Chapter 9

One Ring Two Loves

Hello you there.. I promised you to revealed the reason why Jongin didnt received Hanie’s letters.. kekekkee..

Here you go.. This chapt is shorter than others though, sorry..

Well, enjoy (or not).. ^^



Seoul – November 2013

Still the same day when Jongin had spent his time to visit Hanie at her flat..

He sat there, in his driver seat of his black Mercedes which was parked on Hanie’s flat parking area.. He didnt turn on his car engine..

He didnt leave that area until the sun was set and he was really angry because a certain baby blue metalic sedan still parked on that area too..

“What the hell is happened to her letters back then?”


Jongin still had this question ever since Hanie told him about her letters which supposedly reached Jongin over 7 years ago but nothing came to Jongin..

Then he decided to call someone, he pressed some buttons on his cellphone and waited for the long wait tune before someone picked up his phone call..


“Yobbuseyeo?” A middle aged woman asked him from the cross line..

“Omma, are you home now?”

“Oh, Jongin.. Ne, we are home now, why?”

“I just want to discuss or rather asking something important to you..”

“Aigoo,, can’t you make it by phone call instead? its already night though..”

“No, and dont tell Kyungsoo that im gonna visit you tonight..”


Even before his mother aswered him, Jongin press the red button on his phone and ended his call.. He turn on his car engine and pedalled the gas..

He drove to his parent’s home which located at Jinan.. But it would took 1 hour drive to reached his parent’s home..

Jongin didnt mind at all, because he was desperately need an answers for his questions about Hanie’s letters and the only one who knew about Hanie was Jongin’s parent..


From : Kai, your lovely husband

To : My lovely wife

Honey, I’m sorry i will be late tonight, so dont wait for me.. I have a very important meeting which i can’t skip.. See ya tomorrow morning? ^^


Jongin decided to texted Kyungsoo and told her lie.. He waited patiently to get reply from her.. Not more than 5 minutes he received a reply..


From : Kyung, your lovely wife

To : My y husband

Okay baby, but dont skip your meals, promise? ^^ (Kyung)

Love you Appa.. (Minkyung)


Jongin only chuckled upon read his wife’s message plus his cute daughter..

He really loved them, but deepdown his heart he also still loved Hanie..

And he thought he had to take responsibility toward his illegal son, Haneul..

But Jongin really didnt want to choosed between Kyungsoo and Hanie..

He didnt have a heart to break Kyungsoo’s heart or to make Hanie as his mistress.. He really confused at this time..


Finally, after spent 1 hour journey to his parent’s home, he arrived at their neighborhood residence..

He headed toward the front gate and honked his car several time until a servant opened it to let him in..

He parked his black Mercedes car at the front yard and got out from his car only to be welcomed by his confused parents who stood on their porch..


“Why its so sudden, son?”

His mother asked him, it was not like they didnt like his son to come, but they thought there must be something really important he wanna ask them..

They were now sat on the couch in livingroom as a maid put a cup of hot black coffee on the coffee table which near Jongin’s side..


“Thanks..” Jongin said to the maid before she bowed and left the livingroom..

“So, what the exactly matters do you wanna ask?” His father spoke up..

“Appa, Omma, do you by any chance knew what happened to Hanie’s letters 7 years ago?”


Nervousness crept their minds.. They were stare eachother to found some good explanation to their son, while Jongin waited them unpatiently..

“Wha- what do you mean, son? We didnt know any- anything..” His mother stuttered while her eyes avoid Jongin’s eyes..

Jongin knew that she lied to him..

“Were you guys did something to them? Jongin emphasized his words referred to Hanie’s letters and stared at his parents..



“We had no choice! She didnt deserved you son..”

Finally after a rather long paused, his father said something which made Jongin’s angry..

“What do you mean she didnt deserved me? What the hell you know about us?”

Jongin yelled at his father while his mother only tried to calm them down..

“Dont you dare to think we didnt know she is a poor orphanage! We just want what was the best for you and made you happy..”


“What did you know about me being happy, huh??”Jongin still yelled at his father..

“Kyungsoo is the only one who deserved you! She is the perfect woman for you! We didnt want to waste such a great opportunity! You must understand!”

“Just because she is the only one who gave me everything, gave you this house and whatnot, didnt mean you had the right to threw away Hanie’s letters!!!”

Jongin raised his voice and stood up from his seat, and this is the very first time he mad at his parents.. He was actually a very obedient and polite son..


“You even didnt gave me a chance to know that I have a son back then.. How cruel you were to Hanie.. I hate you!”

So, that was his final sentences in this supposedly family discussion and he left them without any proper goodbye words or bow or maybe hugs, no need, Jongin thought.. He was very angry at that moment..


He walked away from his parent’s house and headed toward his car at the front yard..

He closed the door and buckled his seatbelt ready to went away from this hell..

