Meeting the boss

Lie to Me

You abruptly felt a hand hit your shoulder, suddenly swinging you around. Your eyes made contact with his and you realized that it was the manager that had been sitting in the middle, the cute one. He was breathing heavily after running after you, but managed to speak up.

“Ms. Jane, wait a minute. We weren’t finished with the interview.”

You looked at him with a confused expression. Hadn’t he heard you only five minutes ago when you had been putting down his company?

“There really isn’t a reason that I need to be interviewed any longer. From past experiences I have only been rejected for the more qualified person.” You said angrily, about to turn around and walk away once again.

“No- what I mean to say is that I wanted to hire you.”

“Sorry- what was that?” You asked in disbelief.

“I want to give you the job. Are you interested?” He asked skeptically, raising one of his perfect eyebrows. You liked this guy already.

“Well, let me see. OF COURSE I AM!” You said excitedly.

“Well then why don’t you follow me to my office and I can brief you on what your job will be?” He said.  

 You nodded happily and followed him to his office. Once you entered you almost gasped. It was surely the biggest office you had ever seen, which you found out was because he was department head from the sign on the door. He silently motioned for you to take a seat.

You both sat in silence so you decided to speak up.

“Excuse me but, what was the reason, sir? I know I have a nice appearance.” You said running your hand through your hair.

“Perhaps do I resemble your first love? If not, did you fall for me at first sight?”

He laughed heartily and you smiled back.

“I’m sorry but it’s neither.” He responded apologetically.

 “So I guess it wasn’t that.” You laughed.

“It’s because I couldn’t figure it out. Why was I picked?”

“Well, let me explain. The person who will be your boss in none other than, Department head Kim Jun Myeong.” Your eyes grew wide in shock.

“You mean the son of President Kim? The man who was just on the news for swindling money from other corporations?”

“Yes. He’s someone whom ordinary people find difficulty dealing with.”

“I’m pretty ordinary.”

“Yes, but you seem to have an iron fist. Just the type of person I need to keep him in place.”

Suddenly his phone began ringing.

“Just a second.” He said standing up and walking to his desk. He answered the call.

“Yes, President.”

“I heard you’ve picked my son’s secretary? Why did you pick that girl?”

“Because change was needed.”

“What change?”

“All those elite employees couldn’t handle him. Although this secretary lacks in her spaces, her mindset and will is much stronger than others. He needs a secretary like that.”

“Okay. Hang up now, I’m busy.”

He set down the phone and looked at you.

“Does that answer your question?”

“Yes. Thank you.” You smiled back.

After giving you instructions on how to get to Directors Kim’s office, you left the manager’s office only realizing now that you still didn’t know his name.

You walked solemnly through the building until you reached Director Kim’s door. You took in a deep breath, bracing yourself for a stuck up know-it-all that loved himself too much.

Holding up your fist, you knocked on the door quietly and heard someone inside signify your entry. You slowly grasped the door knob and opened it, stepping inside.

You saw a very large room, with a desk sitting in front of a large window straight ahead. A tall man sat in a chair behind the desk, and it was facing the window so you could only see the back of his head.

“So, I heard that you’re my new secretary? You know none of my secretaries have lasted more than two weeks.” He said eerily in a voice you thought you had heard before somewhere.

He turned towards you and your eyes flew open. It was him- the jerk from the elevator!

“So we meet again. I guess that fate is a strong happening.” He said, crossing his arms and standing up. He was tall, dark, and handsome. But you weren’t going to admit that. Almost immediately a scowl was planted on your face as he cockily walked towards you, and once he reached you only two inches separated you from him.

“So, why don’t I give you the run down on what it takes to be my secretary, beautiful?” He whispered, looking into your eyes, his breath smelled of spearmint.    



(A/N: Firstly, everyone go and check out the girl who did my graphics! She does all of mine, and she’s just amazing. Her shop is called, Moonchild Graphics)

He inched closer, and before the space between the two of you had closed you swiftly took a step back.

"Yes, we did have a, quite interesting encounter in the elevator, but let me formally introduce myself. My name is Jane Solis. And I'm your new secretary." You said keeping your distance.

Mr. Kim's eyebrow rose.

"Nice to meet you Miss. Solis. My name is Kim Jung Myeong. Since we're going to be spending almost every hour of the day together, just call me Suho." He smiled at you, taking a step closer.

Your scowl couldn't be hidden as you stared back at him. Now that he was so close to you, you were able to get a better look at him. He wore a crisp black suite, with a matching tie. You were five feet four inches, and he seemed to be six feet three inches (A/N: YES I am aware that Suho really isn’t this tall.)

He towered over you, and he seemed to like it that way. Although you had to look up to meet his eyes, you hid your embarrassment with an annoyed face.

You were still able to smell his minty fresh breath, even better from this distance.

His skin was flawless, and his arms were crossed, foot tapping the floor.

