On Rainy Days

Fiction and Fact.


It was a rainy day, the sky was dark yet light blue. You hold your transparent umbrella above your head, the heavy rain hit your umbrella, you're quite scared but when you think it's for Jun Hyung oppa, you smile again. You grip onto your side bag just in case anyone is planning to pick-pocket you, you don't really care if they steal all your money but it's the chocolates you spent hours making just for him. Today is his birthday and you're going to turn up at his front door to surprise him, then give him a big hug, sing 'Happy Birthday' while hugging him and then kick his shin, that was your way of saying you love him. You looked down at the pale cream dress and white sandals you were wearing, Jun Hyung oppa gave them to you on your birthday. It's always been your favourite, plus everytime you wore it, Jun Hyung complimented you and hugged you tighter than usual. You smiled at that thought.

Oh! My bus is here! Better get to the stop before it leaves! You think to yourself, but as you were crossing the road a boy runs pass you and yanked your bag from you so hard that the strap broke off. The boy ran frantically away and look back at you. Immediately you drop your umbrella and run after that boy. Your shoulder is hurting so bad, but you think about Jun Hyung oppa, it's his birthday, you can't let this happen. You already sent him a text saying 'Be prepared for your worst nightmare!' You keep running, your eyes don't leave that thief. You see him run across the crossing and you run after him. 

*BEEEEEEEEEP* You heard a loud honk from a car, your vision becomes black, all you can hear is people screaming and asking if you're okay. It soon becomes silent, images of Jun Hyung oppa flash before your eyes, his smile, his eyes, his lips, you and him holding hands on your Christmas date, his hand over your shoulders in your authentic library, him following you with a camera and you pretending to kiss it, several scenes when you kicked his shin. You could hear his sweet laughter and him teasing you, the last words you hear was, ~~~~~~ I love you; Then it all eneded, it was pitch black and you can no longer hear or see anything.

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hi!! you new Reader~~ ehhehe<br />
Amazing!! <br />
what will happen next chapter??<br />
Update soon ^^
omo! ^^ keke nice update :3 the kids are so cute as usual xD haha ~ happy new year! ^ ^ update soon C:
shining_writer #4
Romantic part at the end. Update soon~
So good~ Update soon ^_^
quickly update!<br />
kekek thank you :) !~
Update soon!!!
uuganaa104 #9
its always good to read the updates.. keep up the good work ^^
Update soon!! please!!~!~!~