Help Me!

Bloody Love [ 피 묻은 사랑 ]

You tried to open your eyes and your head felt very dizzy right now. You slowly opened your eyes and you realised that your body were being tied. You really can’t run to anywhere right now. You looked around and everything was so unfamiliar for you. You were so afraid at that time and you shouted your voice out.

YOU : *shouts* HELP! HELP ME!

YG : B****! Shut the f*** up! *throw the chair*

You were shocked and very surprise with what had happened just now. You really afraid of that guy and when you took a look at him, you finally realised that this guy was the guy that you bumped into yesterday!

YOU : *start to cry* Let me go. I want to go home now.

YG : *walk towards you* *evil smirks* *his face approach your face slowly* Yah! Do you think that we will let go of you just like that? Ani~ You had already saw everything just now and we will not let you go. Not now.

YOU : Let me go. *cry* I beg you.

ZL : Yongguk-hyung! Can you please ask that b**** to stop crying? I hate it!

YG : *look at you* Stop crying or else I might do something towards you!

You were really afraid of them. Slowly, you stopped crying and you saw the two other guys were approaching you and Yongguk. You don’t know what they will do towards you after this.

YG : So, what should we do to this girl? She already saw everything and I’m afraid that she might tell someone about this.

DH : I think we should keep her for a while here and until the things already over, then we will let her go.

ZL : But, Daehyun-hyung, I think it’s gonna be a long time until this thing will be completely over. I don’t want her to stay with us here for that long. I can’t even stand her noise just for one day. Do you guys expect me to stay with her for a long time? No way!

DH : Zelo-ah! Do you want her to tell everything about us to the police later on?

ZL : Of course I don’t want her to but I just can’t stand of her! Just let her go!

DH : *punch Zelo’s face* Yah! Are you crazy? Do you want to let her go? F***!!

ZL : *punch Daehyun’s face too* S***! How dare you punch my face just now?

YG : *throw away the small table* Stop it!!

Both Zelo and Daehyun then stopped punching each other when they heard Yongguk’s voice just now. It seemed like Yongguk was very angry right now.

YG : We should think about this, not fight over it!  Get it?!

DH : But, it’s Zelo the one that..

ZL : Mwo?! Why me? It’s you, Daehyun-hyung. You’re the one that..

YG : I said stop it!! Just stop it guys!! I already made my decision and I will let her go. Don’t worry. She will never have the guts to tell anyone about it later on. Trust me.

DH : Hmm.. I trust you, Yongguk-hyung.

ZL : Me too.

You heard and saw everything that had happened just now. You were relieved that they decided to let go of you.

YG : We’ll let you go but remember! Don’t ever tell anyone about what you saw the other day. If you tell anyone about it, I’m gonna make sure that you will regret it later. Understand?

YOU : *nod your head slowly*

YG : *shouts* I’m talking to you now so answer me back!

YOU : I’ll not tell anyone about it.

YG : It’s good then. *untie your rope* You can go home by your own now. I will always follow you wherever you going so that I can make sure that you didn’t tell anyone about this especially to the police.

YOU : Ne. I get it.

YG : Go now.

You quickly went outside from the place. Your body felt a little bit pain because you have been tied with the rope for a long time. You don’t know where this place was, but you tried your best to search for your way home. Deep inside your heart, you promised that you won’t just keep your mouth shut about what you did saw just now. You will report about it to the police so that they will get their punishment.~

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Chapter 39: Cute ending.
Chapter 39: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwww so cute
Chapter 39: Awee,, it finally ended... To tell the truth,, yeah,, i'm quite sad... But hey,, there's more to come.. So hwaiting!!~~
Chapter 39: Wow that was fasttttt! Thanks.
ada5842 #5
Chapter 37: Himchan, don't keep it to yourself. You should tell her the truth. Should also tell your brothers and brothers inlaw. At least can plan what to do and how to protect her.
Chapter 36: Please dont tell me himchan had a serious disease !!!!! Itll totally break my heart!
ada5842 #7
Chapter 36: What did Himchan mean that he don't have much time??
AhSongyi #8
Chapter 34: So nice~~~~!
Chapter 33: WAAAHHH!!!! What a nice chapter!!!! Can't wait to know what's next...
AhSongyi #10
Chapter 32: Aigoo...bad oppa...Yongguk-ssi...why you pushed her?!