Chapter 2

One Ring Two Loves

Seoul – August  2013


Its weekend and Kyungsoo is cooking in the kitchen now..

She yelp as two arms linked her waist and backhugging her..

“Good morning Yeobo...”

Her husband  said as he kissed Kyungsoo’s lips..

“Morning honey.. Is Minkyung still sleeping?”


Her husband only nodded as a respon.. Last night Minkyung spent the night in her parents room..

And as always, she insist to cuddled her father not her mother..

What a good daughter she is..  Love her father more than her mother, Kyungsoo thought..


“Ah Yeobo, are you going to your business trip today?”

Kyungsoo asked her husband as she focused to cooked their breakfast..

Although its weekend now, business trip can’t be avoid..

“Uhmm.. yeah, just for two weeks..”

Her husband didnt spare any glance to Kyungsoo as he read a newspaper and sat on the chair..


“I’ve told you that i asked my friend to come over today right?”

Kyungsoo now arranging some plate on their dinning table..

“What’s your friend’s name again? Hana? Hani?”

Kyungsoo’s husband still reading his newspaper and didnt take his eyes off it..

“ Hanie.. Her name is Hanie and her son is Haneul.. Oh God, just help me now or i will burn you!NOW..!”


“Okay okay.. Please dont burn me Yeobo.. You know im not a morning person,  that’s why.....”

Her husband sat up from the chair and left the newspaper on the dining table..

“Than why you even reading newspaper huh??? I hate you” Kyungsoo is mad rightnow..

She is very cute with her puffy cheek and cute pout plastered her face..

“My Lady, i love you too..”

Her husband kissed her lips and if its possible, Kyungsoo turned even more red..


“Shut up.. Help me now and will you wake Minkyung up later after we finish this?”

“As you please..”

Kyungsoo is turning around only for a little while to bring the kimchi stew she made and when she is turning around she find her husband now changing into a maid.. No, her husband dissappeared..


“Ma’am, your husband asked me to help you..”

the servant made her way into dining room and help Kyungsoo..

“Yeobooooooo...!” Kyungsoo shouted from the top of her lungs..

“Im waking Minkyung up!” Her husband shouted back from the upstairs..



Hanie is cooking kimchi fried rice for Haneul and herself..

Today, they will visit Kyungsoo and Minkyung.. Hanie promised it..

“Haneul baby, breakfast is ready..” Hanie shouted to her son..

Haneul already took a bath and get dress..

He wore a simple baby blue t-shirt with a pair of shorts..


“Are you really going with those clothes?”

His mother asked him and she eyeing him from toes till the head..

“Yes, why? Its summer though.. I dont want to burn alive outside there.."
"Besides, i already have a tan skin Mama..”

Haneul answer as he munching his breakfast..


“Oh,, good answer..”

Hanie sat in the seat near his son and began to eat her breakfast..

Actually there just two chairs though.. For her and her son..

Hanie is wearing simple pink pastel dress which fall on  her knees with some corsages on her right shoulder..

And she is wearing a pair of creamy flat shoes and holding a beige hand-bag..

They both taking a bus today.. Kyungsoo already gave her address yesterday by sending Hanie’s a text..



“Dont forget to call me when you already there Yeobo, okay..”

Kyungsoo said as she kissed her husband lips hungrily..

Her husband is smiling between their passionately kisses..


“Oh my God, Yeobo.. You’re giving me problem there..”

Kyungsoo’s husband whispers rather seductively at his wife’s right ear and his eyes make contact to his lower part..

“I dont care! You have to comeback quickly..!”

Even she is yelling at her husband, she couldnt avoid that her face blushed..

She is very pretty when she is blushing, her husband thought..



Minkyung is running toward her father and being carried by her father..

“I will miss both of you..”

Said Minkyung’s father as he kissed her daughter puffy cheeks..

“Take care.. Goodbyyeeeeee.. We love you Appa..”

Kyungsoo said as her husband got in the car at the backseat and drove on..


Not above 15 minutes from Kyungsoo’s husband departure,

Hanie and Haneul arrived there in front of the gate..

