
Thousand Paper Cranes

Aeri slowed the car down and carefully pulled next to the curb. She looked out the window at the lavish apartment building. Her eyes drifted to the seat next to her at the sleeping Nabi. Aeri smiled. Her dongsaeng was a renowned English tutor and Aeri was her unofficial babysitter. Well-known kpop groups, actors, and TV hosts battled over Nabi's time. She only excepted 3 groups per year session, and Aeri was there for everyone of them. Except this one. She sighed nervously. Nabi had barely turned 19, the legal adult age in Korea. She was still young in both body and mentality. Aeri had been going with Nabi since the beginning of her career to take care of her and occasionally help out with her work. She frowned. Her piano teacher had a packed week and simply was NOT available any other time except for this particular tutoring session. Nabi would be going in alone. Why did this one time worry her more than others? It was T.O.P. Sure some people saw nothing wrong with him, but Aeri worried. His provocative lyrics and music videos, along with his charismatic and ually tempting personality was no atmosphere she wanted her young dongsaeng around. 

She poked Nabi in the ribs. 
"WAAAAH!" Nabi jumped, hitting her head on the window. 
Aeri reached over and held Nabi's head worriedly. "Omo, you okay??"
"No, I think I've messed up my brain!" Nabi laughed, crossing her eyes. She rubbed her head as Aeri stared at her. "Yah, just joking, unnie! Don't be mad." She pouted sadly.
Aeri smiled and ruffled her dongsaeng's short blue hair. "Aww, I'm not mad. You just scared me... Speaking of being scared, how are you?" She reached in the back seat and handed Nabi her bag. 
"I'm fine, unnie. Why?" She took her bag and shuffled her papers around inside.
"Well..." Aeri blinked. "It IS T.O.P., after all."
Nabi looked up. "...and? Something wrong?" She cocked her head.
"Have you seen his music videos? Listened to his songs? And what about his intimidating eyebrows?" Aeri shuddered. "It's hard to see you teaching him. He's so tall and scary and erted and-"
"Unnie," Nabi cut her off, closing her bag quietly. "I'll be okay. It's best that I don't judge him. I haven't even met him yet. After all, when I step into that apartment, I'm his seonsaeng-nim (teacher). I have the authority."
Aeri sighed and gripped the wheel. "Be safe, dongsaeng." 
Nabi smiled and nodded. She opened the car door and hopped out. "Bye, unnie! Don't forget tomorrow you're taking me to Dae Guk Nam Ah!" she yelled excitedly and slammed the car door shut. 
Aeri blushed furiously as she stuttered out, "YAH! Don't YOU forget I'm picking you up when you're done!" She sank back down in her seat as Nabi skipped into the building. Aeri had always had a crush on Mika from Dae Guk Nam Ah. Nabi's favorite past time happened to be teasing her about it. Then again, she teased everyone with a crush....
Nabi stared at the scribbled number on her piece of torn notebook paper. She looked up and stared at the room number on the door. She gulped. Only now did she feel any sense of fear. Nabi stared blankly, not sure why she was suddenly so nervous. She raised her clenched hand and prepared to knock. Nabi closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
"Yah, come in," a deep voice said. 
Time froze.
His bass voice slowed in the passage of time and Nabi's ears swam in the deep abyss of the beautifully melodic sound. Her ears and insides felt warm and yet oddly tense. The voice tugged at her heart and it wanted to break and mold into the sound itself.
Nabi blinked her eyes open. T.O.P stood in the doorway grudgingly. He was leaning against the door frame staring at her, his intense eyes boring into hers. His thick eyebrows slanted downwards.
"Uh..." Nabi gaped. "...T.O.P?" 
He rolled his eyes and walked inside, motioning her to follow. "Obviously. But call me Seunghyun," he said, annoyed. His voice sounded more frighteningly melodic than beautiful once she realized his attitude. Nabi looked at the door frame awkwardly, then the floor. She carefully poked her foot inside and tip-toed in. Seunghyun slumped down on his black leather couch and slung his socked feet onto the table. "You seongsaeng-nim?" He asked, smirking. He looked her up and down, slowly. His eye lingered on her modest curves. He looked at her blue hair and smirked agian. 
Nabi didn't like how the title sounded coming from an oppa. She didn't like his attitude either. Glaring at him she said, "Yes, [i]Seunghyun[/i]. But call me Nabi." She put her hands on her hips. Seunghyun grinned pettily as someone coughed from her right. Nabi's head swirled to the right as she noticed Seunghyun's manager sitting in the kitchen. He sipped a Starbuck's coffee and flipped through a newspaper. He looked up and nodded at Nabi. Almost threateningly. 
Seunghyun chuckled deeply. Nabi detected a spicy hint of hatred. "[i]Manager[/i] hyung is MAKING me learn English, you see. But..." he trailed off and sat up. Seunghyun leaned forward, resting his arms on his knees. "...know your place. You're as replaceable as the lucky girl who slept with me last night." Nabi stared at him, disgusted. "Please, sit," Seunghyun said, motioning to a chair behind her. 
Nabi fumed. "As long as I'm your teacher you owe me respect. I'll teach you by my own methods and I WILL NOT submit to yo-your..." she stuttered, looking for the right word. "...BULLYING."  She emitted an angry sound and sat on the table in front of the couch, legs crossed. Seunghyun stared at her a minute, a mixture of shock an anger. A third party won out as he eventually chuckled at her. Nabi crossed her arms. "Don't laugh, it's not funny," she pouted, digging through her bag. "Do you know the English alphabet?" she asked, changing the subject. Seunghyun shook his head, still somewhat annoyed. He adjusted himself on the couch as Nabi handed him a worksheet with the alphabet written in black and gray letters. "Copy the black letters into the gray ones." She scooted herself cautiously onto the couch, a foot away from Seunghyun. She kept her distance, holding out a pencil and tracing over a gray "A". "See?" she said quietly. "As you trace, we'll say the letter together, all right?" Seunghyun sighed and looked up at his manager hyung. He glared at Seunghyun who rolled his eyes and began to stare out the window. "YAH! Pay attention!" Nabi said, hitting the paper in front of him with her pencil. 
Seunghyun glared at her and focused his attention on the paper. "What do I do again?" 
Nabi sighed.
Now Playing on Nabi's iPod
waaaaah my first ongoing fanfic i'm writing by myself. AND. my first 3rd person POV. > < scawwwwy... :( please let me know what you think! comments greatly appreciated, and so is promotion! ;) if you have constructive criticism, please PM me. <333
also, every update i'm going to include a "now playing on xxxxx's ipod:". it'll reflect what that person is feeling or the overall mood/point of the update. and the chapter will be titled whatever that song is. you don't have to listen to it, it's just there ;) hehe sometimes in the future i may put a song at the top so you can have it playing while you read if you want :D probably mostly instrumental... it could be fun! heehe ^^
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he call Kikwang a creature!! hahahahahahaha<br />
awwww he's hurt by their dating!! :(<br />
dont do anything stupid TOP no dont do it!!!!<br />
update soon please
awwwww...sooo cute!@!!<br />
Kikwang ask her out!!!<br />
but then she was starting to like TOP!<br />
awwww Eun Mi fainted because of Jay!<br />
update soon please
hahahahahahah an angel! wow! she saw him as an angel!! lol..<br />
ahahahaha a very over protected brother!!!<br />
update soon please
awwwwwww.....<br />
update soon please
hihi update when you can, unnie! :D
awwwww....<3 the story line!!!<br />
i have a fanfic title 1000 Paper cranes<br />
lol..hope u update soon :)
Sound interesting^^ *subsribed*