Chapter 6

A Stranger in My Own Home

I woke up at 7:30 and just stayed in bed. I had a really weird dream last night… I met Ukiss and we went to the zoo and I got to cuddle with a sloth! I smiled thinking of how soft and cuddly it was. I remember someone telling me they smell really bad but this one was sweet and it loved me so I don’t care! Haha. I picked up my phone to look at the time again. 7:35. I noticed the little text message icon at the top of my screen and figured that it was just Hannah since my family probably isn’t awake yet. I should have left a note or something… I’ll text Daddy later. I opened it but dropped my phone and my jaw immediately upon reading the name.

“From Eli

To Marlee

Good morning! I hope this doesn’t wake you up, but what time do you want us to pick you up?”

I… I guess the Ukiss part wasn’t a dream…

Sloth_hug_by_evil_goma.png (AN: I really did have a dream about hugging a sloth last night. SO CUTE!)

Shakily I typed my message and read over it several times to make sure I didn’t spell anything wrong. The last thing I want is for my bias to think I’m stupid.

“From Marlee

To Eli

Good morning! No, you didn’t wake me up, don’t worry. ^^ But anytime between 8:30 and 9 would be fine with me. Sound ok?”

I slid into my shower flip flops and grabbed everything I needed for my shower. I was about to walk out when my phone buzzed again. Uuuugh, Eli I need to get ready! I read it quickly so I could go take my shower.

“From Eli

To Marlee

Sounds great! ^^ See you soon!”

I rushed down to the shower room and set my shower caddy on the floor. Sharing 6 shower stalls with a whole floor of girls has broken my habit of taking long showers, but I don’t think I’ve ever rushed this fast. I dashed back to my room and opened up my closet. I took a deep breath to calm myself down because nothing’s worse than picking out an outfit in a hurry. I learned my lesson in elementary school when I forgot to change out of my pajama shirt. I spent a whole day at school in an embarrassing Pink Panther shirt…

winter-outfit-2.jpg(AN: ignore the scarf)

I got dressed and fixed my hair and makeup. I looked at my phone and it was 8:35. They should be here anytime now… I picked my phone back up and decided to text my dad letting him know I was ok and just couldn’t stay at home any longer. I felt bad for leaving without letting them know but if I told them I was leaving my mom would question me like she didn’t do anything wrong and my sister would insult me.

At 8:45 I decided to wait outside for them. I got on the elevator and pressed the back of my head against the wall and closed my eyes. I had to put on a smile for Ukiss. I couldn’t ruin their Christmas.

The doors open when I reached the lobby and as I stepped out I almost had a heart attack from Dongho’s surprise attack/hug. “NOOONAAAA!!!! Merry Christmas!” His accent is too cute!

“Oh! It’s just you. Haha Merry Christmas to you too Dongho!” I said as I returned his hug.

I looked up at the rest of them and said “Merry Christmas!”

(Hoon’s POV)

Of course our maknae can get away with that…

Marlee smiled at us and said “Merry Christmas!” I just smiled back at her while everyone else told her the same thing. Green looks good on her… Maybe it’s her hair. I had red hair once but it was nothing like hers… Mine came from a stupid bottle. We led Marlee back to the car and Soohyun opened the door to let her in first.

“Um, maybe I should drive since I know how to get there…” She said to Soohyun but then looked at Eli.

“Nooo!” Kevin whined and tugged on her sleeve. “Then we couldn’t talk! It’d be dangerous for us to have a conversation while you’re driving…” He stuck out his bottom lip hoping she would agree.

“Yeah, we can just punch the address into my GPS so you don’t have to keep telling me where to go…” Eli said and pulled the GPS up on his phone and handed it to her.

“Oh… well ok.” She said and handed Eli’s phone back to him when she got it set up.

Soohyun patted her back to let her know she can get in the van first. Then he walked to the passenger’s seat beside Eli. Dongho dashed in front of Kevin to be able to sit next to his noona. I rolled my eyes and sat in the back seat with AJ and Kiseop while Kevin sat on the other side of Dongho.