They shocked, because Kyungsoo’s home is bigger and luxurious than their flat ofcourse..

They made their way as a maid lead them in..


“Hanieeeeeeeeeee...” Kyungsoo chirped and hugged her friend..

“Oppaaaaaaaa...!” Little Minkyung also hugged her Haneul oppa..

Both of Hanie and Kyungsoo shocked because of their kids closeness but only smiled..

“Come in.. Make yourself  at home..”


They are now sitting on one of super fluffy couch in Kyungsoo’s livingroom..

Her livingroom as big as Hanie’s flat..

There are a rather big coffee table made from a glass in the center of the room and surrounded by 3 fluffy couches..

Not forget the super big LCD screen hanging on the wall..

And those huge glassdoors are amazing, Hanie thought..

Behind those glassdoors, you can find playground outside there..


A servant served some cookies and many kind of cakes plus watermelon, Haneul’s favourite..

“Minkyung also loves watermelon.. She doesnt like melon..”

Kyungsoo said as she shipped her strawberry juice..

“Kyungsoo ahjumma, i also loves watermelon, right Mama?”

“Haneul, just call me Kyungsoo Noona, okay.. Im not that old..”

Kyungsoo pouted and made Hanie chuckled at her friend’s childishness..


“Eomma, Haneul oppa and i want to swimming outside.. Is it okay?”

Kyungsoo’s house also has a big swimming pool.. Its devided into two part..

The one part is for children and shallow and the other part is for adults (whatever you name it)..


“Mrs.Hwang will watch them over.. Its okay Hanie..”

Kyungsoo seems read Hanie’s worriedness which was written all over her face..

Yes, one of servant there watched the kids when they were playing arround.. It would be safe..

“Hurraaayyy....” Haneul and Minkyung shouted in union as they ran to the outside..


“Hanie, shall we cooking something for lunch, and do some chit chat here and there and tell me about you more..”

“What do you want to know about me huh?”

They were in the diningroom and sat on the chairs..

From Hanie’s story, Kyungsoo knew that Hanie was an orphanage

and that her husband died because of cancer before Haneul was born.. What a sad story..


“So, im very curious with your husband’s look.. Is he handsome?”

Hanie teased Kyungsoo as she raised her eyebrows..

If Hanie recalled it, she didnt find any pictures of Kyungsoo and her husband at their wedding,

not in the livingroom neither in diningroom, LOL.. Maybe in their room, Hanie thought..


“Yes, he is soooo handsome and not to mention he is very hot!”

They were laughing so hard.. That’s why Hanie even didnt asked Kyungsoo’s husband name..

They were interupted by a servant who informed that their kids done with their swim

and they both have already slept on ‘Minkyung’s play room’..


“Tell me, how you guys met..?”

“He was an employee at my father company..

I fell in love at the first sight and spent more time around my father’s company because of him”

Kyungsoo started to telling Hanie her love story..


From Kyungsoo’s story, her husband was not at the same level as Kyungsoo..

It means, Kyungsoo’s husband was not a kind of wealthy man with his own corporation..

Kyungsoo’s husband got a deputy-chief position maybe because of Kyungsoo..

What a lucky man, Hanie thought.. (A/N : I even dunno what deputy-chief position is.. T^T, sorry.. dont kill me guys)


Kyungsoo’s story was interupted once again as a servant informed her that a certain man arrived at that time..

Kyungsoo was unwillingly to leave Hanie in diningroom but she had to..

Hanie, once again daydreaming.. She envied Kyungsoo..

She always take a glance at Kyungsoo’s wedding ring..

A simple golden ring with a diamond at the center..


That is a simple but elegant ring, its not like Hanie’s ring.. Simple and cheap..

She mentally slapped her thought.. Jongin’s love is the more important thing

thats why if she got a cheap ring its okay though.. But that was a long story which was forgotten..



Hanie and Jongin walked along the park as they intertwined their hands..

They sat on one of empty bench there.. Silence filled the atmosphere but it was not the awkward one..

Jongin stared his lover, how came a human be this perfect? He thought..

