Chapter 2

A Stranger in My Own Home

I closed my suitcase and took a deep breath. I was going home today. Luckily it was my sister, Rachel, picking me up because I didn't feel like answering my mom's questions right now. I rolled my bag behind me and walked out to the parking garage. I looked around for that tiny silver car that's been in our family for much too long and surprisingly I saw my sister step out of an electric blue one instead.

" a new car?" I wasn't sure if she heard me but judging by that snarky look on her face, she did.

"Well, it's new to me. I got it just a few weeks ago. Nice huh?" She beamed as she rubbed an invisible speck of dirt off the bumper.

I nodded. "Yeah, but how did you get it? Don't you use all of your money on Fancy?" I knew my sister would take care of her dear horse before ever spoiling herself.

"Well, I saved up my money and Mama and Daddy chipped in..." ok, now she's just rubbing it in... My brother bought his own car with his own money and I just borrowed my mom's car on the off chance I ever went anywhere. My parents always told us if we wanted a car, we'd pay for it ourselves...

Without another word I threw my suitcase in the backseat and slid into the passenger's seat. When we started moving I turned the volume up on the radio. Of course we don't have kpop stations here, so I'll settle for country music. Anything to get rid of this unbearable silence. 30 minutes later we pulled into our driveway. "OOOWOWOW!!!" My puppy started howling and jumping around because he knew I was back. He's the only reason I felt sorry for getting a dorm instead of just living at home.

I got out of the car and went to pet him but Rosco had other plans. He jumped on me, knocking me down, and my face all over! He even nibble my nose a bit. "AHH! Rosco! STOP! HAHAHA!" He backed away and sat down still wagging his tail and watching me intensely. I kissed his head and got my suitcase.

I walked into the house and took in the scent of freshly made buscuits. I guess we were having breakfast for dinner tonight. "Marlee! Welcome home! I missed you!" my mom hugged me accidently dragging flour across the tiled floor. "Oh shoot. Marlee, I know you just got here but could you-" I cut her off saying "yeah, I got it, just let me put my bag upstairs."

I dashed up to my room and stared at my blank walls. They used to be covered with posters and pictures of kpop groups and places I wanted to visit in South Korea...


"Marlee! Take down those stupid pictures!" my sister whined.

I scrunched up my forehead. "Why? You don't have to look at them."

"Because it's weird having such girly guys on your wall! They're not handsome at all and I bet they sound just as bad too." My blood was boiling but I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of seeing me break down.

"Girls! What's going on??" my mom got between my sister and me. My dad stood outside of my room making sure things didn't get out of hand.

"Marlee keeps those pictures up of those stupid bands... Plus all those weird buildings are just... weird." Rachel crossed her arms.

My mom sighed and looked at me. "I think you should take them down. The tape will just ruin the paint on your walls." She walked away followed by my sister after giving me an evil smile. My dad let them pass and walked under the doorway. "You know... you could just change the tape. I'll get you some that won't hurt the walls when I get off work tomorrow." I smiled slightly as he shut the door behind him, leaving me alone in what I thought was my safe haven...

~end flashback~

I frowned a little bit but told myself I had to be strong. It's just a few weeks...

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IM BACK! After about a year (uni kept me busy) I'm finally back and ready to write!


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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 15: Dat cliffhanger o.O
Whimsical_Princess #2
Chapter 13: Omg I loved it dont worry I will wait for the update
Sorry my lovely readers for not updating in a long time! I'm in college now and things have been busy. Tomorrow is Labor Day so I will have some free time! I would update today but I'm hanging out with friends and there is a firework show tonight. If I don't update tomorrow, feel free to scold me because I really need to keep working on this fic! Haha!
Caitlin360 #4
Chapter 13: Dear Human Kind,

Please invent a word that properly encompasses the love I feel for this story.

Chapter 4: This is really cute so far!!! Keep up the great work, author-nim!! Hehehehe, jealous Eli is a good Eli. And Kevin is so precious!!!!! >w< but all my love goes to Hoon, my bias! Lol!