
Thousand Paper Cranes


"Dongsaeng, Aeri is here!" Nabi's brother, Yong Junhyung yelled from the apartment's living room.
"Aish, really?" she yelled back, stuffing papers into her bag franticly. She pushed her blue bangs out of her eyes.
"Why would I lie?" Junhyung said, walking into her doorway. "Yes, she just pulled up." He leaned on the doorframe, watching his sister dash around the room. "I still can't believe it took you this long to finally let BEAST into your busy schedule. I would have thought we'd be at the top of your priority list." He smirked. "AND, we don't even get put first in the week when you finally DO let us in..." he pouted. "We're LAST."
Nabi giggled, finally ready. She kissed her brother on the cheek. "Oppa. It's BECAUSE you're my brother that you're not first," she said, giggling. "I need to put others first!"
Junhyung smiled, rolling his eyes dramatically. He opened the apartment door for his sister. "See you tonight!"
"Okay, oppa! Love you!" Nabi ran out the door to the car.
"Yah!" he yelled after her. Opening the door to the car, Nabi looked back. "Stay safe!" She laughed and climbed in the door, shutting it quickly.
"Hi, Aeri," Nabi said, pouting. "Sorry I'm late." Nabi buckled her seatbelt quickly as Aeri drove off.
"No worries, dongsaeng," she said smiling. She worried though. What would Mika think of her if she was late? She made a blowfish face just thinking about it.
Aeri slammed on the breaks, her eyes wide. "WHO'S THAT??!!"
Nabi shot forward, hitting her head on the dashboard. "Aiiiiisshhhhh......," she slowly sat up, rubbing her head. "It's my ringtone, unnieeee. Thats me." She pouted.
Sighing in relief, Aeri rubbed her dongsaeng's head. "Omo, I'm so sorry..." Aeri looked worriedly at Nabi as she answered her phone.
"Ah... Yobosayo?"
"Nabi?" a small voice asked.
"EunMi? Is that you, unnie?" Nabi rubbed her head gently.
"Yes, it's me," EunMi said. "Nabi.... I have a favor to ask. My grandmother just signed up for a yoga class for older people this time twice a week. And.... I have nowhere else to go. So, I was wondering..."
"If you can hang out with me?" Nabi finished, giggling. "Sure!"
EunMi sighed, relieved. "Thank you."
"Neh! But, you know I have work those days.... sooooo that means you'll have to come with Aeri and me!"
"Ah! No no no that's too much trouble for you!" EunMi said quickly.
Nabi tured to Aeri and said, "We need to pick up EunMi first, unnie! She's coming with us." Aeri nodded and turned the wheel, lightly pressing on the gas. "It's no trouble at all, it'll be fun!" Nabi said into the phone, smiling. EunMi never liked being in the way of things, and rarely went places with Nabi. Nabi's favorite hang out places usually included many of her friends, which EunMi disliked. She kept to herself most of the time, with her small nose in a book. 
"Ahhhh..... well.... I'll stay out of the way and read my book in the corner, okay?" 
"If that's what you want, Mimi," Nabi said, giggling. "We'll be there in a minute. See ya!"
"Thanks, Nabi. Bye!" EunMi said and hung up.
Ten minutes later, Nabi, Aeri, and EunMi stood staring up at the apartment building before them. Aeri noted it looked less lavish than T.O.P's apartment building, and perhaps a bit more welcoming. Her palms began to sweat as the walked through the front doors. Nabi poked Aeri's side.
"What's on your mind, unnie?" she giggled. "Or rather... [i]who's[/i] on your mind?"
EunMi was putting away her Nintendo DS in her bag. She pushed her glasses up casually scolded, "Dongsaeng, you shouldn't tease your unnie like that." Nabi giggled again and apologized quickly as she ran up to the elevator doors. She poked a button. Her eyes widened in interest as it lit blue. Nabi's unnies came up behind her and walked through the elevator doors as they opened. Nabi stared at the light, completely fascinated by the iridescent blue glow. 
"Yah, dongsaeng!" Aeri pulled her into the elevator just as the doors began to shut. 
