Chapter 10

A Stranger in My Own Home

(Eli’s POV)

When we got back to our hotel everyone sat in the living room to watch TV. On the way home my mind was racing, thinking of ways to spend more time with Marlee before we left. I decided I would try my best to fake being sick so I didn’t have to work tomorrow. In Korea you NEVER miss work so hopefully Soohyun hyung won’t be too strict. I dragged my feet toward my room when Kevin calls my attention.

Ya! You don’t want to watch TV with us? We never get to watch these shows back home…” Kevin pouted a little bit but I had to be strong and resist his cuteness.

No… I’m not feeling too good so I think I’m just gunna go to bed… Goodnight!” I turned my back and shuffled to the room I shared with Dongho. I heard whispers behind me so I hope they fell for it. I got into my pajamas and snuggled under the fluffy blanket. Hotels have to nicest beds…

Eli… Can we talk?” I rolled over and saw Hoon in the doorway. I nodded and he took a seat across from me on Dongho’s bed. He let out a deep breath and looked at me uncomfortably. “Eli… I’m sorry for what happened earlier. I didn’t want to fight, but… I just… don’t want Marlee to get hurt, you know? We’re leaving in 2 days and I know you know it’s very unlikely we will ever come back here. No one knows us… Will you forgive me?

I sat up during his little speech and ran my hand through my hair. “I forgive you. I was never really mad at you… I’m kinda disappointed in myself though. I don’t want Marlee to get hurt either, but I was selfish… I promise it won’t happen again.” I smiled sheepishly at him and he nodded. He got up and pat my shoulder before leaving. When Hoon’s footsteps faded away I flung backwards on the bed, hitting the back of my head on the bed frame. Oooow! Now I really won’t have to fake a headache… I held onto my head for a second and closed my eyes… But all I could see was Marlee. This is ridiculous… We can’t be together! We’re literally on opposite ends of the Earth… Maybe I should go to work tomorrow to get her off my mind…

~~~~in the morning~~~~

HYUNG! Get up already! I’ve been calling your name for 5 minutes!” I put a pillow over my trobbing head and ignored Dongho’s nagging. I heard him walk away so I relaxed and tried going back to sleep, but he only left to get back up.

“Eli! Please get up! You’re going to make us late.” Kevin sat next to me and took the pillow off my head.

“Keviiiiiiiin…. I feel worse than I did last night. Please let me stay here. We have more than one rapper for a reason… I promise I’ll make it up later, just let me rest.” My whine was muffled by the bed squishing my face but Kevin understood.

“Let me go talk to Soohyun…” He got up and closed the door behind him. A few minutes later I heard him come back so I pretended to be asleep. “Eli, Soohyun said- ….” Kevin saw that I was "asleep" so he just left. I guess they’re letting me stay. Thank you hyung!

I managed to fall back asleep because I honestly felt sick. I didn’t last night… but I guess this is what I get for trying to fool my friends. WHY?? I woke up around 9 and saw my phone blinking.

“To Eli

From Kevin

Feel better Eli! Drink plenty of liquids and get plenty of rest! ^^”

I was about to put my phone down when my hands started working on their own. I started typing a text but gained control of myself before pressing send. I deleted the text and decided to just call instead.

riiing… riiing- “Hello?”


“Eli? What’s wrong??”

“I’m sick… Come take care of meee!”

“What? Ok… um text me the address and I’ll be there as soon as I can. Just lay down until I get there, ok?”

“Okaaay… Bye!”

I hung up the phone and stared at it… What did I just do? Now she’s going to see me and think I’m all gross and unattractive! I- ….actually… maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe if I gross her out she won’t care about us leaving! I’m doing this for your own good Marlee!

I just stayed in my bed until I heard a knock. I didn’t even bother to brush my teeth or my hair before answering the door. I rubbed my eyes as Marlee walked in. “I brought you some soup. I got it from this local restaurant that’s really good. It’s chicken and rice! I also brought some of their bread if you can think you can keep it down… How are you feeling?” She touched my forehead and I flinched backwards.

“I have a really bad headache… And sometimes my vision gets a little blurry like when I first stand up.” I rubbed my head and looked toward the soup.

“Well your blurry vision is normal. It’s just the shift in your blood pressure that does that. You’re not dizzy now though, right?” She looked into my eyes, checking something I’m sure… Why does she know all of this medical stuff?

“No not right now… Let’s just sit down over there because that soup smells really good…” I pointed over to the couch and took the bag of food from her and set it on the coffee table. I took out the styrofoam bowl and took off the lid. Savory smelling steam lifted into my nostrils and I let out an “Ahhh…” I took a plastic spoon and held the bowl close to me as I began eating.

“Don’t eat so fast. You might throw up and waste that bowl of heaven…” She looked at me shaking her head probably thinking I should know better.

“So if my blurry vision is normal… why am I getting headaches? I’m sure that’s not normal.” I wanted to question her a little more since her previous answer seemed educated. I thought she wanted to be a teacher… not a doctor.

“Well it could be a number of things… Headaches are kinda hard to pinpoint… Stress, sleep deprivation, too much alcohol…” She leaned closer to me and I froze up. “…Or maybe you just hit your head because you have a huge knot on the back of your head! What happened??”

