Chapter 3

Appa, please be happy





He hummed in reply while his eyes were focused on Jongin’s grade report. The little one had excelled sports of all things while he had one red score on English, which only had a slight difference from the school grade. He was thinking of practicing Jongin’s English by coaxing him to use it in conversations with him. And he needed to buy some sweets for the prizes. He wondered if he could lure Jongin to focus on his study with fried chicken.




He felt tugs on his shirt and a weight was settled on his back while a pair of small arms wrapped around his neck.


“Appa~ were you listening?”


“I’m sorry Jongin, what did you say?”


He might not turn his head but he was sure that the small child was pouting cutely right now. He chuckled lightly when Jongin mumbled something gibberish into his wide shoulder. The father shook his head in amusement as he put his glasses down. He was not old, yet, but he already had to wear glasses since he was 16. And that was ten years ago, but he could still managed to see people clearly without the transparent glass.


He his son’s hair with affection as he kissed Jongin’s fringe-covered forehead lovingly. He pulled the little one into his lap where he had been sitting Indian-style beside his bed. Jongin immediately hummed in approval and sighed as he made himself comfortable in his lap with his small back against his father’s chest.


“Can you repeat what you’ve been trying to tell me, baby?”


What he received was a shook on his chest and a muffled giggle.


Oh, so this little guy was playing hard to get? Alright, he’d play along.


A smirk slowly crept onto his handsome face and he ducked his head down, his blonde fringe mixed with his son’s dark brown hair as he did that.


“Oh so you’re not going to tell me?” he whispered playfully with a threat hidden in it.


Jongin laughed a small laughter with his childish voice and shied away from his father. Apparently, his ears were always a sensitive spot for the small child. And of course this did not come unnoticed by the older male. In fact, Yifan blowed softly into Jongin’s ears as he wrapped his long and strong arms around the child. Affectively, trapping him within his held.


“Appa no!”


His chuckled slowly turned into a small and light laughter while he kept blowing into the child’s ear, who was almost trashing wildly in his held by now. He had to tighten his hold around the boy if he didn’t want to get a swollen cheek.


“S-stop! Appa~! You cheat!”


He stopped momentarily while blinked down and stared at the boy with a playful glint in his eyes.


“Say ‘uncle’ then I’ll stop for real,”


A giggling Jongin panted while hiding his head on his father’s chest and he shook his small head defiantly. He even tried to bury himself inside his father’s hold while wrapping his small arms around the older’s neck and the giggle increased.


“Fine then, you ask for it”


The blonde haired man blew into the boy’s ear while tickling Jongin’s side. Cruel if one kid may say, but the child asked for it challengingly. The boy shrieked helplessly under his hold and the trashing became worst.


“Uncle! Uncle uncle- Appa!! Uncle~!”


He then stopped all at once and he chuckled when he was given such an adorable view. Jongin’s hair now all messy and his fringe covered his eyes while a big grin plastered on the child’s face. The boy panted while a few giggles escaped from his mouth.


Yifan smiled at this and bent down to blow an air right on the tip of Jongin’s small and pointy nose. He almost got slapped when the younger swatted his hand in front of his face.


“No more, Appa~”


“Alright alright, let’s get you to bed now kiddo”


He heard a whine slipped from the smaller’s mouth when he collected the boy into his arms and lowered both of them gently to his bed. He righted the pillows beneath his and Jongin’s head, but apparently the little bear had another idea running in his mind as he crawled and plopped down on his father’s pillow instead of his.


The older blinked a few times then nudged away the boy only to failure.


“Hey, share with me~”


Jongin laughed childishly when he heard the father whined lowly. It was very rare for his father to make such sounds like that and usually he would witness very few of the cute actions in times like this.


He wriggled his way to the side to give the older enough space to plop his own head down on the soft cushion. They both sighed at the same time. While the older ruffled his dark blonde mane the younger was cuddling into the warm side of Yifan.






The child giggled tiredly.


“Can we eat fried chicken after you pick me up at school?”


“Hmm…why don’t we take the delivery and eat it here?”


A simple nod was all he got and a cute yawn from the little bear cub.


“I’m sleepy” the younger said drowsily.


The blonde haired man took a peek beside him and a small smile was plastered on his gentle face. Jongin was struggling to keep his eyes open, but in the end they kept falling shut.


