Chapter 8

One Ring Two Loves

Hey you,, thankyou for reading my fic, n please do coment ^^

BTW, please check my hunhan one shot fic Because I Miss You More Today 



Seoul – November 2013 

It has been three months since the first time Hanie met Sehun at Kyungsoo’s house..

There’s not too much differences in her life, Kyungsoo still send her some texts and sometimes they meet at daycare talking and chatting happily at their favorite place (a bench at daycare playground),

at first time Hanie seemed awkward toward Kyungsoo but she managed to hid it and talked to her as usuall..

About Jongin, only God knows what is he doing rightnow.. Hanie didnt care, at all..


There’s not too much difference except for Sehun and Haneul were bonding each other, they just like the real brothers who always spend their afternoon eacother almost everyday at Hanie’s place..

Sehun become the one who more than willingly pick Hanie and Haneul up to daycare and also drove them home.. Sehun eventually become the part of their incomplete family..


Hanie always makes packed lunch for three of them everyday except weekend..

It has been casually the three of them sometimes go shopping together or watch movie..

And even Sehun always join them for dinner at Hanie’s place..

He become the one who does groceries shopping with Haneul, while Hanie being the cook..


Actually Sehun’s reason to become closer with Haneul first is to eventually aproaching Hanie and if a miracle does really happen, he will ask Hanie to become his girlfriend or even his future wife..

Sehun is really sure he make the right and the best decision at his life..

But take this as note, Hanie only think Sehun as a little brother for her..

No more no less, and actually Sehun knew it but do some efforts will not harm right?

Because being the stubborn he is, he will not let Hanie go easily..


He promised to himself, he will not let Hanie and Haneul suffer..

He promised to himself he will make them happy..

He will be the one who provided money for them, he will be the guardian of  them, he will be the caring and loving father for Haneul and husband for Hanie.. He promised it to himself and he was working on it to make it come true..


Its Saturday afternoon, Sehun and Haneul did their usuall groceries shopping while Hanie stayed at home and wait them to make some chinese food for dinner later..

Its not long after they gone while Hanie heard a doorbell rang..

She opened the door just to revealed a familiar face which she really want to avoid for the rest of his life..


“What are you doing here?!! How did you know-”

“Shhhh.. Let me in, please..” Jongin asked her with his pleading eyes..


However, Hanie still has a heart so she let him in..

There in the livingroom, Jongin is sitting on the right side of the couch..

Hanie’s hand is trembling while she put a cup of red tea and she decided to sit at the left side of the couch, rather away from him..


“Thanks.. You still remember my favourite red tea..” Jongin smiled..

“What are you actually gonna do here and how did you know im here?” Hanie asked him sarcastically..

“I managed to get your addres from Kyungsoo..”

“What?!! Did you tell her-”

“No,, im not going to tell her.. You must understand my position..”


Hanie’s heart really hurt because of his statement..

He simply doesnt want to admit that Hanie was actually his ex lover and Haneul is his son and it makes her heart break into pieces.. She hold her quiet sobs.. She has to be strong infront of this man.. Jongin doesnt deserved her tears..


“Hanie, why you didnt tell me about your pregnancy back then?”

“I sent you some letters..!”

“But i didnt received any letters from you..”


Hanie didnt answered him, she didnt want to argue anymore..

She also doesnt know what was actually happened to her letters for him back then..


“Listen, i know i was wrong, please forgive me.. At least forgive me although i know you will not let Haneul know that i am his biological father..”

 “How can i forgive you?!! You left us, you’ve got married and has your own family and abandoned us!!”

Hanie raised her voice and anger crept up her mind at this time..


“No, i didnt abandone you two! I really didnt know that you got pregnant because i didnt received any letters from you!”

“Then why you didnt comeback to Mokpo and tried to find me? You’ve got inlove with someone else at that time, right?”

Hanie only laughed at her own words but her heart hurt so much and small amount of tears could be seen at the edge of her eyes..


“Im so sorry Hanie, i didnt mean to.. Im so sorry..”

“No you dont.. And I dont need your sorry Jongin..”


Hanie stand up from her seat and walked towards the front door..

She open it to let a chilly weather outside her flat come in and flew her bang..


