Chapter 2

Appa, please be happy





Where…am I? This place…


For the second time, his dream was the same as before. Yes, he had decided that this was only a dream. One that he couldn’t…control.


Can humans control their dreams? He wondered in his mind.


He was never sure if people could control their own dreams, because he never experienced one. What he knew now though, was he was controlled by his own dream. There were some times in his dreams where his brain could monitor and maneuver his body through its censors in his body. But most of his time in here was spent being moved here and there without a certain direction. Lost in this endless dawn.


He looked behind him over his shoulder; he felt someone’s presence in here. Who could it be? The man in black? Or the person who hugged him days ago in this absurd dream of his?








He watched the water beneath his bare feet rippled gently. He was now clad only in his white sweater and long black jeans. Although the sun was still the same as before, he didn’t feel hot and sweaty under it. In fact, he felt calm and ease. He closed his eyes as he breathed in and out slowly. Savoring the sweet scent of the wind of dawn and the cool water beneath him.


And then he felt it.


Gentle splashes of water resounding on the west, to his right. He opened his eyelids and turned his head slowly to the side, only to have someone as tall as him stood there with him, side by side.




The whisper was heard by the other, but the figure only stood there calmly and ignored his presence. He couldn’t see the figure’s face as it was covered by their jacket’s hood. But he knew who this person was; he saw it days ago in this very same place.


The male in black.


He didn’t remember the male wear a hood. Or maybe he forgot…


“He is young,”


He blinked his eyes as the low voice rumbled gently from the other male. What did he say?




He was confused, again.




It represents silence.


It also represents calm and quiet.


Cold, dark, crow, devil, grace, and elegance...


The male clad in all black bowed his head slightly, his nose and mouth poking out of the hood and shadowed by the hood. But he could still see it.


“Pure…” the other male murmured.


...and it also represents...mystery.


He watched with confusion written in his face as the other kept murmuring puzzling words. Then he felt the gentle brushes of the water beneath him as it waved in ripples. He turned his head to the front and squinted one of his brows down.

There was someone in front of him, far from his reach. That someone was kneeling on one knee. Slim and lithe body curled downward as if it was protecting something in their hold. He scanned the other person with his deep and sharp dark brown eyes.

Another male, he thought. Clad in a thin pale grey sweater and white jeans with nothing to cover his feet. The hair was pitch black –no, black and dark brownish hue. It looked soft, although a bit unruly. And then he saw the messy haired male stood on his full height and turned his body slightly to his direction, just enough for him to get a view of what the lithe male was holding in his arms.



A kitten…?










He snapped his eyes back to the lithe male’s face but to his unfortunate the male had turned his head and walked away from where the male in pale grey sweater had been standing. Vaguely he heard a small mewl before it went silent completely.

He shook his head to clear his mind. What had he saw just now?

He turned his head to ask the male in black who was silent all the time only to take step back in bemuse.


Wasn’t he right beside…me…?


The man in black hood was gone just as silently as he came.


He felt like he was being ridiculed by his own dream. Weren’t dreams come from the hidden desire within hearts? So was this all his desire? His wish?


But what had he experienced days ago and now?


He was entangled by invisible vines and refused to let him go.













Remember? Remember…what? What was it to remember? What was going on now?


He turned his body around in circles. Trying to find something to help him.


…help him?


From what?


From whom?


He didn’t know what he was searching. He didn’t know why he was walking in random direction. He was walking away from the frozen sunset upon the dawn. And the slower the pace he walked, the more questions running through his mind.


And so he started to run. Run and run until his lungs burnt.










He thought he was seeing things. But as he snapped his head to his left, he saw a small creature was running as well beside him. Its short and tiny legs failed to keep up with him as it fell behind him.




…the future.




And then he tripped. A familiar darkness welcomed him before his body managed to hit the watery floor.


A small and faint mewl were the last things he heard.











“…fan…? ……yung? Yifan-hyung??”


He woke up with a groan and a slight headache. He propped his body using his elbows and he tried to blink his blurred vision. He saw someone with light brown hair and doe like eyes kneeled beside the couch he was lying on.


“Kyungsoo…? God,”


He clutched his head using one of his hands as his head throbbed in pain. He closed his eyes, hoping to will the headache down. He heard a rustle and thuds of footsteps beside him. One moment the sound was getting far from him and the next it came back to his side.