Nabi blinked, her eyes wide. "It was blue." She grinned.
Aeri laughed nervously at her dongsaeng as her mind began to wander. The elevator began to move up. She'd be meeting Mika for the very first time! She hit her head gently, telling herself not to goof up in front of him. Her stomach churned as the elevator came to a halt. Aeri cleared gently, stepping onto the carpeted floors. Nabi jumped from the elevator and ran down the hall, searching for the room. EunMi held her book in front of her and silently followed closely behind Aeri. Unlike Nabi and Aeri, she didn't feel excited to see Dae Guk Nam Ah. EunMi didn't want to be noticed, she preferred to be out of the spotlight. Maybe if she stayed behind Aeri when they met the boys, no one would notice her. Looking up at her tall unnie, EunMi scrunched up her shoulders and held her book closely as she walked on, keeping her head down.
Nabi ran back and forth at the end of the hallway, examining room numbers. Aeri laughed, pointing to a door near the elevator. "Isn't that it?" she asked, giggling. Nabi ran up the hallway to the door and stared at the number. She binked.
"Ah.... yes it is," she said, blushing. "I was testing you!" Nabi rapped her knuckles on the door and took a step forwards. She peered into the peephole, without success at seeing inside. 
Nabi peered. EunMi hid. Aeri blushed. 
The door opened quickly, as a friendly boy opened the door. Nabi recognized him as Injoon.
"Yah! You're here, dongsaeng!" Injoon said, smiling. He looked behind Nabi at Aeri and the hiding EunMi. "These your friends?"
"Neh!" Nabi smiled, walking in after Injoon. They stopped in the living room, where four other boys sat. Aeri's eyes widened when her eyes met Mika's. His gray eyes looked at her curiously. He smiled. Nabi waved at the boys energetically. "Annyeong! I'm Nabi and I'll be your English tutor. These are my friends." Nabi gestured towards Aeri. "This is Aeri." Aeri smiled shyly and nodded. She avoided Mika's eyes. "She's my helper and she takes care of me while I work. And thi-" Nabi stopped, looking for EunMi. She spotted her and ran behind Aeri. Pulling EunMi out, she said, "And this is EunMi. She'll be with us because her grandmother is busy during this time." EunMi looked at the ground, blushing hotter than a thousand suns. All eyes moved to her as she timidly waved. 
Injoon smiled warmly and waved, "My name's Injoon!"
Mika pushed his black, jagged bangs away from his eyes. He pulled his eyes away from Aeri to nod at Nabi. "Call me Mika."
"Hyunmin," a short-haired boy said, slouching on the couch. He shifted his position awkwardly as he looked away.
A feminine looking boy jumped up from his spot on the ground and bowed 45 degrees. "Annyeong! I'm Karam!" he said. This was followed by silence. Karam swayed slightly, as if waiting for something. Suddenly, he turned around to the boy sitting behind him. EunMi's eyes widened when she first saw the bright, red-haired boy. His kind eyes, she realized, had been staring into hers. He was so preoccupied with her that he had subconsciously blocked out the world. "YAH!" Karam said, poking the boy.
"Oh! Sorry..." he said, scooting to the edge of the couch. He looked at Nabi and smiled. "I'm Jay." 
Nabi bounced slightly, smiling. "Nice to meet you all! I'm really excited about tutoring you guys. I brought some beginner books for you gu-" Nabi stopped, looking around. "Aish, I left them in the car!" she pouted. 
"I'll get them for you, dongsaeng!" Aeri offered, jumping at the chance to avoid Mika. She didn't want him to see her much today... she was too red and embarrassed. 
Nabi handed the boys an alphabet worksheet from her folder as she said, "Are you sure? The box is in the trunk... it's kinda heavy!"
Aeri nodded. Her eyes widened as Mika stood up and walked to her side. "I'll go with her and help." Aeri tilted her head slightly to look at him, her cheeks pink. His jawline was so sharp, yet smooth. Mika's shiny black earrings shone in the light behind his hair. He turned to meet her eyes. "Wouldn't want her to get hurt." Electric shivers ran down Aeri's spine and tickled her senses. She stared into his gray eyes, hers wide. 
