That Awkward Moment When Daehyun Came

Bloody Love [ 피 묻은 사랑 ]

It’s been about a few weeks after you’ve been discharged from the hospital. That evening, you were alone in your room. Suddenly, you heard someone was knocking your door. You walked towards the door and opened it. You saw that Daehyun was there.

DH : Annyeong~

YOU : Daehyun-ssi! Annyeong~

DH : Err.. Can I come in for a while?

YOU : Sure, you can. Come in.

Daehyun then walked inside your room and sat on the chair. You also took your seat in front of him. You guys didn’t talk any words for the first few minutes.

DH : *cough cough* It’s been a long time right since we sat like this and talked together?

YOU : *nod your head awkwardly*

DH : Err.. I’m nervous right now. *laugh awkwardly*

YOU : Waeyo?

DH : Because there is you right in front my eyes right now. You do know my feelings towards you right?

YOU : Daehyun-ssi.. Mianhae..

DH : I know. It’s okay. I’m fine. So, how’s your relationship with Himchan right now?

YOU : We’re doing fine.

DH : Really? Hmm.. It’s good then.

YOU : *nod your head slowly*

DH : Do you.. *look right into your eyes* Do you really love him?

YOU : Yes, I do really love Himchan-oppa. Waeyo?

DH : But, why?

YOU : I don’t know. I’m already attracted to him since the day I met him. Well, I don’t really have an absolute reason why did I like him. I just happened to love him. That’s all.

DH : ____-ssi.. Since the day you admit that you love Himchan, do you know how hurt it was for me? Do you know how hard it was for me? I never cried so much in my life before just because of a girl.

YOU : *silent* I’m really.. I’m really sorry, Daehyun-ssi.

DH : *tears start to form in his eyes*

YOU : Are you crying? *look at Daehyun*

DH : *wipe away his tears* Ani~ I’m not crying.

The atmosphere between you and Daehyun then become more and more weird. Suddenly, your phone was ringing and you get up from your seat and answered the call.

YOU : Yoboseyo?

HC : Yoboseyo. Fluffy-ah..

YOU : Yah! Himchan-oppa! How many times should I tell you to not call me with that name? Haish..

HC : *laugh* I don’t care. What are you doing now?

YOU : Err.. Actually, I’m in the middle of having a talk with someone.

HC : Aaa~ Really? Who is it?

YOU : It’s Daehyun-ssi.

HC : *jealous* Hmm.. Am I disturbing you?

YOU : Why did you called me oppa?

HC : You’re trying to change the topic huh? Actually, I want to go to your home tonight. I need to talk to your hyung about something. Is it okay?

YOU : Well, I think Yongguk-oppa will be around tonight. Sure, you can come if you want to. I’ll cook dinner for you later on. What would you like to eat? Spaghetti? Pizza? Fried rice? Ramyeon? Or anything else? Just tell me and I’ll cook it for you later.

HC : Whoa~ It sounds delicious. I’m looking forward to taste your food tonight. Just cook anything that you know that you can cook well. I don’t mind at all. I can eat anything as long as you’re the one who cook it for me.

YOU : Hmm.. You’ll be very surprise later on. I’ll tell Yongguk-oppa about it after this ne?

HC : Ne. Gomawo. *kiss sound*

YOU : Arasso.

HC : Kiss me too, ___-ah..

YOU : Yah! Daehyun-ssi is here. Do I have to do that?

HC : Yes! You have to do it eventhough Daehyun is there.

YOU : Jinjja?!

HC : Yup!!

YOU : Hmm.. *kiss sound*

HC : More! I want more! *laugh*

YOU : Kim Himchan! Stop it or I won’t do it again later on!

HC : *laugh* Ne ne. Arasso. I’ll stop now. See you later..

YOU : See you later too, oppa.

Himchan then disconnected the call and you were smiling happily after having phone conversation with Himchan. When you turn around, you saw that Daehyun wasn’t at his seat anymore. You walked towards his place just now and you saw a memo was left by Daehyun on the table.

“ ____-ssi.. Be happy with Himchan. I know he’s the only one who can make you smile and laugh happily. I’m going. See you later.”

You felt very guilty towards Daehyun. You know that he loves you but you just can’t bring yourself to love him too because you already fall too deep for Kim Himchan.

You walked out from your room and went to Yongguk’s room. You knocked the door for a few times before Yongguk finally opened the door.

YOU : Oppa!

YG : It’s you. Wae?

YOU : Himchan.

YG : Himchan wae?

YOU : He told me that he will come to our house tonight. He want to talk about something to you. Is it okay?

YG : Hmm.. Arasso. I’m okay with it.

YOU : Really? Okay then. And one more thing! Can you accompany me to the supermarket right now?

YG : Why?

YOU : I need to buy a few things because I’m gonna cook for our dinner tonight.

YG : *laugh* Yah! You’re going to cook? Do you even know how to cook? *laugh again*

YOU : Yongguk-oppa!! How dare you laugh at me! Fine! You will be surprise later on. I’m going. *walk away*

YG : *grab your hand* I’m just kidding okay? Let me change my clothes first ne? Wait for me in the car. I’ll be there as soon as possible *kiss your forehead* Don’t sulk anymore okay? Smile. *show you his gums smile*

YOU : *smile too* Oppa, you better be fast.

YG : I get it.

You walked away and picked the car keys. You waited for Yongguk inside the car and a few minutes after that, Yongguk finally appeared. Then, both of you went to the supermarket together.~

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Chapter 39: Cute ending.
Chapter 39: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwww so cute
Chapter 39: Awee,, it finally ended... To tell the truth,, yeah,, i'm quite sad... But hey,, there's more to come.. So hwaiting!!~~
Chapter 39: Wow that was fasttttt! Thanks.
ada5842 #5
Chapter 37: Himchan, don't keep it to yourself. You should tell her the truth. Should also tell your brothers and brothers inlaw. At least can plan what to do and how to protect her.
Chapter 36: Please dont tell me himchan had a serious disease !!!!! Itll totally break my heart!
ada5842 #7
Chapter 36: What did Himchan mean that he don't have much time??
AhSongyi #8
Chapter 34: So nice~~~~!
Chapter 33: WAAAHHH!!!! What a nice chapter!!!! Can't wait to know what's next...
AhSongyi #10
Chapter 32: Aigoo...bad oppa...Yongguk-ssi...why you pushed her?!