Chapter 8

For the Next Twelve Hours


Besides the occasional voices all I hear is my loud, uneven breathing. It hurts to inhale. It hurts to exhale. I feel my ribs cracking with each breath. My body has bruises everywhere, my eye needs stitches, and my clothes are sticking to my skin. 
"I am her daughter and I plan to wipe out the entire government race if they don't give me what I want, starting with you." 
I grow quiet and let it sink in. 
"Get her out of here," she screams out
I didn't see anyone here before until they move out of the shadows. They untie me from the chair and start to drag me away. Being dragged away, something snaps in me. 
"You will never hurt the Government. Summit will put an end to all of this, and you, you will be dead. Just like your filthy, good for nothing, poor, murderous mother!! You may kill me but, I won't change anything. My father doesn't care about me. So go ahead follow your mother's footsteps, I'm sure she's made a place in her grave for you!" 
It takes her less than five strides reach me. She slaps me. Hard. I can feel her nails digging into my skin as she repeatedly slaps and punches me. I receive a few knees to my stomach and it hurts. But I know I will never take back what I said
"Don't you ever talk about my mother ever again! You know nothing about my mother!" She spits back. 
Through the pain I smile at her. "You're right. I will never know anything about that piece of trash." Another slap. I turn my head and smile again. "She deserved what she got." 
With that said she turns wild. She starts clawing at me and demands them to take me away. I'm carried, well more like dragged, to a small room. I'm through on the ground and my kidnapper comes over towards me. 
Roughly grabbing my face she whispers in my ear. "You're going to see what happens to people who disrespect my mother." 
She kicks my stomach one last time and leaves me to her workers. They all take turns slapping, punching, and kicking me. It's an endless beating that shows no sign of stopping. I'm defenseless against these men, so I just take it all in. I can't see from all the blood rushing down my face. 
"Stop. You'll kill her."
The beating stops and I collapse on the ground. I've gotten myself in too deep. I look up at see them messing around with something. I can't really tell what it is because my blurred vision. I hear a click then a I'm pushed back against the wall. The water is hitting by already sore body. I can't breath; I'm drowning. The force of the water is too strong for me to get up and crawl away from. The water rushes into my nose and mouth, I can feel myself drowning. 
The water stops. Rolling on to my side I throw up all the water. It burns my nose and throat. I roll onto my back and close my eyes. I hear the sound of footsteps followed by a door closing. I peak open my eyes to see if anyone is left in the room with me, when I don't find anyone I breath a sigh of relief. 
I need a way to get out of here. I know that if I can escape I have to hide until the Extermination is over, only then can I go find Kai. Now all I need is a plan…
There's a window. It's a little too high and too small, but it's there. Quickly taking off my shoe I aim and throw it at the window. Nothing. 
I have to try a different angle. 
I've found that if I stand on my toes and hop I can't grab onto the edge of the window and hoist myself up. With my shoe in hand I get up and endlessly pound on the window. I grow exhausted and jump back down. I have to build up my strength. 
I look around the room for the person who called my name. 
"Yea?" I say back. I glance around the room again and spot Kwan leaning causally up against the wall. 
"Kwan...what are did you...?"
"Kora, you've come a long way to get to this point. I need you to know that you can't give up. I wish I had the strength and courage that you posses. I want you to know that mom and dad love you. They love you and are very proud of you. Even though dad may act like he doesn't care, he does. Trust me when I say this Kora, he is trying." 
I feel my eyes watering up. This is the real Kwan. This is my brother, not that guy who I seen in the mirror back at the old building. His words give me the confidence I need, I feel higher. 
"Oh and hey Kora before I go..." Kwan lifts up his hand. "Catch."
I catch what he throws and it's a rock. "Thank…you." 
He's gone. Again I climb up to the window and begin to hit it with the rock. 
"Yah!" I scream as I finally bust though the window. I waste no time getting out. The glass is cutting at my arms and legs but I have to bear it for the sake of coming out alive. 
"Yes!" I call out. I spin around and soak up this feeling of freedom. It feels great to be free. Being trapped in that room suffocated me. 
Jumping up and down and throwing my fist in the air I stop when I remember. "Kai!" I gasp and run back to the house. 
Crap. Crap. Crap. I can only run so far until I grow tired. My insides are busied and I'm probably bleeding to death but I need to get to Kai. Approaching the house I force myself to run through the pain and get inside. 
"Kai!" I shout when I bust through the door. 
I look over to where I last left him and he's not there. I try my best to remain calm. Maybe Kai went to a different room. I start to walk throughout the place and check every room. No sign of Kai anywhere. I'm tempted to go upstairs to look for him but I know he's smart enough to not go up there again. I walk back over to where he was and I see blood but it leads somewhere else. I follow the trail until I get to the door. 
"Oh no. No no no no no!" I grow frantic at the thought of what happened to Kai. Someone must have seen us walking into here and seen me leave so they knew that he was in there, alone. I run my hand through my hair and go back outside to find Kai. 
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Extra thanks to balloon_ for that lovely poster!!


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Chapter 11: sooo he survived right?? XD i enjoyed it. it reminds me of the purge lol thanks anyway!
buttersweetlove #2
Chapter 11: Omfg my heart breaks when i read that stupid kidnappers shot kai. But the last chapter got me like :"DD.
rhinzhyo #3
Chapter 11: I fuvkin cried... Uwahhh! Thank you for the story authornim .. The story vented out my feelings... Uwahhhh
jenjeneee #4
Chapter 11: OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD OMFGGGGGGGGGGG DUUUUUUUUUUUDE DUDE DUDE DUDEEEEEEE. omfg okay, like I can't even start with how amazing this was omg. I was so freaking sad when those stupid kidnappers shot kai like I literally screamed in my room like a maniac but then when I read the last chapter, like the end, I was like OH MY GOOOODDDDDDDDD YASSSSSSSSS HE HAS TO BE ALIVEEE HE HAS TOOOO! haha, anyways the story seamed really similar to the purge so I had a feeling it was gonna be great. I was desperatly on a hunt for some great crime/action stories since I was so tired of reading the same typical love stories. haha, great job! I hope to read more stories from you :)
Chapter 11: AUTHOR NIM YOURE SO CRUEL YOU........ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ im crying when kai is dead and the last part omg WHYㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
This is so beautiful sobs thank you for your hardwork i love you ;~;
I almost burst into tears, thinking that kai was dead and would not be present in her life anymore... AND I DIS BURST INTO TEARS BECAUSE OF THE ENDING :(

This is just sooooo beautiful
Chapter 11: Oh! I love your ending! Very nicely done. Its a sort of open ending but still, I like how we can imagine the next time... I'm really interested in the world you've created too.
Chapter 8: I love that she didn't need rescuing and got herself out. Now I'm nervous for Kai. Hope he's ok!
Chapter 7: This is getting intense :o will Jongin save her? Or will he want change and let her die? otl.