Noona, where are we going?” Dongho asked excitedly. I swear he was a puppy in a past life…

Marlee giggled at the maknae and said “Ice skating!I bet she practiced saying that before she left… That’s not really a part of basic conversation… At least she’s trying though. It's actually... kinda cute.

Everyone else in the van went “WAAAA! Really?” She nodded and smiled.

"What about the Christmas lights?" I said out of curiosity. The rest of the members looked at me surprised. I guess I forgot to tell them that part...

"Oh yeah! The lights will look better when it gets dark..." She said in English. So much for trying... She then looked at AJ who was next to me and asked him to translate.

(Eli's POV)

When we got to the rink, I parked and walked quickly to the other side to help Marlee out of the van. But when I got there Kevin and Dongho were doing just that. I sighed and we all walked into the building. I was surprised it wasn't that cold inside but Marlee was shivering. Of course it's cold to her. I took my scarf and put it around her neck. She looked up at me with a questioning face but then looked away smiling. I heard her say "Thanks." softly before she walked away. I smiled and followed her to rent our skates.

Most of us were wobbling and clutching to the walls of the rink but Marlee, Kiseop, and Kevin seemed to be naturals. Soohyun bravely pushed away from the wall and made it a few feet before falling on his . "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!" I couldn't contain my laughter anymore! My sides were starting to hurt and I wasn't sure if it was from laughing or standing in an awkward position so long.

"Ya! Don't laugh! You're the one stuck to the wall like a coward..." Marlee stuck her tongue out at me. I was completely shocked that she spoke to me like that, but I guess it's a good thing. She must be getting more comfortable around us.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you... You may fall and be stuck to the ice." I smirked at her and she stopped but then smirked back.

"I doubt I'm going to be the next one to fall..."

"Oh yeah?" I looked around but no one was near me to push me over.

"Yeah, just let go of the wall...." My eyes widened at her. She must be crazy to think I'm going to be doing that. No way am I going to fall on my like Soohyun and make a fool of myself in front of her... "Come ooon! ....Please Oppa?" She pouted at me. Oh no... Not the aegyo!

I slowly let go of the wall, keeping my head down in defeat. As soon as my fingertips left the safety of the cold stone wall... I fell on my , of course. I cursed under my breath but I heard Marlee's skates get closer. "Geez, Eli. I didn't really want you to fall..." She said as she helped me up and keep me there.

"So we're back to 'Eli' now?" I pouted at her the way she did to me before.

She scoffed a little bit. "You really want me to call you 'oppa'?" She looked at me amused.

"Well yeah. Why not? We're friends right?" I said as if it were obvious but I guess it wasn't to her considering her eyes bulging out of her head right now.

"Um... yeah. Ok, OPPA, I'll take you around the rink." She said smiling and dragging me along before I could say anything. Aish, this girl...


Author's Note:

I guess third time's the charm... because the first time I wrote this chapter I didn't like how I wrote it, the second one got erased, and now here we are... The stress of being an author... haha just kidding. It's not that bad. Anyways, I hope yall liked this! I don't know if I'll update tomorrow because I have to read this one book before my classes start in August... And I need to finish some online assignments. Why are they giving me so much work before I even get to college! D: ugh!

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<3 thekpopginger95

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IM BACK! After about a year (uni kept me busy) I'm finally back and ready to write!


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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 15: Dat cliffhanger o.O
Whimsical_Princess #2
Chapter 13: Omg I loved it dont worry I will wait for the update
Sorry my lovely readers for not updating in a long time! I'm in college now and things have been busy. Tomorrow is Labor Day so I will have some free time! I would update today but I'm hanging out with friends and there is a firework show tonight. If I don't update tomorrow, feel free to scold me because I really need to keep working on this fic! Haha!
Caitlin360 #4
Chapter 13: Dear Human Kind,

Please invent a word that properly encompasses the love I feel for this story.

Chapter 4: This is really cute so far!!! Keep up the great work, author-nim!! Hehehehe, jealous Eli is a good Eli. And Kevin is so precious!!!!! >w< but all my love goes to Hoon, my bias! Lol!