“Go to sleep, baby”


Another simple weak nod.


Ah, so that was what the child waiting for.


Before his mind wandered anywhere, a gentle tug on his shirt made him look down again. Only to gazed at his son’s sleepy eyes.


“Hug me?”


Oh what a simple yet adorable request.


He turned to his side and the boy wriggling into his embrace. His short arms were curled on front of his small chest and were placed at the elder’s. One of Yifan’s hands propped his head and his elbow to the pillow, while his other arm were placed securely on the child’s waist.


“Jaljjayeo, Appa” came the soft mumble.


He kissed the top of the cub’s head and breathed into it as he mumbled back,




No other sounds were made except for their soft breathing and a light drizzle from outside. Although it was raining slightly, the weather was warm. Just enough to make anyone felt sleepy and content.


Seconds passed into minutes.


Yifan was still watching his son sleeping soundly in his embrace. The arm around the boy’s waist curled slightly and his hand rubbing gently at the small back. Creating an imaginary circle with it, hoping it would lull the boy deep into his dream.


Hopefully not one like his.


Speaking of dream, he hadn’t had any dream these past three days. After Kyungsoo’s cousin visit to be precise. He was relief by that, but at the same time he was still in a confuse state. Confused by his absurd dream which somehow his mind telling him that his dreams would mean something in the future.


Or perhaps the present?


Or maybe his past also?


Now this was getting to nowhere.


Curiosity kills the cat, they say.


But he couldn’t be killed by his own dream, which would sound ridiculous. And secondly, he was not a cat.


He blinked his dark brown eyes as he recalled his last dream which had the same creature in it.




Did the kitten mean something too? No, that was not possible.


Perhaps the person who was holding it did. Pity he couldn’t remember what the person’s face looked like. He only remembered the person, a male, was wearing a thin and pale grey sweater with white jeans. And the messy dark brown hair also would attract any eyes at first sight.




There was one last thing he saw on the male’s appearance. There was something glinting, reflected by the dawn light, and it was dangling on the male’s thin sweater.


A necklace.


Silver, if his eyes were not deceiving him at that time.


A wing.


A silver wing-shaped pendant.


Goodness he would be having a headache in any minute if he kept thinking about these things.


He sighed loudly then plopped himself gently on his back, careful for not waking the young one. He stared at the creamy white ceiling and he couldn’t help it when his mind wandered again, to a certain petite maroon-haired male.


No matter how much he wanted to deny all the feelings he felt back then when he first laid his eyes upon the smaller male, his heart went accelerate. His feet stuck to the ground and as if he saw a ghost, his blood felt like it left him that moment. He was totally caught off guard the moment he saw the same maroon-colored hair and also…that beautiful smile.


But then his mind flashed back to where Kyungsoo pulled him into Jongin barely used room to talk in private, leaving the said ‘cousin’ and his son at the family room.


“Hyung…hyung listen to me. Hyung,”


He remembered his childhood friend shook him gently to snap him out of his trance.


“I know what happened two years ago with…him. And I’m sorry I was not there to comfort you, I feel so bad for not coming here and support you,”


“No…no Kyungsoo. I understand, I…”


He remembered when his tongue stuck on the roof top of his mouth. Every word got caught in his throat and he seemed to forget how to breathe properly that moment. He could still feel the way Kyungsoo pushed him to sit on top of Jongin’s made bed and sat beside him while putted his hand on his shoulder to comfort him. He was grateful the other did that or he would shatter right away.


“Hyung…listen to me. Do you remember when you sent me your honeymoon picture with him? I was shocked because Suho is like his exact copy. I even rummaged through my aunts drawer to find his birth certificate and his photo albums. I still can’t believe my own eyes but, hyung…they look like twins,”


He clenched his eyes shut when a dull pain throbbed in his head. He groaned and rubbed his face gently to lessen the pain.


“What did you find on his birth certificate?”


“Suho is a Korean but he was born in Beijing and the family stayed there for only about three years then moved back to Korea. Suho got his name from his mother’s best friend in Beijing,”


He froze for a moment when he felt Jongin shift on his hold and mumbled something inexplicable and cuddled more into his side. He rubbed the boy’s small back but it did not waver his still wandering mind.




He and Junmyeon had different background.


While Junmyeon was born in Korean and raised here until he met him in Korea, Suho was born in Beijing then moved here some other year later after his birth.