I started to thaw out and laughed nervously. “Oh yeah… I did hit my head before going to sleep last night… I guess I’m a little clumsy.” I rubbed the back of my head and there was a bump. It was still tender too.

“Well be more careful… You’re eyes look fine to me though so I’m sure you’re going to be fine. Just rest for the day…” She stood up but I caught her arm.

“Stay and keep me company.” She sat back down and I dug out the bread from the bag sitting on the coffee table. I tore one piece into two and handed one to Marlee. “This soup is really good by the way… mmm! And the bread is too.” I started stuffing my face again but Marlee rolled her eyes this time and got back up. I watched her to make sure she wasn’t leaving but she just walked into the kitchen. She came back with two bottles of water and sat one on the table while she drank the other.

“It’s still cold so let it get closer to room temperature before drinking it since you’re eating hot soup.”

I nodded and before taking another sip of the soup I asked, “How do you know so much about medical stuff?” Her eyebrows furrowed together but she just shook her head.

“I took anatomy classes in high school and stuff like that for my undergraduate studies… I’m not a doctor or anything but I wanted to know basic things so I could take care of someone when they needed me…” She looked up at me and smiled. I still need you…

“Well that’s good. I’m glad you were able to care for me.” I smiled back at her. I hope you still care- SHUT UP BRAIN! REMEMBER THE PLAN! She looked away and I started coughing. She scooted closer to pat my back but I just stood up and went to the bathroom. I closed the door and started making the most awful gag-worthy noises.

“Eli… Are you ok?” she knocked at the door.

“Yeah I’m fi- AHHAAUGH! ASDMVFOLASKERHFIZPWQG!” I started running the water and gargled some of it and spit it out with a loud “BLAAH!” I hope this is working.

“Eli… Let me in!” WHAT?

“Uhh- No… I think I’m going to throw up. Don’t come in!” I continued with those unbearable noises but she kept knocking. “Just *burp* wait in the living room.” I finally heard her walk away so I just sat on the bathroom floor for a few minutes. I got up and brushed my teeth because who wouldn’t do that after they puked their guts out? (AN: I’m seriously feeling sick just by writing this… ): ugh )

I walked out wiping my mouth and Marlee came up to me. “Eli, please just go lay down…” I nodded and she led me to the couch. I stretched across it leaving her no room to sit but she started looking around for something. She took the plastic bag the food came in and brought it to the kitchen. A minute later she came back with an empty bag. “I put the rest of the bread in the kitchen if you feel like eating something later. If you feel like you have to throw up again just use this bag so you don’t have to get up.”

I nodded and rested my head against one of the couch pillows. Marlee sat on the floor and leaned against the couch. I handed her the TV remote because she must be really bored and I also kinda miss some of my favorite shows too. “Do you need anything else? Oh! Let me get you a blanket and a better pillow. Which room is yours?” I was going to protest but she was already up.

“The first one on the right.” She nodded and zoomed into my room and back into the living room. She carefully lifted my head and replaced the hard couch pillow with a soft, fluffy hotel pillow. She unfolded a blanket and laid it across me making sure my feet were covered. “Thanks.” I said softly as she sat back down. She just smiled and turned the TV on.


Hello my lovely readers! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It's passed 3am here and I don't feel like re-reading this, so sorry for any stupid mistakes. Stop being silent readers! I was a silent reader for the longest time but I finally decided to make an account to tell one author how much I loved her story. And a big thank you to MusicLover14 (the same author that broke me of my silent reading ways) for giving me the idea of using Hoon as a main character. I know you didn't really say "hey, put Hoon in here" but what you said gave me that idea. I have NO idea where this fic would be without that thought. So thank you! :)

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<3 thekpopginger95

OH! And since it's passed midnight, Today is my brother's birthday! He turned 21 and he's going to Panama City Beach to celebrate... I'm really worried but he's an adult and can do as he pleases... I know I haven't really included him in the story but I might soon.

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IM BACK! After about a year (uni kept me busy) I'm finally back and ready to write!


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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 15: Dat cliffhanger o.O
Whimsical_Princess #2
Chapter 13: Omg I loved it dont worry I will wait for the update
Sorry my lovely readers for not updating in a long time! I'm in college now and things have been busy. Tomorrow is Labor Day so I will have some free time! I would update today but I'm hanging out with friends and there is a firework show tonight. If I don't update tomorrow, feel free to scold me because I really need to keep working on this fic! Haha!
Caitlin360 #4
Chapter 13: Dear Human Kind,

Please invent a word that properly encompasses the love I feel for this story.

Chapter 4: This is really cute so far!!! Keep up the great work, author-nim!! Hehehehe, jealous Eli is a good Eli. And Kevin is so precious!!!!! >w< but all my love goes to Hoon, my bias! Lol!