Chapter 5

A Stranger in My Own Home

(Marlee POV)

We pulled into the parking garage for my dorm and it was nearly empty. Kevin poked my arm, "Is everyone on break?" I nodded feeling ashamed to be here by myself. Eli stopped the van and went to grab my bag. We all got out and started walking towards my dorm.

"Why is Noona not with her family?" Dongho asked. Everyone stared at him and AJ hit his arm. I didn't fully understand what he said. All I got out of it was "why" and "Noona".

I turned around to face him. "um. Mianhae Dongho, but my Korean isn't that good. Can you repeat that?" Dongho opened his mouth to speak but AJ covered it and said "He said 'Why don't we take you out tomorrow?' It's Christmas and we should have some fun!" Kevin and Eli let out a breath they were holding in and Kiseop, Soohyun, and Hoon seemed to be relieved as well. Dongho scrunched his face up at AJ all confused.

I giggled at Dongho and said "I would love to! ...unless you already had plans, you don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine."

"Stop being so nice! Of course you can join us. Plus we need someone who knows the area to show us around." I turned back around and looked at Eli with a weird face. Am I annoying them by being too nice? 

"Well in that case, I know exactly where we need to go! But we need our rest so yall should probably start heading back. I'll be okay walking by myself since no one's even here." The hamster in my head kept running and coming up with more things for us to do.

"She's right. There's no sense in all of us going. Hoon, you're strong. Walk Marlee to her room to make sure she's safe." Kevin suggested and Hoon nodded in agreement. Eli started laughing nervously. "You ok?" Kevin questioned him.

"Well, what if someone jumps out and Hoon can't take him? Plus, he can't speak English. I think I'll go with them to be safe." Eli said really fast.

Kiseop smiled weirdly at him but said "Ok, you heard him. Let's go!" Everyone said their goodbyes and I continued walking with Eli and Hoon.

(Eli's POV)

Eli, you're losing it... Stop being so obvious!

Hoon held a door open for Marlee and I just dragged myself and her bag behind them. She pushed the elevator button and the doors opened. We walked in and she pressed the number 7. The doors closed and I had an idea. I pushed every single button and smiled innocently at them when they looked at me.

"It looks like a Christmas tree." Marlee and I said at the same time. We both looked at each other in shock. "You like Elf?" "Yeah!" We both said at the same time again. Hoon just laughed at us.

elf_elevator1.jpg (AN: of course a dorm hall wouldn't have this many floors but I like Elf)

During the extended trip upstairs, Marlee and I continued chatting about movies and quotes we liked. During a pause in the conversation she looked at Hoon and noticed how left out he seemed. "Hoon... Do you like Chirstmas lights?"

Hoon lifted his head. "Um, yes I do. Why?" She smiled and clapped excitedly.

"YAY! tomorrow... um, that's what we're going to do. Look at lights." She said trying her best to find the right words in Korean.

Hoon smiled. I knew he was hoping to see some since we don't go all out like America does for Christmas. It's actually more of a friend/couple thing than a family thing in Korea anyways. "Waa~ Cool!" Marlee smiled happy that she could make him happy.

The elevator doors open to the 7th floor and we sadly walk out of it. Marlee led us to her room and unlocked the door. She stepped in and set her purse and keys on her desk. She took the suitcase from me and noticed we were staring at something. She turned around and laughed awkwardly, "hahaha... I am a Kiss Me you know..." She had our posters on a section of her wall. Of course there were other bands like Super Junior, BAP, and 2ne1 but Ukiss had the most pictures.

"Yeah, we should've known. haha" I said.

"I look good in that one." Hoon pointed to a picture. I slapped his hand and shook my head.

"Um, so... should I give you my number so we can talk tomorrow?" Marlee asked in a soft voice.

I smiled and felt my blood rush to my cheeks. "Yeah, that sounds good." We exchanged numbers and said our goodbyes.

(Marlee's POV)

As soon as Hoon closed the door behind them, I got my phone back out to text Eli.

"From: Marlee

To: Eli

Hey! Text me when you get home so I know you're ok."

About 30 seconds later my phone buzzed and "Man Man Ha Ni" rang throughout the silent room.

"From: Eli

To: Marlee

Sure thing! ^^"

I decided not to text back until he was home since he's the one driving. I distracted myself with watching funny videos on YouTube. And about 10 minutes later I heard "Man Man Ha Ni" again.

"From: Eli

To: Marlee

We're safe and sound now! I had fun today and can't wait for tomorrow! ^^"

I smiled still in utter disbelief I'm texting THE Eli Kim right now...

"From: Marlee

To: Eli

Me too. Now get some rest! Goodnight! ^^"

"From: Eli

To: Marlee




Hey yall! This is probably the last chapter I'll write today. It's been easy writing this up till now. I have to think of where I want this to go. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it so far! Subscribe and comment!

<3 thekpopginger95

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IM BACK! After about a year (uni kept me busy) I'm finally back and ready to write!


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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 15: Dat cliffhanger o.O
Whimsical_Princess #2
Chapter 13: Omg I loved it dont worry I will wait for the update
Sorry my lovely readers for not updating in a long time! I'm in college now and things have been busy. Tomorrow is Labor Day so I will have some free time! I would update today but I'm hanging out with friends and there is a firework show tonight. If I don't update tomorrow, feel free to scold me because I really need to keep working on this fic! Haha!
Caitlin360 #4
Chapter 13: Dear Human Kind,

Please invent a word that properly encompasses the love I feel for this story.

Chapter 4: This is really cute so far!!! Keep up the great work, author-nim!! Hehehehe, jealous Eli is a good Eli. And Kevin is so precious!!!!! >w< but all my love goes to Hoon, my bias! Lol!