Junmyeon couldn’t speak in Chinese so well but Kyungsoo told him Suho could.


Junmyeon was only younger than him by two years while Kyungsoo’s and Suho’s age difference was only by three years. That means the maroon haired male was younger than him by six years.


While Junmyeon’s face held gentleness on it, Suho had a bit more playful side especially when the smaller when he smiled. But they both held the same beautiful smile he longed for.


Their height was the same. Their smile was the same. Their hair color was even more the same; the style was almost the same with Suho’s a bit messy.


Yes they look so much alike he even mistaken Suho as Junmyeon.


Yes his heart beat faster the moment he saw that angelic face of Kyungsoo’s cousin.


But…could he hope this was all just a dream? Or maybe Junmyeon was pranking him. But then again, Junmyeon was never one into pranks because of his gentle and motherly nature.


God, this was confusing his already wrecked brain.


He sighed again that day for the umpteenth time. Three days…


Three days since Kyungsoo visited him.


Three days since he saw the almost exact copy of Junmyeon.


Three days…since he had the last dream.


He willed his mind to push it all aside for now. He needed to rest, he needed to make breakfast for Jongin in early morning and take the cub to school. Yes, he would do that tomorrow.


Now he really needed to rest his throbbing head down on the cool pillow and sleep and hopefully tomorrow would be a day for him.












This was not his day.


He threw a small and strained smile to the petite male who was walking to his and Jongin’s way. He felt Jongin tightened his small hand around his big one and tugged at it. He bended down and took the small child into his arms as he stand.




“Oh don’t call me that, hyung. I’m so much younger than you. Just Suho is fine,”


Just Suho…


The smile stayed on its place in his face.


“Suho, then”


He didn’t intend to prolong their small talk but apparently Suho did not notice it.




Wrong, it seemed the youngest between the three of them did not take the notice.


He cringed inwardly as he inspected the petite male’s face to see any sign of discomfort. He tapped his cub’s nose and gave him a scolding look. He failed to see an understanding and sympathetic smile edged its way onto the maroon-haired male.


“Jongin, don’t be impolite”


He flinched ever so slightly when his son looked at him pleadingly then ducked his head down slightly in apology and regret. But who could blame the child when he even mistaken Suho as his long lost beloved parent?


“It’s okay Yifan-hyung. I understand, I err.. I asked Kyungsoo-hyung about Jongin calling me ’umma’... I’m sorry I should’ve asked this directly to you- I just…umm,”


He finally ran his eyes through the younger male’s face. He almost felt pity for the other when he saw the petite male spluttered just now. He saw a pure guilty face plastered upon the white skinned male.


He sighed inaudibly and righted his arm around Jongin when the child shifted and circled his neck using those short arms.


“It’s fine Suho. Please don’t bow to me, it’s nothing big anyway”


He saw the other looked up to him through his bangs and nodded slowly.


They stood there awkwardly with Jongin was still in his hold, now hiding his face in the nook of his broad shoulder, breathing evenly while playing with his golden mane on his nape.


“Umm…don’t you have a university to attend to?”


The cousin of Kyungsoo’s blinked in surprise and played with the hem of his shirt.


“I uh…I graduate early,”




As if the other could read his mind, the smaller male immediately added,

“I umm, I skipped two grades early when I was in senior high,”




“Oh, you must be very smart then to skip two grades at once. Not to mention senior high is tough in here,”


He deliberately avoided the word ‘genius’ because…well, not every person could take the word well enough. But really, he was amazed by the smaller. He might look like he was weak and…oh well, he didn’t really have a smart looking face, but what he meant was he was astonished by how smart the boy.


Looks can be deceiving; he recalled those words from some inspirational book he had read before.


Suho blushed at his words then avoided looking at him directly. Instead he ducked his head down.


Sadly, Yifan saw it all. He chuckled heartedly and shifted Jongin in his hold and the child craned his neck to stare at Suho then at him.


“Appa, can he come and eat with us?”


Yes. Invite him to eat with th- wait. What was that?


The maroon-haired male snapped back to look at them in surprise. And Yifan was no different.


“U-umm… Jongin, I don’t think I can come with you and your father,”


“But you said you don’t have school anymore,”


Oh how both of the adult wished Jongin was an adult himself instead of a small and innocent child. This would be difficult.


