Can You Be My Savior?



"Here, this is our home," Daesung smiled at the girls and lead them to the living room. They sat around in a circle and began discussing the topic.

"So to begin off, powers," Hwayoung spoke immedietly, "I have to know why I have this and how I got them. I have the right to, it's my body."

"Okay, so let's just say there's not a lot of us, but theres enough of us," GD spoke clasping his hands together.

"What do you mean enough?" Jaemi asked.

"Enough to destroy or take over the world," he spoke firmly.

The room got silent as the girls processed what he said.

"Take over the world? Do they think this is some 90's villian movie?" Yoomi shook her head.

"They basically want overall power over the humans on this planet," TOP spoke.

"Humans? Are you saying we're not?" the Jaemi gasped.

"We are somewhat human, but due to some unknown circumstance, we're basically mutants," Taeyang sighed.

"The thing is," GD began, "you guys asked how you got them, but honestly we don't know either. One day we were preparing for our next album, then we all out, and the next day we got them."

"Just like us..." Heechin stared in shock.

"You guys too?" Seungri asked as he placed his hand on Heechins knee. He ertedly caressed it.

"Yeah..." she slapped his hand away as he flinched, "us too" she growled at him. "Disgusting..." she whispered.

"What?" he snapped.

"Oops, I'm sorry. Could you hear my suggestions?" Heechin replayed the words GD had spoken before but with more sass.

Everyone laughed as Seungri crossed his arms and glared at Heechin.

"Don't hate the player, hate the game," she smirked.

"So why do you guys protect us?" Heechin asked.

"Because there's not many of us," GD sternly stated.

"Us?" the girls asked.

"People who won't use their powers for evil," he spoke, "it's our duty to protect the world from the people who try to hurt citizens."

"Who gave you this task?" Yoomi asked.

"This one man called Rhito," GD spoke. The boys flipped their heads towards his direction in shock.

"It's fine guys, since Rhito was the one who gave us orders to protect these girls, its their right to know who he is," GD assured.

"Rhito is the leader of the "good guys". He created this group to scout people like us to defend the world from people like them," Daesung explained.

"Why would he protect us of all people?" Hwayoung asked.

"He sees potential in you guys," Taeyang spoke, "he feels as if you guys have what it takes to help defeat Shirgo."

"Shirgo?" the girls said in unison.

"The leader of the "bad guys" group, and Rhito's brother," Seungri spoke.

The girls nodded their heads together.

"So he thinks we have potential?!" Yoomi squealed.





"Okay," TOP opened the room door, "you guys can use this guest room tonight and go back tomorrow."

"Thank you guys so much for this, we really don't know how to repay you," Heechin spoke.

"It's cool," TOP shrugged, "you guys don't need to that." he smiled slightly as he left and shut the door.

"Oh my goodness, he's so hot," Heechin blushed.

"Someone's got a crush~" Hwayoung sang to the other three.

"What the! You can't go around reading my mind!" Heechin blushed harder as she dove into the bed to cover her face.

"Yeah, not really an option right now, I'm still trying to learn how to not listen to everything everybody is thinking but you screaming it in your head isn't helping," Hwayoung giggled.

"Shut up!" Heechin screamed as she threw the pillow into Hwayoungs face.

"Ah~ young love," she sighed as she hugged the pillow.

"Dude, you guys would be so perfect together!" Jaemi shoved Heechins shoulder.

"Oh my goodness guys," she glared, "seriously stop!"

"Okay, okay" Jaemi sighed.

"Oh yeah..." Heechin spoke slowly, "I need to tell you guys something..."

"What?" the girls asked.

"Do you guys remember that fight in the staff room? and the guy said "Mind control"?" Heechin sat up legs crossed.

"Oh yeah!" the girls screamed in unison.

"Shh!" Heechin scolded, "When you guys turned all zombie on me, I was just there alone!"

"We blanked out?" Yoomi asked in confusion.

"Yeah, I think he temporarily took over your minds," Heechin explained.

"But how did you know this? Didn't it happen to you too?" Nara asked.

"Exactly! I was the only one who it didn't work on," she flailed her arms, "and then he even asked "what the? why doesn't it work on you?" and then I gave a weird face and said "what?" and then Taeyang was like "look out!" and knocked the guys out with the door, and then Nara asked me if I did it all by myself and then I was like-"

"Okay!" We get it, we get it!" Jaemi stopped Heechin mid sentance.

"So... Does this mean..." Yoomi slowly began to smile.

"Yup," Hwayoung giggled, "you heard it girls, Heechin has a superpower!"











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JungYooMi #1
Chapter 6: Yayyyyyy finally Big Bang! WOOHOO!!!! XDDDDDDDDDD
JungYooMi #2
Chapter 5: i think i know HeeChin's power. Maybe.... I'm still guessing right now. And they really gonna save lives in public like that? I thought it was going to be some secret agency and stuff. Anyways, great chapter!
JungYooMi #3
Chapter 4: This company is messed up for sure. Wait. No boy groups in this company? That .... At least some good looking trainees or something.
Chapter 1: Oooooh~ Sounds interesting! Somehow I don't trust that Hwang Chick. Lol