Chapter 5

For the Next Twelve Hours


"No, why?" I ask Kai. 
He smirks. "No reason." 
"What about you?"
"What was her name?"
"We aren't playing twenty questions again are we?" Kai teases. 
I shake my head. "No, just honestly curious." I really don't know why I want to know more. I guess I'm just interested. 
"Mei. Mei was my best friend and honestly the best person a guy could have. I was lucky to have her. To me she was my everything. If she needed anything I would rush to her side. I was not satisfied if she wasn't around me, I guess you can say I was madly in love. I won't ever forget how we met; I was out walking and there she was, it was like a slow motion love-at-first-site movie scene. After that I knew I had to have her. Eventually we started dating and I was on cloud nine. She made me happy," he pauses, "she made me happy until one day I came home and found her…I found her kissing my brother. Turns out she was just using me to get to him. Mei never loved me. I was about as useful to her as a dead animal. But you know what makes it worse, Kora?"
 I shake my head. 
"What makes is worse is that my brother and her didn't even apologize. They acted like I didn't have feelings. Now they are married and happy. I'm broken, bitter, and shy away from affection. I don't know when I'll be happy because I'm afraid to love. It's been easy though because no girls have yet to catch my eye."
I hope he's lying about that last part. I really hope he's lying. He called me cute, or was that just a way to get me closer. Honestly I'm hurt. I should feel bad about what Mei did to him, I really should, but I can't. I've let my own selfishness get in the way. So what am I to him? Oh yeah that's right. I'm his partner.
"Why haven't you dated?" Kai ask breaking me from my inner thoughts. 
I shrug my shoulders. I've never honestly thought about dating. Studying to please the unappeasable has been my whole life. I guess I just though of dating as useless. "It has just never been a thought to cross my mind."
Kai nods. 
I don't know what that nod means. Is it good that I've never dated because I haven't experience heartbreak? Or is it bad that I've never dated? Kai alway leaves me feeling confused he says one thing but his facial expression says another. 
I look at my watch and sigh. It's only 2:30. 
"So now what?" I ask as Kai stands up. 
He starts walking around the room. "I guess nothing. We wait here until dawn. Then we go home."
When he mentions home my stomach starts to turn. I miss home but I don't want to leave Kai. I feel like he's a new friend. In fact my only friend. 
"This place really is disgusting." Kai comments. 
I look at the dusty walls and cobwebs. Our hideout is an old abandoned house. The floors creak with every step and threaten to give out at any moment. This so the only place available to us for protection so we had to take it. It's dark and our only lighting is the natural light which soles from a dirty window near the stairs. The stairs lead to a second floor but I won't dare go near them. I try to remind myself that we have four more hours until we can get out of this old scary building. By the looks of this place it must have been someone's home or an bed and breakfast. It couldn't have been a restaurant, there are too many rooms on the first floor alone. 
"Kai—where did he go?" I look around and can't find him. I get up and slowly creep into the long hallway. Judging by the area we are occupying we were in the living room. I come to a door that is slightly ajar and push it open. Kai isn't in the room but i continue to walk in. The room is bare and the only thing inside is a cracked mirror. I cautiously step over towards the mirror. I look tired, scared, and weak. I have dark circles forming under my eyes and my face looks dirty. My reflection changes; It's Kwan. 
Kwan looks at me with fierce eyes. He looks deadly. He looks like he does in the picture that hangs in the hall. Short jet black hair, hazel eyes, and sharp jawline. Every feature on his face is perfect. He smiles at me revealing his dimples. I smile back but that's all fades with the next thing that leaves his lips. 
"They won't ever love you. No one will. You are useless Kora. Useless. We would be happier without you. We all would," Kwan tells me almost informs me. 
I'm to shocked by his words to even begin to respond. How can my brother whom I idolized say that to me. 
"Dad doesn't love you. To him you mean less than nothing and mom, oh mom, she's trying her best to be nice but she can't because you aren't me. You will always be second to her. I'm her first and always will be."
"Shut up Kwan." I say on the brink of tears because I want to tell him he's lying and shout to him how wrong he is. 
"Kora, go out there and get killed. Since you're such a failure you don't deserve to live. You'd be doing all of us a favor really. Admit it Kora, I'm right. And did you actually think Kai loves you? Haha you have got to be joking. Kai loves Mei and you're stupid to actually think he would like you. No one loves you, Kora. You're just a—"
"SHUT UP. SHUT UP. SHUT UP. SHUT UP!!" I scream at Kwan closing my eyes. I can't take the pressure and abuse. I sink to the ground and cry. My imagination of Kwan was right, I've just been tried so hard to run away from the truth. 
I hear Kai scream followed by a loud bang. With the back of my hand I wipe my tears and run back into the main room. Kai at the bottom of the stairs on his back. 
"Kai!" I scream and run over to him. 
He groans and grabs his leg. 
"W-what happened?" 
Kai looks up at me with pained eyes. He groans again and swallows before talking. "I went upstairs to see what was up there. I was walking around and stepped on, I don't know a weak floor board and fell. I went through the floor and landed on the stairs. I came rolling down and cut my leg."
I pushed Kai's hands away and gently grabbed his leg which is covered in blood. Rolling up his pants I reveal a large gash in his leg that could need stitches. 
"Kora," Kai whispers. I look over at him and pull his arm from over his eyes. "Kora I need you to go out and find a first aid kit. This is the only way my leg will get better. Do you think you can do that?"
I nod. I just have to go out quickly find a first aid kit so I can come back to Kai. I get up and walk to the door. Turning around I gaze at Kai lying helplessly on the ground.  I mentally promise Kai I'll be back, what I don't know is that it's a promise I won't keep. 
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Extra thanks to balloon_ for that lovely poster!!


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Chapter 11: sooo he survived right?? XD i enjoyed it. it reminds me of the purge lol thanks anyway!
buttersweetlove #2
Chapter 11: Omfg my heart breaks when i read that stupid kidnappers shot kai. But the last chapter got me like :"DD.
rhinzhyo #3
Chapter 11: I fuvkin cried... Uwahhh! Thank you for the story authornim .. The story vented out my feelings... Uwahhhh
jenjeneee #4
Chapter 11: OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD OMFGGGGGGGGGGG DUUUUUUUUUUUDE DUDE DUDE DUDEEEEEEE. omfg okay, like I can't even start with how amazing this was omg. I was so freaking sad when those stupid kidnappers shot kai like I literally screamed in my room like a maniac but then when I read the last chapter, like the end, I was like OH MY GOOOODDDDDDDDD YASSSSSSSSS HE HAS TO BE ALIVEEE HE HAS TOOOO! haha, anyways the story seamed really similar to the purge so I had a feeling it was gonna be great. I was desperatly on a hunt for some great crime/action stories since I was so tired of reading the same typical love stories. haha, great job! I hope to read more stories from you :)
Chapter 11: AUTHOR NIM YOURE SO CRUEL YOU........ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ im crying when kai is dead and the last part omg WHYㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
This is so beautiful sobs thank you for your hardwork i love you ;~;
I almost burst into tears, thinking that kai was dead and would not be present in her life anymore... AND I DIS BURST INTO TEARS BECAUSE OF THE ENDING :(

This is just sooooo beautiful
Chapter 11: Oh! I love your ending! Very nicely done. Its a sort of open ending but still, I like how we can imagine the next time... I'm really interested in the world you've created too.
Chapter 8: I love that she didn't need rescuing and got herself out. Now I'm nervous for Kai. Hope he's ok!
Chapter 7: This is getting intense :o will Jongin save her? Or will he want change and let her die? otl.