Nabi giggled. "Go on! Hurry back, Mika. You have work to do!" Aeri's heart raced and her stomach swam as she followed Mika out the door. His slim figure made him look like he danced when he walked. His pale arm held the door open for Aeri above her head. She ducked under it, smiling and walked out the door. 
Elevators had never seemed more awkward before now. She stared, eyes wide at the elevator doors. Mika coughed, shuffling his feet. Aeri's heart fluttered as she caught him out of the corner of her eye sneaking a glance at her.  Mika grinned as he looked away. 
Outside, the two silently walked to Aeri's car. A little girl sat on the pavement in front of the building, playing on a blanket with her doll. She looked up as Mika and Aeri passed. The little girl giggled.
"You two are a cute couple!" she said happily, clutching her doll.
Aeri's eyes widened. She stole a glance at Mika. To her surprise, he too was blushing. Mika chuckled and bent down to the girl. "Ah, dongsaeng, we are not a couple." 
"Ohhh," the girl said, almost sadly. She blinked and looked at Aeri. "You are very pretty, unnie! Oppa should be your boyfriend." The girl giggled and picked up her blanket. Clutching her doll, she ran into the apartment. 
Aeri gaped after the girl, hot with embarrasment. She avoided Mika's warm, intense gaze as his smiling eyes fell over her. He chuckled quietly as the two walked to the car to complete their task. He knew the truth in the girl's words. Aeri [i]was[/i] very pretty.
Back in the apartment, EunMi was busily burying her nose into a thick book. For probably the first time, she was having difficulties concentrating on her book. She kept peeking up from her book to steal a glance at a certain red haired boy. She blinked through her glasses, spacing out as she peered at him shyly. There was something about his manner that attracted her. His kind face, his bold hair... 
"Everything okay?" someone asked. EunMi jumped slightly, focusing on reality. She looked around for the one who had spoken. Her eyes rested on Jay again, who was looking at her awkwardly. In shock, she realized it was him who had asked. He had caught her staring. 
"Oh! Urmm..." she blushed heavily, trying to curl up smaller. She wanted desperately to shrink to bug size and hide behind her large glasses. "Neh," she quickly said. Simple answer enough? Perhaps he wouldn't think much of it?
Jay smiled a little, making EunMi's stomach flutter. "All right..." She noticed his eyes lingered on hers slightly before returning to his work. He continued to smile happily, lost in thought and contemplation. 
EunMi moved her eyes from him. Flustered, she scolded herself. She was far to busy to be attracted to anyone at the moment. 
Nabi leaned over Injoon's work, attempting to explain the difference between the sounds of "A" and "E". Just then, the apartment door opened, and a red Aeri shuffled in, followed by Mika. Mika carried the box filled with books. Aeri pouted. "Mika wouldn't let me carry it." She stuck her bottom lip out.
MIka grinned, setting the box down. "Too heavy for a delicate thing like you," he muttered to himself, almost completely silently.
Nabi held back a giggle as she winked at Aeri. Aeri's face reddened in a mixture of rage and embarrassment as she stomped her foot, sticking her tongue out. EunMi smiled from behind her book. She stole a peek at Jay. He had similar thoughts. Blushing, the two tore their eyes form one another and broke their eye contact. EunMi's face? The color of Jay's hair. 
Now Playing On EunMi's iPod
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Love you all <3
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he call Kikwang a creature!! hahahahahahaha<br />
awwww he's hurt by their dating!! :(<br />
dont do anything stupid TOP no dont do it!!!!<br />
update soon please
awwwww...sooo cute!@!!<br />
Kikwang ask her out!!!<br />
but then she was starting to like TOP!<br />
awwww Eun Mi fainted because of Jay!<br />
update soon please
hahahahahahah an angel! wow! she saw him as an angel!! lol..<br />
ahahahaha a very over protected brother!!!<br />
update soon please
awwwwwww.....<br />
update soon please
hihi update when you can, unnie! :D
awwwww....<3 the story line!!!<br />
i have a fanfic title 1000 Paper cranes<br />
lol..hope u update soon :)
Sound interesting^^ *subsribed*