. Why can't you believe me this time? Why can't you just wake up and know that there is no more us?!" "Okay. In the beginning I developed some feelings for Eunhee but it still doesn't mean that I like her more. You are my first love and I want to be with you. How are you doing all this for me? I'm slowly breaking ~~~! Can YOU realize that?! Maybe you're the one that needs to face the fact that this is fate and that we should be together! Stop pushing away your feelings and face them. " By this time ~~~~ started crying and hugged him. She did it. She faced the fear of her feelings. Himchan was right. She just said BS to get over him. It never worked. You never forget your first love. "Now please, can I meet my Haneul?" He asked as he hugged her like no tomorrow. "I would be delighted. " ~~~~ laughed through her tears. They walked hand in hand back to the diner to see Haneul eating a sundae. "Haneul~ah Meet Himchan!" ~~~~ said as she slightly pushed Himchan forward for her to see him. "Umma who's this?" She asked. "He's.....he's your real Appa" Haneul paused for a moment and jumped into Himchan's arms. He hugged her tightly without a doubt. Finally, he got to meet his daughter. 

So it's been a week since they all reunited and today is where they tell Himchan's parents. Haneul does constantly ask for Himchan so they talk on the phone sometimes. Being winter, i slipped on Haneul's coat. I took a final glance at my daughter and smiled at her appearance. Someone doorbelled. I Opened it too see Himchan smiling like a madman. Haneul ran towards Himchan and happily held his hand. 

Your POV

"Don't be nervous. They've gotten nicer lately. "  I tried taking his word and shaking away my fears. I calmed down for a minute then returned to panic mode. We finally arrived at the restaurant, the feeling of anxiety raced through me. "Why is she here?" I hear Mr. Kim asked. Himchan spoke for me and told them the whole story. The couple looked at Haneul. "We'll isn't this perfect?" We were all puzzled for a moment. "Since Eunhee found out she isn't able to deliver a child, Himchan can just take full custody of Haneul." My world stopped. It felt like someone was choking me at that instant. "Mom are you serious? You're insane!" Himchan yelled. Thankfully, they've gotten a private room in the restaurant or else people would've called the police by now. I couldn't speak up. This was it. Everything did fail. "Well since we're all here, I can have my assistant bring over the custody papers. " Mr.Kim said. "Excuse me but, Haneul is my child and I know for sure I shouldn't be forced to give her away just because someone called it out even if it is just to her biological father. I won't agree to this. I'm not signing those papers. " I found the courage to tell them what's right but boy, did they look pissed.  I picked up Haneul and walked out. I'm fed up with their BS. They're too harmful for me to stay strong any longer. I'm sorry Kim Himchan. I rang up Hyerin who picked me up immediately. 

Himchan's POV

Right when I heard my mother say the craziest thing she thought of, I lost my sane. Is she seriously being this way?! Why can't she accept the fact that I love ~~~~? What's so hard about that?! ~~~~ constantly tries her best to win them over. Do they realize they're hurting her? Just by looking at ~~~~'s face she's broke down inside. This was enough for her. How could I be so stupid? I should've known they were going to do this. I hurt ~~~~ once again due to my foolishness. She's right maybe I do need to face reality. ~~~ walked out along with Haneul. I tried going after them but I knew that ~~~~ needs her space. I need to have a chat with my parents. 

Author's POV

Himchan decided to go to his parent's house to clear things up with them. "Why do you do this? Can you not see I'm miserable?" Himchan questioned. "We're doing whats best for you Himchan" "By what? Emotionally hurting me?"  "Can you just stop and take our word for it?" "No, I've done that all my life. Why can't you just trust me? You never have so I'm starting to think you never will." " Kim Himchan!" "What? It's true isn't it?" "The reason why we put you in this marriage and became distant with ~~~~ is because we thought it was the best for you but to see my own son unhappy hurts me." Well hearing that from Mrs. Kim was a shocker. "Do you know how hard ~~~ tries to win you over? Even though it pains her, she pulls through. Are now seeing what you're doing?! I don't care if you exclude out of the family or what, I'm divorcing Eunhee and that's it. " 

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Chapter 8: YES!! They're together!! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!
Chapter 8: daebak! i randomly search and suddenly found this story and I was like. Well, I from the beginning, it Kim Him Chan, not a fault if I take a look and suddenly I addict to this story.. Good Job Author...