Jongin is the happiest man in the world because he had Hanie..  


Her beauty is out of the normally beauty, to be shorts she looks like an angel in Jongin’s eyes..

This is it, he had the urge to tell her..

“Hanie baby..”

“Uhmm.. What?”

“Will you marry me?”


Asked Jongin as he took out a little silver box from his pocket..

Hanie was frozen.. Her eyes grew wider when Jongin opened the said box to revealed a cute simple silver ring..

It was not a golden ring with diamonds all over its surface, no it was just the simple one..

Jongin took Hanie’s left ring finger and put the ring on it.. Hanie was speechless.. She cried..


“Baby, are you mad at me? You dont like it?”

Jongin panicked.. He cupped Hanie’s face and stared at her doe-eyes worriedly..

“Pabo! Ofcourse not.. Im very happy.. Im the happiest girl in this world..”

She smiled at Jongin, the best smile he will never forget for the rest of his life.. Jongin thought..

“So, will you marry me baby? I promised you next year we will hold our wedding and we will be a legally married couple ”

“Yes i do..”


They smiled eachother and shared kisses.. The sweetes kiss ever..

They couldnt be happier at that time but the day Jongin had proposed Hanie was the day before he left her for Seoul..

End of flashback


“Im telling you, there was a change of plan, i will stay here for few months ahead before i leave..”

Hanie’s train thoughts cut off of a certain man’s voice.. This voice is closer to diningroom where Hanie was..

“I am thristy.... Do you have...”

This certain man couldnt continue his sentence as he stared at Hanie.. He is frozen..

Hanie even couldnt blinked her eyes upon seeing this man.. Is this a dream? Is he even real?

Hanie and this certain man stare eachother, silence filled the diningroom..


(“What is love” is being played)

Gull, i cant explain what i feel..

I lost my mind the moment i saw you..

Everything except you become slow motion..

Tell me is this love?






A/N : Syyaalalaaaaa... :D :D :D :D

Do you guys know who is this certain *cough* handsomeandgergousyetyandhot man ??

Please D.O comments guys,, OhKaaaaiiii...!!

P.S : I dont re-read it, i won’t.. Sorry if it will be too much errors..

Im too sleepy, i am actually writing this chapt half-asleep coz i've woken up from my nap .. kekeee..

*Jumps of cliff while cuddle with Luhan*

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I, Galita Miina, author of One Ring Two Loves, declare that MY FIC IS COMPLETED.. Thanks n Goodbye.. Till we meet again :)


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seungrin123 #1
I want to start read this story now so make sure it about hunhan and kaisoo okey..I will vote you later
aini_13 #2
Chapter 16: OH MY GOD !!!! this is toooooooo CUuuuuuuute !!! Minkyung want to have honeymoon with Haneul.... haha LOL...
aini_13 #3
Chapter 11: Ainindya
17 y.o
Luhan and Sehun
Chapter 19: Hei.. I like your story..
snqlxoals818 #5
Chapter 12: I really enjoy it ^^
thanks for mentioning me (again) :D
snqlxoals818 #6
Chapter 9: oh hai ^^
sorry for not comment on the first chapter. you know, I have already read your story several months ago when I haven't aff's account yet. jeongmal mianhaeyo ( _ _)
but nowdays I remember your story and almost frustrated coz I couldn't found it. I was screaming /LOL/ when I found it ^^ #I'm not kidding :)
really love love love your story ^^

*sorry for bad grammar, coz I'm Indonesian :) nice too meet you ^^
LovesAsianDrama #7
Okay, sorry I just found this fic as I am SUJU OTP first, so sorry I am just discovering your story. And I am still learning a few if the members LOL.

I will gladly read the story and leave comments and look forward to it. Thank you for mentioning me ^.^
baekyeolhunhanship #8
Chapter 12: I lov it!!i think I read it 10 times already..hee~
eLfish_hAnueL #9
Chapter 5: i was shocked by the user name thingy.. haha!!
nice fic!!
Chapter 11: Hi, silent reader here.. Sorry...
>>Selangor, Malaysia
>>D.O & Baekhyun.