“If you dont have any business more, just get out!”

Hanie shouted to him and gave him her death glare but only to make Jongin said more hurtfull statements..

“Here, take this for you and Haneul..”

Before he headed toward the front door, he slipped out a rather thick envelope

which Hanie assumed contained some money from his pocket..


“We dont need your mercy!! We dont need your money!! Dont you dare to pities us!! Go away!!”

This is the very first time Hanie yelled at Jongin.. 


Hanie pushed him out of her flat to her doorstep just in time Sehun and Haneul comeback from their groceries..

Being the smart kid he is and realised that those adults need their own time to fixed their problem, Haneul shouted

“Im gonna play with Jongdae hyung.. Goodbye..!”

He rushed to the flat next door while covered his ears with his palms.

(A/N : not next door, exactly two doors away from his own)..


Sehun rushed to them and dropped his groceries’s plastic bags on the floor while his left hand grabbed Jongin’s shirt and make Jongin turn around to faced him instead of Hanie..

“Ohh,, what are you doing here Oh Sehu-”

Even before Jongin managed to finished his sentence, a big fist landed oh his face right at his jawline..

Sehun punched him hard and make him lost his balance..


“That’s my question, you bastard!! What the hell are you doing here?”

Being the gentleman he is, Sehun stepped at Hanie’s front side and protect her..

She only stood there behind Sehun’s board shoulders and cried hard..


“That’s not your business..”

Jongin aswered sarcastically, while he wipe away some blood stains on his mouth..

“Just go away!! Dont you dare to come here anymore or least i will tell Kyungsoo noona about everything..”


Hanie flinched a little upon heard Sehun’s words..

But Sehun being the gentleman yet stubborn brat he is, threatened Jongin once again..

Jongin didnt want to argue anymore and left them, but before he left them, he said once again

“Im sorry Hanie..”


Then he walked away without even looked back, he simply left them.. He left Hanie..

He simply didnt want to accept Hanie and Haneul, he didnt want to admit that Haneul is his own son because he already has his own family with Kyungsoo and their daughter Minkyung..

That’s the most painful reality rather than being left behind without any words 7 years ago..


“Noona, please say something to me..”

Sehun caressed her soft browny hair.. Hanie stood there on the doorstep and cried..

Sehun decided to led Hanie sat on the couch and make her hot chocolate..

But Hanie still cried and didnt take a single sip of her hot chocolate..


“Noona, just cry if that can make you feel better..”

Sehun pulled her closed to him and hugged her..

Hanie didnt refuse him, she need him rightnow, she need someone’s shoulders to cry on, she need someone to rely on..

Sehun is the only one who care to her, who always at her side, who always be there when she need someone, who always brighten up her gloomy days, who always accompanied her when she is weary and lonely..


They didnt break their warm embrace.. A very warm embrace which Hanie really need..

And once again, she soaked Sehun’s shirt with her tears..

That bastard doesnt deserved your tears, Sehun thought..


He hugged her tighter and once a while he slowly draw circles on Hanie’s back with his both hands and back to caressed her soft hair.. Sehun unconsiously kissed the top of Hanie’s head and smelled it.. Jasmine and levender blended, those are Hanie’s scent..


They finally broke their embrace because suddenly Sehun’s phone buzzed inside his pocket..

“Sorry..” Sehun said as he stared at Hanie’s red puffy eyes..

“Uhmm, Its okay.. Im sorry i soaked your shirt by the way..” Hanie giggled..

Oh my God, how much i really want to kiss her rightnow! Sehun mentally shouted..


“Uhmm,, Sehun~ah, im sorry that i always be your bother.. Im the elder but i always bothering you.. Im so sorry i-”

Sehun shut up by conecting their lips together..

It was just only a quick peck though but Sehun’s heart raced uncontrollable..


He quickly stood up and ran toward the frontdoor..

“Im gonna pick Haneul up from Jongdae’s place..”

He shouted and was not dare to looking back at Hanie with his blushed face..

Little did he know that Hanie’s face also red as tomato..


Oh my God, what i’ve done? Stupid Sehun! you brain!

Sehun mentally cursed himself for being stupid and didnt think the consequences he will take later because he did such a shameful scene with Hanie.. He actually didnt want to rushed but his brain didnt compromised at that time..

