Here Comes the Sun

Thousand Paper Cranes

Nabi couldn’t hold back her gasp. Kikwang… he… he likes me? Never had Nabi had a kiss, a boyfriend, a significant other. Her mind battled thoughts coming from multiple directions. She stared, shocked into his lovely dark, dark brown eyes that smiled kindly at her. Patiently. Nabi had always denied her feelings for Kikwang since the moment they met. She wasn’t ready for a relationship at the time… Am I ready now…? she wondered. Nabi shut her eyes tight, trying to push away the headache she was getting. She bit her bottom lip, thinking. What about Seunghyun? Her headache pounded harder. He loves another girl… Nabi pressed her temples as the monster in her head ripped at her brain and skull. Is he making me sick like this?? Her brother didn’t like Seunghyun; he wanted Nabi to stay away from him. Nabi always listened to her brother; he knew best. Does he still know best? Does he understand how I feel about Seunghyun? Nabi's shoulders fell. She knew what she had to do. 

Nabi opened her eyes. She sighed sadly and began to whisper, “Kikwang….” 

The whirring put-put-puttering of an electric scooter interrupted her thoughts. Nabi looked up to see EunMi riding on her pale pink motor scooter, turning around the corner. Kikwang’s eyes followed Nabi sadly as she stood. Nabi was grateful for the timing. Her hands shook as EunMi stopped her scooter gently in front of Nabi. Both girls’ faces flushed bright pink.

“Nabi you are a mean dongsaeng,” EunMi said, her ears pink. Nabi couldn’t tell if she was serious or not.

“Unnie… I’m… I’m sorry I didn’t realize it was so much trouble for you,” Nabi said quietly. Her shoulders slumped. Kikwang stood next to her, slipping his arm smoothly around her waist. Nabi pinked deeper as her eyes widened. She tried not to look at him.

EunMi didn’t seem to notice. “Ah dongsaeng I am not mad… It’s just that it’s Jay and well….,” she began. EunMi’s eyes widened slightly as she realized what she was saying. She pushed her glasses up and fidgeted with them nervously. “Well I mean my grandmother needed me today to buy her.... uh… foot cream. Yes! Foot cream!” she exclaimed, tugging at the glasses again. Nabi smiled quietly. EunMi had a very noticeable habit of messing with her glasses while lying. As if it wasn’t obvious already. Nabi had never seen her this talkative… and foot cream?

“Oh, I’m sorry! Please apologize to your grandmother for me,” Nabi said, bowing 45 degrees. Kikwang’s hand fell from her waist. 

EunMi blushed, pushing her glassing firmly against her nose. “No worries,” she said quickly. She straightened her back on the scooter and gripped the bar with one hand. She extended the other towards Nabi gracefully. “The homework?”


Nabi sighed, watching EunMi’s scooter fade off into the distance as it rounded the corner. Kikwang’s warm hand slid smoothly onto her waist once more. His thumb rubbed her waist gently. Nabi turned her head back towards him. His eyes were sad. Hope squeezed out. His happy smile had left his face. Worry painted it. 

“N-nabi?” he whispered.

Nabi turned her body towards his. Her eyes slowly found his. He bit his lip. She smiled. “Of course I’ll let you.”

His face erupted into smiles so bright Nabi thought someone had given him a bite of sunshine when she wasn’t looking. “Really??” Nabi smiled happily and nodded her head. Kikwang grasped both her hands and brought them to his lips, kissing them. “Oh thank you, thank you!” he said, resting her hands against his cheek. Nabi blushed madly as she looked up at him, laughing. 

The two became silent, smiling at one another. Kikwang took a step closer, letting Nabi’s hands fall softly to her sides. He gently slipped his arms around her shoulders, hugging her silently. Eventually, he whispered, “Since we met…. I’ve… I’ve always liked you. I’ve wanted you to be mine. But I was too shy to say anything until… until I saw you again.” He kissed her head softly, his eyes shut. He rested his cheek against her head again. “And when I saw you again… I knew I had to have you,” he said quietly. Kikwang smiled, holding his treasure close. The wind bent around them as it breezed by. 


EunMi stared at the ground. Her fingers were white from clutching onto Jay’s homework. She had been standing at the door to his apartment for nearly three and a half minutes. Her eyes shot up shakily to the door. Her left eye twitched as she stared it. In the books she read, knocking on doors sometimes summoned ghosts, vampires, or cannibals. EunMi knew what lay inside this door. She knew it was not a ghost. She knew it was not a vampire. She hoped Jay wasn’t a cannibal… but it wasn’t likely. She raised a shaky, loose fist to the door. Her wide eyes focused on the door.

It opened.

“Annyeong EunMi!” Jay said, smiling. 

EunMi fainted.


Kikwang smoothed his girlfriend’s blue hair. He ran it through his fingers. He pushed it from her eyes. He twirled it in his fingers. Nabi smiled up and him and he smiled down at her. His arms held her securely, safely. He leaned closer. His nose touched hers. Nabi smiled silently into his face. His lips pressed gently against her cheek. His sweet breath tickled her face. She felt as if sunshine warmed her body, from her cheek outward. He pulled away, smiling shyly. Suddenly his smile faded.

“There’s just one thing…” Kikwang began slowly. He let his hands drop to Nabi’s hips. He held her cautiously, a little closer than arm’s length. “Let me go with you tomorrow."

Nabi's eyes widened. Tomorrow she was tutoring Seunghyun.


Now Playing on Nabi's iPod

"Here Comes the Sun" by The Beatles


oh dear, my chapters are getting shorter and shorter :(
WOO quick update though! bwahaha x3
omo!! EunMi fainted!! what will jay do?
and kikwang coming with nabi to see seunghyun tomorrow? what will happen?
and thank you all for the lovely comments :) 

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he call Kikwang a creature!! hahahahahahaha<br />
awwww he's hurt by their dating!! :(<br />
dont do anything stupid TOP no dont do it!!!!<br />
update soon please
awwwww...sooo cute!@!!<br />
Kikwang ask her out!!!<br />
but then she was starting to like TOP!<br />
awwww Eun Mi fainted because of Jay!<br />
update soon please
hahahahahahah an angel! wow! she saw him as an angel!! lol..<br />
ahahahaha a very over protected brother!!!<br />
update soon please
awwwwwww.....<br />
update soon please
hihi update when you can, unnie! :D
awwwww....<3 the story line!!!<br />
i have a fanfic title 1000 Paper cranes<br />
lol..hope u update soon :)
Sound interesting^^ *subsribed*