Chapter 1: It Now Begins

For the Next Twelve Hours


I close my eyes and try to block out the chaos surrounding me. The screams and cries for help. Help that won't come because it's that time of year again. A time where danger is literally on every corner or lurking in your front yard. A time when people are put to the test to see who has the ultimate set of survival skills. 
When I have calmed down I open my eyes and check my watch. It's been exactly 1 hour since the start of the Extermination. As daylight fades away and night starts to creep in I become hyper aware of all my surroundings. From the trash can in the corner to the soggy newspaper balled up beside me. Carefully, I reach over and pick up the paper and read the cover. 
"Surviving the annual Extermination." It reads. I scan over the names of the deceased and survival stories of those who are fortunate enough to live through the 12 hours. Another article explains the need for the Extermination. In school they teach is that the Extermination is for everyone to go out and have sometime to do what they please without the authorities to stop them. They also said that the government issues this day for "special" purposes. I don't know what that is supposed to mean, but I think that it's the Government being lazy. The Government is so lazy that they can't even protect their people year-round, they need a day to just let people kill each other while they sit back and eat…donuts. 
I hate the Government. I hate everyone who works for them. And I hate everyone who worships them. They think they are so proud because they work for the top dogs, when really all they are are puppets controlled by them. 
There are two levels of people, the Government civilians and the others below them. We, as Government civilians refer to them as the Amiss Class. 
The Government class receives special privileges. They get the better jobs and homes. They live in their own uptight bubble. The people there are conservative, rude, judgmental, and overly confident. The houses, clothes, and people are plain. Personally the only thing in the Government Class that doesn't lack color is the flowers at the Court. In the Government Class everyone works for Summit (a corporation that creates and enforces the rules of today's world) my parents, my classmates parents— everyone. No one from the Amiss class is allowed to enter the Government without permission, and none of them are ever allowed to work for us. I've been told that once people from the Amiss Class were allowed to work at Summit and at government civilians homes, but that all changed when one family was murdered by their maid. She was an Amiss and got impregnated by the husband of the household she was working for. He had a loving family and a very respectable position at Summit. One day one of the neighbors went to ask them something and walked in on a crime scene. Things were broken, blood decked the walls, and bodies were lying everywhere. No one knows what happened to the maid and the baby, some say she killed herself and the baby, while others say she snuck back into the Amiss class and raised her kid. 
Now there is the other of the two classes know as the Amiss class. They are poor, wrongly raised, and out of control. I have no right to say that, but that is how we were raised to view them as. I guess I'm just like the people of the Government Class: judgmental. I don't know much about the people there, except for the stereotypical views. I guess that shows how much we are shielded from during our adolescent years. What I do know about the Amiss class is that they rebelled against the Government and Summit quickly put them back in there "rightful" place. No more uprising for them. Actually I feel bad for the Amiss civilians, but I won't ever say that aloud, if I did I would be accused of loving them and betraying my own. And my father would not appreciate that. 
My father raised me to appreciate where I come from; a high class pure bred family. My father is the Vice President of Summit. I have always wondered why my dad agrees with the idea of the Extermination, but I know better than to question him and his work. Sometimes I don't even know my father. We are two different people. He makes me feel like I'm an alien species who needs to be killed off. He has honest intentions to be nice but i know behind those eyes whats he's thinking. My father is tough in every way possible; tough love, tough mind, tough spirit, and has a tough way of dealing with problems. I can't exactly say that I love him. He's hardly at home, and when he is he makes me feel like crap. No one wants to love someone who puts them down, so I don't. 
My mother. My mother is my world. She's firm but understanding. She doesn't take anything from anyone, she's hard on the outside and soft within. She's smart and beautiful. I know this because everyone tells me that back in the day every guy wanted her attention. I don't mean to brag but I've been told I inherited her looks. The only down side to my mom is how much she forces, she forces me to strive for elegance, independence, and no emotion. She tells me not to show any emotion because it shows how weak and afraid you are. And once you're weak, you become a target. 
Right now though, I can honestly tell you I'm scared. I'm locked outside of my world and I'm stuck in the middle of the next one. 
I check my watch again. It reads 7:52 pm. The night is coming faster and I need to find better shelter. I just need to survive for the next 12 hours then I can return home. I'm surprised that I've lived this long. It's been almost 2 hours since the Extermination started and in those hours I've remained hidden and alive. I would stay here all night but I know I'll be found.
I stand up and dust myself off. I walk to the front of the alley and poke my head out.I look around to make sure it looks clear. I'm about to step out when I see a person in the distance. I squint to get a better look when I see a group of people run and attack him. They have bats and crowbars in hand and they jump him. They are like apes, repeatedly hitting him. I lock eyes with the victim and he cries out. A cry for help, a cry of pain or both. I'm not going out there to help him. I feel bad but I can't risk myself. I figured I can run and find me a place quickly while those people beat up that man. 
I hear a snapping behind me, turning my head I see two large men behind me. I don't know what to do except run—so I do—I run as fast and as hard as I can away from that dark alley. Away from my safety. Away from the guy who is probably dead by now. I hear the guys nearing behind me and I push to run even faster. I'm slowly losing my breath and my adrenaline is burning out. I run around and weave as much as I can until I find a building. I turn around and see that the men are gone. Slowing down I reach the building and walk inside. I'm surprised the door was left open in a place like this. 
It looks like an office building. They're desks and cubicles throughout the room. Worn out from my run I sink into a chair at a random cubicle. I don't know how long I can stay here, but for now I have to relax and plan out how to make it. Taking off my backpack I look inside to see what I have. 
I sigh when I see I only have a pocket knife, a set of keys, and a pack of crackers. My stomach is growling, but I have to save the crackers for later, right now I need to take a nap so I will be alert for later. 

