Chapter 3

A Stranger in My Own Home

It's finally Christmas Eve! The past few days weren't all that bad actually. No one asked about anything specific, just "How's your classes going?" to which I would respond with "fine." My dad got a promotion so we talked a lot about that and how Christmas should be better this year because of the extra money. But now I had more family coming over meaning there was a greater chance of me being embarassed.

We cleaned the house from top to bottom and cooked all day yesterday and this morning to prepare for their arrival. Rosco barked as the first car pull up. It was my grandparents.

"Merry Christmas!" my grandma chirped. She and my grandpa took off their jackets and hung them on the rack by our front door. We greeted them and led them to our living room so they could sit down. "Oh! I just love your Christmas tree! I wish our ceiling was as high as yours so we could get one like this!"

"That's one benefit of buying an old farmhouse..." my mom stated as she fixed one of her many Elvis Presley ornaments that has gotten out of place. Elvis is like second in line to Jesus in my family...

My aunts and cousins and their kids finally got here and I took a deep breath to prepare myself to chase around 3 balls of energy all day. You've never been tired in your life until you take care of some kids... That's one thing I do right. I know how to handle kids.

During dinner the conversation was nothing more than "This is so good! I need this recipe!" or "I wish we could get some snow... It never snows in Tennessee around Christmas time." but then I offered to get some more food to put on the table.

"Oh yes, Marlee, please do... you know I wish you would become a chef. You cook so well!" my aunt said.

I stopped in my tracks because I knew where this was going. "Marlee, what's wrong?" my mom asked me. I shook my head and went back to getting more food. I set it on the table and got back in my seat when I hear, "No, she should be a nurse! Remember when you were in the hospital? She took such good care of you!" My grandma said to my mom.

"Actually I think she would be better as a doctor. We already have a lawyer in the family so that'd be perfect!" My mom smiled at my cousin, the lawyer.

"Well I think that I should be a teacher... That's what I'm going to school for anyways..." I raised my voice but my last sentence was more of a mumble... I don't like causing trouble but it's not fair that they're telling me what to do with my life.

Everyone stared at me like I had 3 heads or something. But my mom just laughed, "Oh you don't want to be a teacher... You won't get paid well at all."

I was feeling a little brave at the moment so I looked her in the eye and calmly stated, "That's why I want to go to South Korea to teach... I still won't make a lot of money, but at least I'll be able to travel and experience something new and exciting."  I had my eyes locked on hers but she looked back at everyone else and laughed nervously and changed the subject.

Later that night once everyone was gone, my mom confronted me. "Don't you EVER embarass me like that again! You made me look so stupid and weak by the way you spoke to me! What good mom would let her child disrespect her like that? Huh?"

I frowned a little bit and looked down, "I wasn't trying to be disrespectful, I just wanted to make my point..." I was so fed up with those comments that I just had to say something. Maybe I did sound like I was challenging them a bit. "I'm sorry."

My mom just huffed, "I'm too tired to deal with this..." and stormed away.

I turned around and looked at my room again. I did a good job of keeping it clean now unlike when I lived here before. Coming back here was a mistake... I think I'll just go back to my dorm. I grabbed the few clothes that weren't already in my suitcase and packed them up. I called for a taxi since we don't have a bus system here and brought my stuff downstairs with me. I sat on the front porch and waited while petting Rosco. "I'm sorry honey bear, but I have to leave again..." He put his head in my lap and wimpered. "I know you don't want me to go but I have to." I saw the taxi pull up so I kissed his head and walked towards it.

"Where to?" the taxi driver asked. I hadn't really thought about where I wanted to go right this second but I knew what would make me feel better... "The art gallery on 6th street." He turned around in his seat and gave me a questioning look. "I know it's closed, but I work there. It's ok."

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IM BACK! After about a year (uni kept me busy) I'm finally back and ready to write!


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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 15: Dat cliffhanger o.O
Whimsical_Princess #2
Chapter 13: Omg I loved it dont worry I will wait for the update
Sorry my lovely readers for not updating in a long time! I'm in college now and things have been busy. Tomorrow is Labor Day so I will have some free time! I would update today but I'm hanging out with friends and there is a firework show tonight. If I don't update tomorrow, feel free to scold me because I really need to keep working on this fic! Haha!
Caitlin360 #4
Chapter 13: Dear Human Kind,

Please invent a word that properly encompasses the love I feel for this story.

Chapter 4: This is really cute so far!!! Keep up the great work, author-nim!! Hehehehe, jealous Eli is a good Eli. And Kevin is so precious!!!!! >w< but all my love goes to Hoon, my bias! Lol!