Chapter 1

False Hope

Author's POV

"Oppa, you're so weird. " A young lady commented at the slightly older guy who was making weird faces as he finished up his calculus homework. "Yah ~~~~! Don't you have homework?" He asked in a playfully mean tone. "Ani~~ That's what happens when you're smart Kim HimChan~" ~~~ Sang. "It's weird having my girlfriend call me by my first name. " Himchan stated as he looked at ~~~. "We'll it's going to stay like that if you don't hurry up and finish that calculus homework!" ~~~~ sternly said pointing at his homework. "But I need motivation~ one kiss please" Himchan pouted and looked at ~~~ with his famous puppy eyes. "Fine just one but you better finish that up or I'm leaving." ~~~~ sighed giving in. Himchan smiled like a little boy in the candy store and happily finished his homework. "College is tough." Himchan sighed as he stood up to stretch. "Well it's getting late I should head home." ~~~ said also standing up. "Awww, why can't you spend that night?" He whined. "I don't know if you noticed Himchan but your parents seem to hate me lately. " ~~~~ replied grabbing her purse. Himchan didn't reply, but he walked her to her car. "Bye babe. I'll see you tomorrow! Drive safe!" Himchan said as ~~~~ made her way to the drivers side. "Wait!" ~~~ yelled causing her boyfriend to stop and turn around. "I love you." She replied before pecking his lips. "I lo-" Himchan managed to say before he was cut off. They both turned their heads to see Himchan's parents staring them down. "Himchan. Inside. Now. " His parents said. Of course, he had to obey. "Anneyeonghaseyo Mr. And Mrs. Kim" ~~~~ said bowing to them. They gave her a look and headed inside. ~~~~ never felt so embarrassed. She finally got into her car and made her way home. When she got home she checked her phone to see a message from Himchan. 


Good night Jagiya Saranghae!

From:Prince Pabo 

~~~~ smiled before falling into a deep slumber. 

"Rise and Shine ~~~!" ~~~'s umma yelled as she yanked her blinds open. "Morning Umma!" ~~~ said before skipping off to the rest room to get ready. Her and Himchan decided to have breakfast before his classes. Right before ~~~~~ was about to walk off, she gave her mother a hug and happily skipped to her car. Himchan walked into the cafe to see his girlfriend already sitting down,looking at the menu. "Hope you didn't wait to long." Himchan spoke up causing ~~~ to look up from her menu to see him smiling at her. "Aniya, I got here 5 minutes ago" she replied before kissing his cheek living a grin on his face. They ordered their food and in the amidst of eating,Himchan's parents called saying they needed him home. ~~~ hid her disappointment but Himchan saw right through it. "Hey babe, don't be sad. Okay? I promise we'll go on a date when were not busy. " He whispered staring into her eyes. She looked up and nodded giving a more soft look. Himchan gave her a kiss goodbye before heading off. ~~~ sighed and continued to eat on her own. After that lonely breakfast, she decided to head home and sleep. 

Himchan's POV 

"Aniya this can't be happening?!" Himchan yelled. "It's for the best Himchan, now stop being selfish and take your part in this family!" His dad angrily shouted. "Have you thought about how I felt?!" Himchan questioned. "We did and we highly believe you'll get over it" His mom replied somehow staying calm. "Are you forgetting I'm with ~~~~?!" Himchan roared. 

Woah there. Well hope you guys liked it! I apologize if it sounds like another person's fanfic. I don't mean to do so. 

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Chapter 8: YES!! They're together!! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!
Chapter 8: daebak! i randomly search and suddenly found this story and I was like. Well, I from the beginning, it Kim Him Chan, not a fault if I take a look and suddenly I addict to this story.. Good Job Author...