But before he the engine, his mother knocked on his window’s car..

Jongin still managed to open the glass window but didnt bother to looked at his mother..


“I’m so sorry son, you must understand.. We had no other choices and i hope you will forgive us..”

He didnt answered her, no need.. He closed the glass window and he turn on the engine and pedalled the gas, went away from his parent’s house..

He drove back to Seoul..


Suddenly his vission blurred because of some hot liquids filled his eyes, and he realised that he was crying at that moment..

Kim Jongin cried for the first time in his whole life time.. He was a strong man, who never cry although he was in pain..

When he was 14, he fought all those bastards who bullied Hanie and he didnt cry although his condition was far from okay and his body was covered by wounds..


But not at this time, actually physical pain was much more bearable rather than emotional pain..

Jongin let all of his tears fell down while his grip at the wheel became tighter..

He let out some few words from his mouth multiple times and those words were apologized toward Hanie..


“I am so sorry Hanie...”

He repeated those words until his throat became dried.. He cried until his eyes got puffy..

His mind was full of Hanie, his son Haneul, their struggle without him back then, who was provide them money?

How Haneul manage to live happily without a figure of father?

The worst, he was sure that Hanie’s life misserable ever since she was 5 y.o and he broke his promise to make her happy..


“I’m so sorry.. Please forgive me Hanie..”

Ofcourse Hanie didnt hear him apologized.. Hanie even didnt know that Jongin’s parents were interfere back then..

When Jongin became close with Kyungsoo the daughter of his director, Jongin’s parents decided not to let Hanie’s letters reached him..

They simply said they didnt know anything..


They even set Jongin and Kyungsoo up, to became more closer and asked Jongin to forgot about Hanie

by saying that she might had found another man until Jongin and Kyungsoo were finally got married..

Jongin’s parents knew about Haneul, because the last letter from Hanie told Haneul was born a year before Jongin got married with Kyungsoo..

They were very cruel toward Hanie just because she was an orphanage so they didnt bless Jongin to be together with her..


Jongin’s journey back to Seoul was very quiet, he didnt turn on the music or his car’s radio..

It was midnight and he passed a very long dark tunnel before he reached a thruway..

Jongin was not really focusing on his road and suddenly there was a light from his front direction shone very bright

and several loud honked could be heard in the air, he was simply crossed the roadline unconciously..


He couldnt manage to avoid this, because he simply didnt want to put some effort to throw down his wheel forcedfully and let his car received the hard crash at the front side.. Before the darkness was taken his vission, he still managed to muttered some words until a pitch black surrounded him and a very massive blackhole swallowed him up..


“I’m sorry Hanie..”






A/N : Sorry Jongin, i really hate your parents!! @%&*&*&%^$#$*&^&%$$#@^&^$%^#$%@!!

Sorry Mr. & Mrs. Kim.. I didnt mean to make you as a bad parent..

Sorry readers, this chapt is shorter than others..

Thankyou for whoever read my fic..

See yaaaa n till next chapt ^^


P/S : I didnt re-read it, i've been dizzysince 3 days agobcoz of my anemia :( 

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I, Galita Miina, author of One Ring Two Loves, declare that MY FIC IS COMPLETED.. Thanks n Goodbye.. Till we meet again :)


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seungrin123 #1
I want to start read this story now so make sure it about hunhan and kaisoo okey..I will vote you later
aini_13 #2
Chapter 16: OH MY GOD !!!! this is toooooooo CUuuuuuuute !!! Minkyung want to have honeymoon with Haneul.... haha LOL...
aini_13 #3
Chapter 11: Ainindya
17 y.o
Luhan and Sehun
Chapter 19: Hei.. I like your story..
snqlxoals818 #5
Chapter 12: I really enjoy it ^^
thanks for mentioning me (again) :D
snqlxoals818 #6
Chapter 9: oh hai ^^
sorry for not comment on the first chapter. you know, I have already read your story several months ago when I haven't aff's account yet. jeongmal mianhaeyo ( _ _)
but nowdays I remember your story and almost frustrated coz I couldn't found it. I was screaming /LOL/ when I found it ^^ #I'm not kidding :)
really love love love your story ^^

*sorry for bad grammar, coz I'm Indonesian :) nice too meet you ^^
LovesAsianDrama #7
Okay, sorry I just found this fic as I am SUJU OTP first, so sorry I am just discovering your story. And I am still learning a few if the members LOL.

I will gladly read the story and leave comments and look forward to it. Thank you for mentioning me ^.^
baekyeolhunhanship #8
Chapter 12: I lov it!!i think I read it 10 times already..hee~
eLfish_hAnueL #9
Chapter 5: i was shocked by the user name thingy.. haha!!
nice fic!!
Chapter 11: Hi, silent reader here.. Sorry...
>>Selangor, Malaysia
>>D.O & Baekhyun.