Oh! My Goddess

Thousand Paper Cranes


She was warm. Oh so warm. Nuzzled in between a cloud and a blanket of sunshine, she slept in utter ecstasy. Not a care in the world. Rays of blanket wrapped around her body like an angel's protecting wings. A corner of sunshine hid , poking at her nose. Her head rested in the gentleness of air itself. 
A ring sounded nearby. She muttered thoughtlessly, her eyes fluttering open. A black haired angel sat in the corner of the patch of sky, one leg slung over the other. He quickly stood on air, tossing the book in his hands soundlessly to the fluff of cloud. Nabi stared at the angel in confusion as she tried to push the sleep from her mind. 
"Shhh...," the angel whispered deeply. His words calmed her, relaxed her, warmed her body. "...sleep." A luminous hand pulled up her sunshine blanket. His hand lingered over her face gently, her cheek and warming it like fire. The angel's dark eyes stared kindly into hers. Still looking on at her, he picked up an object that looked suspiciously like Nabi's cell phone. As her heavy eyes fell into the warmth of his, her eyelids melted shut and her heart gave in as it rested. Thoughts penetrated through the membrane of her subconcious, leaving like spirits in the night as sleep overtook her body.
She slept.
A lifetime passed. Nabi awoke to thunderous voices echoing through the sky like a storm. She her back, muttering nonsense once again. Nabi recognized the abysmal, humming voice of the black haired angel. His voice battled another's, whose seemed oddly familiar. Almost as if she had heard the voice her whole life... Nabi couldn't decide whose voice sounded more protective, more concerned. Sleep overcame her once again.
Nabi's pupils constricred as afternoon sunshine welcomed her to reality. She blinked, smiling into the sun. Today she would tutor Beast! Yes. She nodded to herself happily. Today would be good. Nabi yawned and stretched, just having woken up. She cocked her head, looking around. Did she sleep on the couch last night? Why not her bed? She knit her eyebrows, trying to remember the night before.
Her thoughts were interrupted.
Seunghyun strolled into the room casually, a towel wrapped around his waist. Humidity loomed in the air around him. His wet, honey skin contrasted against the black, modern decor. He shook his wet hair, running his fingers through the lovely black mess. Droplets of water sizzled as they met Nabi's neck. Slight muscle lines ran up his body modestly and water trickled gracefully down the concaves. A white robe was slung across his arm.
"I see you're awake now," he said smoothly, wiping the drops of water from her neck with his thumb. Nabi gasped, shocked. She had slept in Seunghyun's apartment? When did this happen? Seunghyun turned his back towards her, strolling towards the window. He stared out. "Your brother called this morning. He worries too much," Seunghyun muttered. He tugged slightly at the towel around his waist as he stepped behind a room divider. Nabi's eyes widened as she saw the towel fall to the floor, the end peeking from behind the divider. He stepped out, the robe tied securely around his body. "I told him to let you sleep but he went and came here anyway. Demanded to take you home." Nabi stuttered, trying to get her bearings. Seunghyun cursed lightly under his breath. "I told him I'd take you to the studio when you woke up on your own time." He looked Nabi over worriedly, his eyebrows slanting. "I kept you up late last night. You need rest." 
Nabi's mouth dropped. "Y-yyou kept me up late?? WHAT DID WE DO??" 
Seunghyun laughed. "English... relax."
Nabi looked around nervously. "I barely even remember coming... it must have been late."
"You fell asleep around 2:30," he said, cupping her chin in his moist hand. He looked her over again, studying her eyes. "Are you feeling okay?" 
Nabi's face burned hot. "Y-yes... I'm fine." 
"Sit up."
She pouted slightly, raising herself on the couch. Seunghyun walked into the kitchen. Nabi looked around, slowly recalling the previous night's events. He returned a minute earlier, holding a tall glass of milk and an apple. Sitting on the edge of the couch next to her, he set the fruit on the blanket in her lap. Carefully, he brought the glass to her lips. She gingerly sipped the milk slowly. His other hand found hers and brought it to the glass, letting go as she drank the milk on her own. 
"You need to learn to take care of yourself," Seunghyun criticized, taking the empty glass from her hand. "It's not safe to go to a man's house that late at night. I hope you don't do that often," he muttered, taking the apple from her lap. Nabi began to protest angrily, but stopped when the apple was shoved in . "Eat. We need to leave soon." Seunghyun stood, looking somewhat cross. He muttered something about her well-being as he marched off to change. 
Nabi munched at the red apple thoughtfully, her brows knit together in contemplative confusion. She didn't know what to make of this event. She couldn't [i]possibly[/i] be falling for him. It simply couldn't happen. She almost laughed to herself. And why would he like her? Ha! Just the thought. Nabi smiled, the juice that oozed from the fruit off her upper lip. She kicked the covers off her legs with difficulty and swung them to the floor. 
"Yah, put this on," Seunghyun demanded, tossing her a bundle of clothes. He walked towards the door quickly, his head held high as he avoided her eyes. "I'll bring my car to the front of the building. Come down when you're done." He shut the door forcefully behind him. 
Nabi blinked, quite confused. She stared at the door. Males made no sense. One minute they're feeding you and the next they're slamming the door on you. She sighed and began changing. 
Seunghyun sat in his car, the back of his head leaning against the head rest. He gazed through his sunglasses blankly at nothing in particular. His head turned as he heard a small squeak. Nabi sat on the ground, her knees bent in awkward ways. She stood, having tripped, and gripped her belt loops on either side, holding Seunghyun's long pants up. A red hoodie swallowed her upper body. He couldn't help but chuckle at Nabi in his clothing, which he knew were probably about four sizes too big for her. She waddled helplessly across the sidewalk, attempting to hold her clothing up.
"And you had NO smaller sizes than this," Nabi repeated slowly from the seat next to him. 
Seunghyun turned the steering wheel, grinding his teeth. "I've told you six times."  Nabi pouted, turning her head out the window. Seunghyun pulled the car to a slow stop in front of Beast's studio. Nabi gulped as she took in Junhyung standing in front of the door, arms crossed. He glared into the driver's seat. 
Seunghyun cursed quietly. "What's HIS problem?"
Nabi shrugged cautiously, her eyes wide. "T-Thanks for the ride... you better stay here. I'll see you tomo-" she stopped abruptly as she noticed Junhyung walking over to the car, anger clearly written on his face.
Seunghyun's face contorted in annoyance. His authoritative voice calmly whisered, "No.. you stay here."  He opened his car door, slamming it shut, walking straight up to Junhyung, his fists clenched.
Now Playing on Seunghyun's iPod
waaaaaaaaaaaah im sorry another TOP one /shot dead
i promise the next one will not focus around TOP lol!
hmmm this doesnt make much sense... i hope you get it > <
thanks to kipalang (kip <3) for helping the concept of this one! ;)
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he call Kikwang a creature!! hahahahahahaha<br />
awwww he's hurt by their dating!! :(<br />
dont do anything stupid TOP no dont do it!!!!<br />
update soon please
awwwww...sooo cute!@!!<br />
Kikwang ask her out!!!<br />
but then she was starting to like TOP!<br />
awwww Eun Mi fainted because of Jay!<br />
update soon please
hahahahahahah an angel! wow! she saw him as an angel!! lol..<br />
ahahahaha a very over protected brother!!!<br />
update soon please
awwwwwww.....<br />
update soon please
hihi update when you can, unnie! :D
awwwww....<3 the story line!!!<br />
i have a fanfic title 1000 Paper cranes<br />
lol..hope u update soon :)
Sound interesting^^ *subsribed*