But on second thought, he didn’t mind having a guest in his lonesome house. As on the other hand, he was hesitant whether to agree with his cub or not. To have a person who look so very much alike like his other half in his house, eating in the same house and talk. But... wouldn't hurt him to have Suho as his guest right?


He sighed before he finally made up his decision.


“It’s alright Suho. I don’t mind to have you eat with us,”


“B-but, you–“


And as if on cue, someone’s stomach rumbled a bit too loudly for the owner’s liking.


The tallest among them chuckled lowly when Suho’s blushed increased two folds.


“I insist. You must be hungry as I am. Come then,” he made a gesture with his hand and walked inside some fast food station near them.


He didn’t need to look behind to see Suho was following him or not. But guessing by Jongin’s muffled giggle on his shoulder, he assumed the petite male was following him shyly with the same cherry blossom-blush on the milky white skin.








The epitome of his sacred bond seemed to shine brightly that time beneath his shirt for unknown reason.


A/N : Aigoo.. it seems Yifan is really having a hard time with the arrival of Suho. But why did he suddenly accepted Suho to have him as his guest? Such a simple thing, but one won't be easy to overcome the awkwardness that will come. What would you do if you were in his shoes?Would you deny Suho or...welcomed him even though he resembles the one you love so much?

Oh look at that! Father and son moment! Lovely and adorable Jongin is such a sweet little thing. Who wouldn't love this little guy T^T I even want to have a baby brother like Jongin (real Jongin I mean) lol

And one word...drama. There will be drama because I myself is a fan of it lol. But I won't make it overly drama like you all saw in TV's or in dorama. Too exaggerating is not my likings so don't worry.

Oh! And another thing... I might need to remind you that the wing necklace is going to be an important clue in future chapters. But I won't say which chapter because I just love surprising you all with all the cards I have beneath my sleeve. >:)

Thank you for the lovely comments and also for the subscripe. And the votes! I LOVE YOU! THANK YOU TwT

Forgive me for typos and grammatical errors





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It's the first anniversary of Appa Please be Happy! I actually just realized this too .__. And as a gift, I give you chapter 6! (lame, so lame asdfghjkl)


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Chapter 7: I hope you will update in future><
2440 streak #2
Chapter 7: this is a story i really wish was continued... would love to know the implications of the recurring dreams and all those unknown signs and figures in them... plus, Dad Yifan and baby Jongin is an adorable combo!
Em1412 #3
Chapter 7: And it was just getting to the interesting part :( Please update soon author-nim this is a really good story to read!!!
Chapter 7: Will u update this?
Chapter 6: I'm confused? Can anyone explain?
noomico #6
Chapter 7: Ithink kris can see some thing will happen in the future the first man was kai with the kitten the last one was suho maybe in the future he and kris will date and suho will say these words .. Idont know why i feel the man who kissed kai is eather kris or kyungsoo ..ihope hes sehun hes a better choise .. Even if kris related by blood he is his father .. And thank you for this story x3
zaraaki #7
Chapter 6: After awhile.. I reread this.. I have a feeling like we r sailing in yifan's unconscious state/dream... Like he is in a coma and he is living in his unconscious state... Something like that.. I dunno what i am saying.. ( this sounds more like a drama or a really angsty drama)
Chapter 7: The man in all black is him. I think. Kris' old self and maybe his future. The dreams might be foreboding and/or a past. It's blurry. The lines. It's like the black clothed man was pyshing him in a direction. But we don't know what will happen so please update soon
2440 streak #9
Chapter 7: OH... I assume Suho is the person in his latest dream...
this fix is jus mind boggling, I can't say I read the signs well, I am still co fused as frick! HAHAHAHA
But who's the one in all black and the one in pale clothes in his previous ones? and the kitten??? I am dying to know more abt what all those that appear on his dreams signify...
BUT REALLY, all the daddy Kris baby Jongin moments are soooooooo LOVELY... never fail to make me smile whenever I read this :)
kyra81 #10
Chapter 7: Is Yifan meet person who seems look like his past lover??? Is he really mean that he's not the same person or he is the same person who reincarnation of his past...?? ( Errr....... Its not even a century yet.....!! T_T) Confuse.... I hope Yifan could moving on and maybe starts his life with Suho and treat him as he is instead as a replacement of Joonmyeon... Update soon author nim !! >_<