“Here. This will dull the pain,”


He saw Kyungsoo extended his smaller hands toward him. A pill of painkiller in one hand and a glass of water in the other one. He took the white pill first then put it in his mouth and he took the glass out of Kyungsoo’s hand and downed it. He sighed in relief because of the cool feeling from the water made him somehow calm his muscles down.


“What are you doing here Kyungsoo?”


He watched Kyungsoo’s bare feet disappear from his sight as the other walked into his kitchen, he assumed.


“Am I not allowed to visit my own long and lost childhood friend?”


He knew the shorter male was only teasing him so he let out a snort, followed by another sigh he heaved. He leaned back on broken-white couch and stretched his arms out, groaned in satisfy when his shoulder popped.


“We were only away for 7 years Kyungsoo. That doesn’t count as ‘lost’,”


“But ‘long’ does count,”


He snorted again, this time in amusement. Really, seven years and still Kyungsoo never change.


“Have you been feeding Jongin and yourself properly?”


The owner of the house craned his head upward and stared at the ceiling, imagining invisible dots and shapes on there.


“I can cook you know,” he said defensively.


Most of the people would not know this, but indeed he can cook properly without burning his house down. Hell, kitchen was like Jongin’s second paradise beside his parents’ room so he wanted to keep it at that. Very few people knew about his cooking ability.


“I know, hyung. But look at this mess you’ve made!”


After Kyungsoo exclaimed it, he finally craned his neck toward the kitchen’s direction.


Blotches of ketchup on top of the kitchen counter and crumbles of rice here and there. Wait, as far as he remembered he was never the one into dirty things. He had kept his kitchen neat and–


Oh, of course.




He chuckled lowly and closed his eyes to savor the nice feeling of the couch behind his back.


“Jongin decided to help me made his breakfast. I forgot to clean it,”


He received an amused small laugh from the younger man.


“I’ll clean this mess. I know how much a pig you are when it comes to sleep and pampering yourself,”


He waved his hand dismissively at the comment, not really minded by it because it was true. Speaking of Jongin,


“Kyungsoo, I thought Jongin made you promised to pick him up from school?”


He sat up straight slowly as he waited the other to response. Both of his elbows were propped on top of his bare knee. His low V-neck dark blue sweater hanging below his collarbone. Any eyes could see the center of his chest even from afar as he didn’t put anything under the thin sweater. His knee-length baggy jeans clung fittingly onto his legs.


“I sent you a text that my cousin would be the one who pick him up because I need to visit a certain giant with thick brows. But apparently you haven’t read it,”


He had to blink twice before he grabbed his phone on top of the table glass in front of him. And indeed he did receive a text from the younger man.


“Oh…sorry Kyungsoo-ah,”


“No harm done, hyung. Expect them to come in any minute. Jongin called me before you woke up using my cousin’s phone,”


That made him chuckled a bit.


“Jongin used gwiyomi on him?”


“Apparently. That kid really is something. How do you manage to teach him to do that anyway, hyung? I can’t imagine you’re being the one who did that,”


He got up and yawned widely as he walked to the fridge. He took out a carton of grape juice out of it and drank from it.


“He watched some videos on his uncle’s laptop,”


Kyungsoo raised one of his eyebrows.




The taller man gave a ‘who else’ look while gulping down the cool and sweet purple beverage. He saw the younger male shook his head and dumped several sticky plastic he used with Jongin this morning to make some sushi. A knock was heard from the front door when he put the carton juice back into its place.


“Oh, they’re here. You go get it, hyung”


Well, he was the owner of the house. So why Kyungsoo was being the one who bossed him around?




“Coming, coming!”


He laughed heartedly as his non-biological son yelled on the other side of the door. He wondered briefly if this would ever happen again when the child’s age hit puberty.


He turned the knob and smiled warmly to welcome his son and his guest.


“Jongin, you know you don’t have to–“


His words got stuck in his cord as his eyes went wide as a saucer. He could feel his heartbeat took its pace quickly and he gripped the doorknob tightly. His feet were stuck to the ground as he took the appearance of the male behind Jongin. He felt the ring, hidden beneath his shirt, somehow felt so cold on his chest.


“Appa! Look! Umma is home!”







It couldn’t be…




The male smiled down at Jongin awkwardly and patted the child’s head.


“Jongin, how many times do I have to tell you I’m not your mother hm?”








The face, those eyes, the plump and pink lips, the cute nose….


…that smile.




It can’t be……






He saw the petite male looked up to him and blinked at him. The smile was gone for a moment before it went back again.