"Miss Solice, is there a reason you're staring at me? I know that I'm attractive, but you must hide your feelings during work." He stated with a swish of his hand.

You rolled your eyes indignantly.

"Trust me, there are no feelings I have towards you." You replied.

"Well then, starting on that note, why don't I give you the rundown?"

He walked back to his desk.

“The first change I think would be best that you make is that you should probably move your desk into here. There’s plenty of room, after all.”

“And why should I do that? Isn’t a secretary’s job to sit outside of their boss’s office to direct his employees?”

“Well yes, of course, but since you’re my personal secretary, you will be organizing my personal schedule. I don’t want to have to walk back and forth, that would be too tiresome. So starting from now, your first job is to move your desk in here. I’ll be back in an hour!” He said happily, and walked out of the room.

You moaned angrily. You guessed this guy already had a crush on you and wanted you to move in here to be closer to you.


Suho walked down the hall and reached the elevator. He smiled stupidly to himself.

What happened in my previous life that I got so lucky? She is so cute, after all. I’m a lucky guy.

Suddenly Suho spotted Kim Hyun Joong in the distance walking towards the elevator. Suho frantically pressed the ‘shut door’ button but just as the doors began to close, Hyun Joong stuck his arm inside. Suho groaned. His nemesis had just arrived.

“So, how do you like the new secretary I picked for you? She’s a cutie, right?” Hyun Joong said, glancing sideways at Suho.

“She’s alright. She looks a little bit frail for the job. You sure she’ll do well?” He replied.

“Yes, I’m sure she will. And, ‘Alright’? I thought she would be your type, but I guess not. Well I guess that I can call dibs on her then.”

Suho’s eyes shot open.

“No- what I meant was-“ He began, turning towards Hyun Joong. They both stared at each other and thought the same thing.

This is war.


You had just finished moving a heavy sofa to the other side of Suho’s office, and were now dragging your million ton desk into it as well.

Why couldn’t that jerk have helped me first? Aish.

You accidentally ran over your toe with the hard corner of the desk and howled in pain, clasping your mouth shut once you realized how loud it was. While your toe continued to throb, you finished moving your things into his office.




You collapsed in your chair out of exhaustion. Suddenly Suho re-entered the room and made you jump. You immediately stood up and straightened yourself out.

“So you finally got this desk in here? Took you long enough. Anyways, follow me. We’re going out to coffee. Usually I make the secretary buy me my coffee, but since you’re new, I’ll make an exception.”

You stood there, baffled. Why was he taking you out to coffee? You were almost positive that he had an ulterior motive.

He casually walked out of the room and you quickly followed him, grabbing your purse after you had almost forgotten it. You calmly walked behind him, following him like a lost puppy. Rolling your eyes, you ran to press the elevator button. The doors opened hesitantly, creaking as they did.

“What floor?” You squeaked. You had wanted the question to sound more assertive, but you began to grow more nervous as you made your way to the office cafeteria.

“First floor.” He replied nonchalantly, glancing at you from the side. You both entered. The doors of the elevator began to close slowly, and part of you wanted to jump out and not be stuck in here with this guy. You looked over at him. His eyebrows rose inch by inch as he waited for the doors to close. Finally once they did he abruptly turned to you.

Step by step, he advanced you like a dog wanting to pounce on a cat. With every step, you backed up, until you were up against the wall.

“Before you do anything, I should remind you that there are cameras in here.” You warned.

“I am well aware. But don’t worry- I’m only going to ask you a question.” He said, slamming his hands next your sides.

“Oh? Then I’m sure you can ask me in a more polite manner, one that doesn’t involve being so close to me.” You said gently ducking under his arms and retreating to the other side of the enclosed space. He smiled, turning on his heel.

“Very well. I want to ask you- what do you think of Kim Hyun Joong?” He stood and waited for your response, leaning in closer as he did.

“Sorry, but who are you talking about? I’ve never met anyone named Kim Hyun Joong.” You replied blatantly.

“Wait- what? No- you’ve met him. He was the guy who gave you this job.”

Oooh! You mean that really handsome man? Oh yes- I DO know him.” You giggled excitedly remembering the attractive guy. Then realizing what you had just said- outloud – you put on a straight face.

Suho’s eyes narrowed as he looked off into the distance. You gave him a weird look and scooted from his grasp once again. Once the doors rang you practically dived out of the elevator, making your way to the cafeteria.

Snapping out of his daze, he ran after you. Once he reached you, you turned towards him taking a good look.

Why did your boss have to be so attractive? You groaned sadly, and quickened your pace. 



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Chapter 3: Oooh lunch ;)
Now im hungry T-T
Thank you for updating ^^
Chapter 2: Wahh can't wait for another update! Amazing story!
Hi~ your request is ready to pick up! ^^
Ahhhh its Suho's pov sounds good...
Update soon...
ShineeBlack #5
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;