A Little Hysterical

Without His Voice
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I apologise that this is short, but I didn't believe that anything more needed to be written.


      Kyuhyun had been in a coma for what felt like an eternity. During that time, Leeteuk could feel buckets of hope leave the building with each moment that went by - Kyuhyun had less than twenty percent chance of living. The chance of his death was four times more likely than his chance of surviving... It was terrifying.
      However, four days in, a miracle happened.
      As soon as Leeteuk heard, relief crashed over him like a tidal wave and swept him off his feet, into the sea of his emotions. He didn't know how to react, just to get there.
      "He's asked for you."
      Leeteuk was the first one through those doors. Feeling a whole lot better, he flew out of his room in the hospital and arrived at Kyuhyun's door within the minute, recieving some glares from passing patients or doctors, but he didnt care. Kyuhyun had asked for him, so he was going to be there. He'd always be there.
      His hand was on the door knob before he knew it. He hesitated a little. Now that he was here, he wasn't sure if he was actually ready. He took a deep breath and furrowed his brows, Who am I kidding, I've been ready for four days!
      Seeing the permitting nod from the nearby Doctor Hwang, he shook off the nervousness that he didn't understand, shaking his head and his lips. On the other side of this door is our maknae... Why on earth am I so nervous?
      He urged himself to slide the door, and so did. Well... Attempted. He felt all his strength leave his arm at that moment and the door just wouldn't budge. A little confused, he tried again with the other arm, but found the same result.
      Frowning, he shook the handle again, determined, until he heard a soft chuckle from Doctor Hwang. Puzzled, he looked to the doctor. "I think your anxiety is getting to you. Slide it the other way, Mr. Park. I thought you'd have figured this by now."
      He looked back to the door and tried to slide it the other way, finding... it slid open easily. A little embarrassed, he dipped his head in a bow, thanking Doctor Hwang, a smile on both their lips. Almost every minute of the past four days, he'd been with Kyuhyun - he could probably walk blindfolded from his own room to the maknaes', and yet, he was so inwardly hysterical that he couldn't open the door. A little annoyed at himself, he continued.
      He slipped inside the room, finding no one inside apart from the maknae. A light chuckle danced through the room - a familiar one that Leeteuk was scared he'd never hear again.
      There Kyuhyun was, propped up in bed, his blinding smile lighting the room and the leader's heart. "Trouble with the door, wise-guy?"
      Leeteuk had missed the sacrcastic comments from him, the mischevious smirks and the creepy laughs. However scary, it was what made him Kyuhyun, and hearing this comment almost made him want to cry - Cho Kyuhyun was back.
      And he could speak.
      He could laugh.
      Surely... He could sing?
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Part One: Complete.


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ohmysuperjunior #1
Chapter 8: oh my gosh please please please update this. i love where this is going. it's very well-written and i'm excited as to what happens next
Chapter 8: Your maknae really can give a good advice for your leader haehae....
Chapter 7: Can't wait for the next update....your maknae is really strong teukie....and you'll know when he need you...
eliz930 #4
Chapter 7: pls update soon...i love kyuhyun leeteuk moment..cant wait for an update soon..
Chapter 7: ooh..ok,i know...kkk~
how silly am i..=.="
i'll wait for the moments of super junior with kyu..
wonder who will be the first..^^
Chapter 5: *sigh* Leeteuk is such a great leader XD

I loved how you write Kyu and Teuk. So cute!
Chapter 5: Yes teukie... You must lead the rest member and visit your baby maknae with other member when you hv a time....
kyutekyu #8
Chapter 4: awww.. i know Teukie..it must be hard for u..but members too need u... as much as i want teukie with kyu, but imagining other members at dorm without him gives me chills... so...
thankss for the update.. :)
Chapter 4: You must do your job too teukie... Of course kyunnie need your support but the members need you too... They care for their lovely maknae and always pray for his health...you can still watch over him when you do your job as a leader...
Chapter 3: Your story is really beautiful~
Fighting! ^^