“Eum, I’m sorry. You must have mistaken me for someone,”


Even the voice was almost the same as him.




Please…please tell me this is a lie…




But why did he hear something cracked somewhere in his house?


He knew this was just a dream.


 He wished this was just another absurd dream of his. Because there was no way…no way his angel was standing right now in front of him.


He failed to see the petite male smiled in sympathy at him. He even failed to see that Jongin slowly inspect the male beside him with his round and big eyes. He failed to see Jongin finally realized there was, indeed, a small difference between his mother and the male who came to pick him up from school.




And yet the child still whispered the same pet name for his mother because his eyes were even blinded by the very same and almost exact appearance of this maroon-haired male. Even the hair color was the same as his mother.


“Jongin…” the male murmured sympathetically at the boy. Brows furrowed in sadness he felt for the boy.


“Oh, Suho. You’re here,”


Then Kyungsoo received three pairs of eyes on him as he uttered the petite male’s name.










The tallest man among them slowly turned his head back to stare at the male in front of him. He didn’t recall Junmyeon ever called Kyungsoo as an older brother. In fact, Junmyeon was a year older than the doe-eyed male and a year younger than him.


As if he’s childhood friend could read his mind, the shortest male took a step forward and patted Yifan’s shoulder in assurance and understanding.


“Hyung…meet my cousin, Suho. Suho, this is Yifan”


And the cousin of his friend’s bowed at him in respect and smiled at him when he stood straightly again.


“Annyeonghasseo, Yifan-hyung”












Junmyeon never called him ‘hyung’.







A/N : And here I present to you chapter 2. Hope you're not confused by Yifan's dream because his dreams (yes he will be getting more of them) will be the key to the next chapters ahead. But if you do confused by them, GOOD! I will not let you easily guess of what will happen later muahahahah! >:) *cough*

And ooooo.. who's Suho? Is he really Kyungsoo's cousin?? Or is it the real Junmyeon??

Find it out on Chapter 3! or maybe 4

See you guys! oh and forgive me for typos and grammatical errors. Bye!









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It's the first anniversary of Appa Please be Happy! I actually just realized this too .__. And as a gift, I give you chapter 6! (lame, so lame asdfghjkl)


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Chapter 7: I hope you will update in future><
2440 streak #2
Chapter 7: this is a story i really wish was continued... would love to know the implications of the recurring dreams and all those unknown signs and figures in them... plus, Dad Yifan and baby Jongin is an adorable combo!
Em1412 #3
Chapter 7: And it was just getting to the interesting part :( Please update soon author-nim this is a really good story to read!!!
Chapter 7: Will u update this?
Chapter 6: I'm confused? Can anyone explain?
noomico #6
Chapter 7: Ithink kris can see some thing will happen in the future the first man was kai with the kitten the last one was suho maybe in the future he and kris will date and suho will say these words .. Idont know why i feel the man who kissed kai is eather kris or kyungsoo ..ihope hes sehun hes a better choise .. Even if kris related by blood he is his father .. And thank you for this story x3
zaraaki #7
Chapter 6: After awhile.. I reread this.. I have a feeling like we r sailing in yifan's unconscious state/dream... Like he is in a coma and he is living in his unconscious state... Something like that.. I dunno what i am saying.. ( this sounds more like a drama or a really angsty drama)
Chapter 7: The man in all black is him. I think. Kris' old self and maybe his future. The dreams might be foreboding and/or a past. It's blurry. The lines. It's like the black clothed man was pyshing him in a direction. But we don't know what will happen so please update soon
2440 streak #9
Chapter 7: OH... I assume Suho is the person in his latest dream...
this fix is jus mind boggling, I can't say I read the signs well, I am still co fused as frick! HAHAHAHA
But who's the one in all black and the one in pale clothes in his previous ones? and the kitten??? I am dying to know more abt what all those that appear on his dreams signify...
BUT REALLY, all the daddy Kris baby Jongin moments are soooooooo LOVELY... never fail to make me smile whenever I read this :)
kyra81 #10
Chapter 7: Is Yifan meet person who seems look like his past lover??? Is he really mean that he's not the same person or he is the same person who reincarnation of his past...?? ( Errr....... Its not even a century yet.....!! T_T) Confuse.... I hope Yifan could moving on and maybe starts his life with Suho and treat him as he is instead as a replacement of Joonmyeon... Update soon author nim !! >_<