There, he stood infront of Jongdae’s flat with his flustered face..

Its not like this was his first kiss though but he never felt this way before..


“Oh Hyung! What.... Why are you so red? Are you catch a fever?”

Sehun’s heart almost flip when the door suddenly open and revealed Haneul with his friend, Jongdae..

“No,, Im.. Im just feeling hot.. Isnt it hot here?”

Sehun made a fake expression just like a crab which bolied in the boiling water..


“Uhm, by the way.. Your Mama call you.. Lets help her to prepare dinner..”

“Oh.. Okay then.. Goodbye Jongdae hyung..”

His steps are heavier as they almost reached Hanie’s flat..

What should i do? Do i have to say sorry? What if she refuse to meet me anymore?


So much questions popped up Sehun’s mind at that time..

But what was he worried about are really the opposite..

Hanie gave him her warm smile and welcoming them (she had already washed her terrible face after her crying session)

just like there was nothing had happened a while ago..


Hanie and Sehun prepared their chinese food for dinner while Haneul prepared some plates on the table..

Hanie cut some carrots while Sehun marinated some pork to make sweet and sour pork..

They prepared their dinner in silence..

Only some simple words exchanged between them but Hanie and Sehun decided not to talked about their kiss..


Like always, Sehun and Haneul sat on the couch with their dinner and watched their favourite TV shows, while Hanie all by herself sat on a chair at their kitchen and wacthing them from far with her warm smile plastered on her face.. She had to forget about Jongin and their past..


I think i should buy a set of dining table plus chairs for them..

Sehun thought it would be nice if they can celebrate their first Christmas here as a family.. This thought made him smiled..

He really want to have his own family with Hanie and Haneul, but Hanie has to fixed her problem with Jongin first..

Because Sehun doesnt want Hanie to severe with her feeling towards Jongin.. Sehun knew, Hanie still loves Jongin..

And this thought made him frown..


What the !! I really hate Kim ing Jongin!!








A/N : As my promised to you guys, i've tried my best to up this chapt ^^

Next chapt i will explain about the reason why Jongin didnt received Hanie’s letters.. Do you guys know why?? Kekeeekkeke...

Dont forget to leave me some coments ^^
Thankyou readers (silent readers also considered)..

P/S : I didnt re-read it, sorry if there were too much gramatical errors/typos.. *bows 90 degree*

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I, Galita Miina, author of One Ring Two Loves, declare that MY FIC IS COMPLETED.. Thanks n Goodbye.. Till we meet again :)


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seungrin123 #1
I want to start read this story now so make sure it about hunhan and kaisoo okey..I will vote you later
aini_13 #2
Chapter 16: OH MY GOD !!!! this is toooooooo CUuuuuuuute !!! Minkyung want to have honeymoon with Haneul.... haha LOL...
aini_13 #3
Chapter 11: Ainindya
17 y.o
Luhan and Sehun
Chapter 19: Hei.. I like your story..
snqlxoals818 #5
Chapter 12: I really enjoy it ^^
thanks for mentioning me (again) :D
snqlxoals818 #6
Chapter 9: oh hai ^^
sorry for not comment on the first chapter. you know, I have already read your story several months ago when I haven't aff's account yet. jeongmal mianhaeyo ( _ _)
but nowdays I remember your story and almost frustrated coz I couldn't found it. I was screaming /LOL/ when I found it ^^ #I'm not kidding :)
really love love love your story ^^

*sorry for bad grammar, coz I'm Indonesian :) nice too meet you ^^
LovesAsianDrama #7
Okay, sorry I just found this fic as I am SUJU OTP first, so sorry I am just discovering your story. And I am still learning a few if the members LOL.

I will gladly read the story and leave comments and look forward to it. Thank you for mentioning me ^.^
baekyeolhunhanship #8
Chapter 12: I lov it!!i think I read it 10 times already..hee~
eLfish_hAnueL #9
Chapter 5: i was shocked by the user name thingy.. haha!!
nice fic!!
Chapter 11: Hi, silent reader here.. Sorry...
>>Selangor, Malaysia
>>D.O & Baekhyun.