Fitting In

Lost Memories

It's rather overcast today, the ominous grey clouds promising anything from a light drizzle to a harsh storm. You can never know with these things. One day it might be light showers ever so often then just five minutes later you could be running through a heavy downpour of fat, painful drops pelting you in the face. Daehyun's never assumed what rainclouds could bring since he'd suffered through one of those days.

Wrapped in a precautionary jacket, Daehyun sits, legs spread out before him, in his place on the fountain, coin prepped in his right hand. Despite the weather there are still many people crisscrossing through the square, some he somewhat recognizes from his Sundays spent here, others he's never seen before or don't care to recall. He tends to people watch a lot. There isn't much else to do with just a coin at a fountain. The array of people never ceases to interest him. Old couples hobble long, arms lopped through one another's as they speak with the intimacy of the years and years they've spent together. The wild children tear across the square chasing, playing, and sometimes even fighting each other. Some scream at their parents for sweets, some walk quietly with their parents' hands in their little ones, some just look around keeping pace with their parents but with wide sparkling eyes as if this was a magical place they'd stumbled upon for the first time. Then there are the groups of friends, the animated pair of trouble makers, the happy couples giggling and clinging to each other comfortably, the lone wolf bobbing their head with earphones in both ears and dead to the rest of the world.

Daehyun wonders where he fit into this crowd before. Was he in the big, rambunctious group of friends? Was he messing around with Youngjae like he does now, just the two of them? Or was he the loner, the silent passerby absorbed in his own thoughts with music to drown out the rest of the world? Or could he have been the like the couples that pass him by? The happy image of him and the girl, the one he waits for, by his side and laughing with a carefree bliss that only they can share, that only they want to share with each other? Could he have been that fortunate before the accident? Is it possible that his luck happened to run out the moment his memory left him? Has it disappeared along with his memories?

Only time will tell.

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SuperLemonade_x #1
Chapter 1: poor daehyunnieee~ anyhow. awesome story! :D
Chapter 1: This is seriously, serious amazing! I love it so much......please write more!!!