There it is the first chapter. I hope you enjoyed it and I'll try to update at least once a week. Twice if I'm feeling good about my writing. Thank you and until next time. 


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Extra thanks to balloon_ for that lovely poster!!


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Chapter 11: sooo he survived right?? XD i enjoyed it. it reminds me of the purge lol thanks anyway!
buttersweetlove #2
Chapter 11: Omfg my heart breaks when i read that stupid kidnappers shot kai. But the last chapter got me like :"DD.
rhinzhyo #3
Chapter 11: I fuvkin cried... Uwahhh! Thank you for the story authornim .. The story vented out my feelings... Uwahhhh
jenjeneee #4
Chapter 11: OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD OMFGGGGGGGGGGG DUUUUUUUUUUUDE DUDE DUDE DUDEEEEEEE. omfg okay, like I can't even start with how amazing this was omg. I was so freaking sad when those stupid kidnappers shot kai like I literally screamed in my room like a maniac but then when I read the last chapter, like the end, I was like OH MY GOOOODDDDDDDDD YASSSSSSSSS HE HAS TO BE ALIVEEE HE HAS TOOOO! haha, anyways the story seamed really similar to the purge so I had a feeling it was gonna be great. I was desperatly on a hunt for some great crime/action stories since I was so tired of reading the same typical love stories. haha, great job! I hope to read more stories from you :)
Chapter 11: AUTHOR NIM YOURE SO CRUEL YOU........ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ im crying when kai is dead and the last part omg WHYㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
This is so beautiful sobs thank you for your hardwork i love you ;~;
I almost burst into tears, thinking that kai was dead and would not be present in her life anymore... AND I DIS BURST INTO TEARS BECAUSE OF THE ENDING :(

This is just sooooo beautiful
Chapter 11: Oh! I love your ending! Very nicely done. Its a sort of open ending but still, I like how we can imagine the next time... I'm really interested in the world you've created too.
Chapter 8: I love that she didn't need rescuing and got herself out. Now I'm nervous for Kai. Hope he's ok!
Chapter 7: This is getting intense :o will Jongin save her? Or will he want change and let her die? otl.