
Fake Love at First Crash

=Janna POV=

*the next day*

I got up and rubbed my head. I swear I had the worst dream ever. In my dream, my family was on the verge of bankruptcy and I had to marry Richard to solve the problem. 

I checked my phone and I got a message from....Richard?! Oh no...

From: Richard

Um your mom called me last night, and she said I have to go over and talk to you about the engagement. I'll be there by 10?

NOOOOOO!!! It wasn't a dream??? 

Aisshhh, Janna you're losing your head! Ughh.

It was around 9, so I had an hour to make myself look presentable. I took a shower, put on some jeans and a shirt, then combed my hair. Who the hell cares how l look right now. 

*one hour later*

-knock knock-

R: Hey it's me, um can I come in?

Okay. Here we go. "Yeah sure."

C: Yeah I'll just head outside to the balcony and let you guys "talk", okay? 

R: *walks in*

C: *glares at Richard*

I whispered to Camille, "Calm yo titzz okay?"

C: Whatever. *heads to the balcony*

"Yeah um just uh sit right there." I said pointing to a chair near my bed. 

R: Okay uh thanks. *sits down*

I plopped down on my bed. "So.....this whole arranged marriage thing....."

R: Yeah um, I'm really sorry about what happened yesterday, it was------

"No, I should apologize for acting like such a bi*** yesterday. I didn't know what this was all about."

R: I understand. I mean with what happened between us.....

"Yeah let's um not bring that up, okay?" 

R: Look, I hate this whole engagement thing as much as you do, and it really won't get any better if we keep giving each other the cold shoulder. So can we just....I don't know...be friends? I mean...it's going to be easier that way.

"Um yeah I guess..It's not like I have  a choice right."

R: So...friends? *extends hand, smile*

"Yeah sure." I shook his hand and smiled back. Honestly I don't want to hate him my whole life. I'm not really that kind of girl. But that doesn't mean I have to love him again.

R: *sigh* If they weren't going to disown me, I guess I wouldn't have agreed to this. I care so much about this company. You understand, don't you?

"Yeah, of course." The company his family owned was started by his grandfather, who was very close to him. Before his grandfather passed away, he spoke to Richard and told him that one day, he MUST take care of the business and not let his hard work go to waste. 

R: Oh and um one more thing, you DO know that we have to go back to California in two days?

WHAT? Mom didn't tell me this. Well, you should've seen it coming you idiot, how are you guys going to plan your wedding anyway? "Um no, mom didn't tell me anything. But I'm guessing you have everything prepared, since you know about this?"

R: Yeah I'm going to pick up the tickets after this. I just need you to bring your passport. Our flight will be two days from now, at 8:30 AM. 

"Ugghh, morning flight? Really?"

R: Sorry but it was your mom who decided that. 

"Fine, whatever. Camille's coming too, right?" Please please please let her come along.

R: Yeah of course. We can't just leave her here. You're going to need someone with you, hm?

Actually, we CAN leave her here. Taemin's got it covered if I ask him to. But I need Camille with me, and I know she wouldn't let me our of her sight, especially when I'm with Richard. "Um yeah duhh. Haha."

R: Okay well I'm going to leave now, the tickets aren't going to mail themselves over. *gets up* Bye. *looks back* It was nice talking to you without you screaming at me. *smile*

"Haha yeah I kinda actually understand what's going on now. Bye." I closed the door and groaned. So. I'm leaving. YAY. Woot. Yippee. Tears started coming down my cheeks as I thought of leaving Jonghyun. 

He doesn't really love you, let it go, I reminded myself. He'll probably find someone else better than you in the future. Someone who's more perfect. Someone who could stand next to him and not feel overpowered. Someone who belonged to his side. Not like me. I'm the complete opppsite of all that.

You know what? I shouldn't be sad about leaving. I'm only here for a vacation; I'm gonna have to leave him anyway. I was just thinking....not like this. Not when I'm engaged to someone I don't love.

My thoughts were interrupted when Camille walked back in with a grin on her face. 

"What's up with you?" I asked, wiping my tears.

C: Oh, nothing much. *smiling sadistically*

That's a total lie. Who says 'nothing' and then grins like an idiot? Pssh. She is so dead when I find out what she's up to.


Author's Note:

Hello everyone! Another update for you ^^ 

Hope you enjoyed!

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vironica #1
this is realy cool i like jj character.. i'm jj bias but i'm not jealous i like his chemistry with j ;)
keke cool story! :)
Dear author, <br />
You lazy bum! You don't go on anymore!<br />
<br />
You're truly, <br />
You're damn co-author
hehe~ I look forward~ I shall go read the sequel~
ambzchan #5
update soon!
Cosette #6
oh my god gf stealing??!?!?! can be this next chapter a J&JJ chappie??<br />
<br />
ambzchan #7
update soon!!
Cosette #8
oh eemm geee... update!!!
I completely forgot about Sulli.
It's those cheesy punch linesss XDDD I love you Camille :b