His Signature Move


“Welcome back ladies,” Ms. Hwang spoke, “how does it feel?” she continued in a monotone voice.

“It feels great! Amazing! Exciting! Unbelievab-” Yoomi expressed swinging her arms.

“That’s great…” Ms.Hwang rolled her eyes, “I just wanted to tell you guys were rewarding you with a fan meeting. Tomorrow.”


“Really?!” the girls screamed.


“We have fans already?” Heechin asked.


“We’ll mostly from your debut show Kpop Star,” she grimaced at the girls for getting cocky.

“Geez calm down Ms. Hwang, I know you can’t contain your happiness,” Jaemi rolled her eyes. Ms. Hwang quickly glared at Jaemi and continued to give details.





“Don’t put too much lip gloss on me, I hate the sticky feeling,” Nara told the makeup artist. She nodded and continued to contour her face.


“This is the second time we’re getting professional makeup artists to do our makeup!” Hwayoung giggled, “I love it already.”

“Ooh!” Yoomi jumped, “make sure to add a lot of glitter under my eyes, I like the bright and sparkly look.”

“You know, normal people just let the makeup artist do their jobs right?” Jaemi said with her makeup artist applying more eyeliner.

“Yeah,” Nara began, “but those people don’t have balls to tell them their preferences.”

“True,” Jaemi agreed, “it’s better to tell them then to ignore it.”

“I don’t even have a signature,” Heechin randomly spoke as she scrolled through social media.

“What?!” the girls yelled.

“You didn’t practice or make one yet?!” Yoomi gasped, placing her hands on her face.

“Yeah,” Heechin nodded, “I was going to just sign it like a document.”

The girls groaned in frustration.

“Everyone knows you have to have a creative signature,” Hwayoung turned her head towards Heechin.

“Meh, I guess,” she shrugged.




“Thank you for coming! Hope to see you next time!” the girls said one by one as they signed the fans papers. Heechin was the last one to sign and the other girls would be done before her. The fans squealed and nodded as they giggled, talking to the girls one by one. The end of the first half was soon and the line had just a few people left until a half time break. One by one the girls handed their papers and shook the girls hands. The last two fans in the line had a bored look.


“Hey there girls!” Heechin smiled and grabbed their papers, “names?”


“Just sign it,” the one girl demanded, “we don’t need a name. Just sign yours.”


“Oh…” Heechin was taken aback, “okay, no problem!” she faked a laugh to break the awkwardness.


“What year are you guys in?” Heechin tried to make small talk as she signed.


“10th,” the other girl whined, “just hurry up okay?” she rolled her eyes.


“Oh,” Heechin began getting angry, “I just finished…” she tried to contain her anger.


The girls snatched their papers and began walking away with the autographs.

“Dude, she did not know how to shut up,” one girl sighed.


“I know!” she waved her arms, “I just came cause I heard they were famous! Whatever, they’re not even pretty!”


“I know!” the other agreed, “and look at this plain signature! Anyone can do that! How can I sell it online now? They’ll think I’m lying.”


Heechin overheard this conversation as the girls didn’t bother being conservative about their motives. She blushed in embarrassment from the girls reaction to her and her “plain signature” and laid her head down on the table.


“Yeah,” she heard a voice next to her ear, “it really is plain!”


Heechin whipped her head up to see Seungri evilly smiling at her. She snatched the practice paper for her signatures out of his hand.


“You tried to practice a printed signature?!” he doubled over laughing, grabbing the table for support.


Heechin stared at her paper and crumpled it up in embarrassment. She stood up to go to the bathroom to stop the humiliation coming from Seungri.

He grabbed her wrist and dragged her back down to her seat. He picked up the marker and said, “Choose either one.”

He began signing two pretty signatures of her name that an idol would use for fan signing.


“While you’re on break, just practice either one you like,” he smiled as he handed her the marker.


“I don’t need this!” she crossed her arms and glared at him. She began drawing out her name various way only to result in scribbles that were barely legible. He stared at the paper she was scribbling on, trying to contain his laughter. She glared once more and slammed her hand on the table.


“Look,” she intensified her eye contact, “I don’t know what you’re up to, Sleez-ball, but it’s not going to work.”


“Who said I wanted anything out of this?” he shrugged as he shoved his hands in his pockets and skipped away laughing.


Her face reddened even more and she threw the marker down and glared at the door he just exited out of.


She stared at the two signatures and began practicing both. She exhaled in joy as they were both easy to copy. The door opened again.






“Hey Heechin!” the four girls re-entered the room with snacks.


“Do you know Big Bang is here too?” Hwayoung pointed to the hallway, “what a coincidence.”

“Ooh! What a pretty signature!” Yoomi grabbed the paper, “it suits you!” she smiled.

“Ha!” Jaemi began laughing, “what are these!” she laughed harder, pointing to the signatures Heechin tried to create.

“Oh…” Heechin crumpled up the paper, “I was just bored!” she ran to the trashcan to throw it away.

“Ugh, those last girls in the line!” Nara growled, “I just wanted to at them!”

“You too?!” all the girls agreed in unison.

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JungYooMi #1
Chapter 6: Yayyyyyy finally Big Bang! WOOHOO!!!! XDDDDDDDDDD
JungYooMi #2
Chapter 5: i think i know HeeChin's power. Maybe.... I'm still guessing right now. And they really gonna save lives in public like that? I thought it was going to be some secret agency and stuff. Anyways, great chapter!
JungYooMi #3
Chapter 4: This company is messed up for sure. Wait. No boy groups in this company? That .... At least some good looking trainees or something.
Chapter 1: Oooooh~ Sounds interesting! Somehow I don't trust that Hwang Chick. Lol