Chapter 6

For the Next Twelve Hours


I step out the house. It's like stepping out of your comfort zone. Walking down the path I try not look back. If I look back, I won't be able to continue on my journey. The moon is lighting up my path and any dangerous objects that are in the way. I'm a natural born klutz, I find a way to hurt myself or anyone in a five mile radius of me. 
I reach the bottom of the path safely and venture into the city. I have to keep reminding myself that I just need to quickly get a kit and come back to Kai.
Kai, the sole reason I'm alive and the reason I'm out here. It's okay though, I'd do anything for him. I mean it's the least I can do. 
No one is here and I like it. It's the kind of peace I need. Walking out here makes me feel like I'm back in the government. Some nights I would go out for nightly walks before we had to return home. I would walk to clear my head or worry myself even more. Sometimes I would even stop by my brothers grave and talk to him. Hoping he will give me some guidance. I think back to the mirror and what was said. I think I'm becoming delusional. 
A slight breeze brushes my arm. It's cold and I don't have a jacket. I should have taken Kai's. Well I can't do anything about it now. Up ahead I see a store that looks like it would carry first aid kits. I walk over and pull the door open. I'm surprised its unlocked, but someone might have already came through here. 
I find the medical aisle and can't find anything. I do find some pain killers; I grab them for later. 
I leave the store unsuccessful. There are other stores, so it's not a complete loss. While walking I listen to my boots hitting the ground. The sound of my boots occasionally scrapping over the rocks. I get lost in my thoughts all while trying to hunt for a new store. 
Six stores later and have nothing. Nothing. It's like the whole town came only to these stores and took all the supplies. What can a girl do to get a first aid kit? 
I leave the sixth store with my shoulders a little lower. I know I can't give up, at least not now. At the third store I did contemplate about going back, but Kai's counting on me and I can't let him down. I never let anyone down. I can afford to. 
My thoughts wonder to Kai. I wonder how he's holding up. I hope he's okay. I hope the pain isn't too much for him. If it is then I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not being by your side and I'm sorry for taking too long. If he hadn't  fallen down the stairs we could still be talking, we could be laughing and sharing stuff that will bring us closer. I want to get to know Kai more. I want to know what kind of girls he likes—excluding Mei. I want to know what qualities he looks for in them. What will he do on a first date? Will he hold her hand and keep her close? Will he hug and kiss her in public just to show everyone that he loves her and that she's his? When she cries will he make her laugh just to get her to smile? Will he tell her he loves her or send her flowers? 
I laugh. All the questions I have for Kai are about dating. What does this mean? 
"I'm going crazy," I repeat while smacking my head. 
I come to another store and walk inside. Maybe this is the one. I walk to the medicine aisle. I scan across the shelfs for one. 
"Ah ha!" I say when I see one in the back. I reach back and pull it out. "Yes!" 
Kai here I come. 
I lift up the box and examine it. "I'm so happy I found you, now Kai will finally be better!" 
"Ahh," I roll my neck. I decide that when I get back to Kai I'm going to ask him all the questions from earlier. I want to be his friend; I want him on my side. I want to know what it will take to change his opinion on love. Excitement pulses through me and run home.
How can I have not noticed them right there when I passed earlier? Maybe I was too wound up in Kai world. Even on the way back I didn't notice. But they were waiting—watching because they knew I'd be back. That's what they were waiting for. Me. An easy target. 
Something hits my thigh. It hurts. I glance down at it—it's a dart. My vision blurs and everything turns black. 

I was feeling a little sweet, so why not update twice? Actually I think chapter 6 is short and that is another reason for my updating. Please enjoy these and their shall be more to come. 


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Extra thanks to balloon_ for that lovely poster!!


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Chapter 11: sooo he survived right?? XD i enjoyed it. it reminds me of the purge lol thanks anyway!
buttersweetlove #2
Chapter 11: Omfg my heart breaks when i read that stupid kidnappers shot kai. But the last chapter got me like :"DD.
rhinzhyo #3
Chapter 11: I fuvkin cried... Uwahhh! Thank you for the story authornim .. The story vented out my feelings... Uwahhhh
jenjeneee #4
Chapter 11: OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD OMFGGGGGGGGGGG DUUUUUUUUUUUDE DUDE DUDE DUDEEEEEEE. omfg okay, like I can't even start with how amazing this was omg. I was so freaking sad when those stupid kidnappers shot kai like I literally screamed in my room like a maniac but then when I read the last chapter, like the end, I was like OH MY GOOOODDDDDDDDD YASSSSSSSSS HE HAS TO BE ALIVEEE HE HAS TOOOO! haha, anyways the story seamed really similar to the purge so I had a feeling it was gonna be great. I was desperatly on a hunt for some great crime/action stories since I was so tired of reading the same typical love stories. haha, great job! I hope to read more stories from you :)
Chapter 11: AUTHOR NIM YOURE SO CRUEL YOU........ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ im crying when kai is dead and the last part omg WHYㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
This is so beautiful sobs thank you for your hardwork i love you ;~;
I almost burst into tears, thinking that kai was dead and would not be present in her life anymore... AND I DIS BURST INTO TEARS BECAUSE OF THE ENDING :(

This is just sooooo beautiful
Chapter 11: Oh! I love your ending! Very nicely done. Its a sort of open ending but still, I like how we can imagine the next time... I'm really interested in the world you've created too.
Chapter 8: I love that she didn't need rescuing and got herself out. Now I'm nervous for Kai. Hope he's ok!
Chapter 7: This is getting intense :o will Jongin save her? Or will he want change and let her die? otl.