The Shocking Truth!

Bloody Love [ 피 묻은 사랑 ]

Yongguk was at home at that time. He was still thinking of the thing that the guy told him the other day. He can’t believe what he actually heard the other day. Why? Why is it that it must be you? Why it can’t be any other person? Wae? He really don’t get it. He can’t accept the fact that he can’t love you.

Suddenly, his phone ringing and he received a message from Zelo. Yongguk was wondering what actually happened to Zelo. He wanted to call Zelo but he knew that Zelo was in the middle of class right now. Therefore, he just reply Zelo’s message.

“ Zelo-ah.. Call me later after you’re done with your class, okay? – Yongguk – “

He then put his phone aside and then he started to cry. He really can’t accept it. It’s too hard for him right now. But, he still managed to fake a smile in front of Daehyun and Zelo so that they will not know about this matter.

Zelo then opened Yongguk’s message and read it. He didn’t reply the message after that and he decided to call Yongguk later on after he done with his class.

At home, Jongup and Himchan were still sleeping at the living room although it’s already afternoon. They were still tired after hunting for human together last night. Suddenly, Himchan’s phone rang and he woke up from his sleep. He tried to get his phone and then he answered the call.

HC : *yawns* Yeoboseyo?

UC : Yeoboseyo? This is Himchan right?

HC : Hmm.. This is me. Wae?

UC : I have an important information for you. It’s about Yongguk. Would you like to know about it?

HC : *shock* Mwo?! It’s about Yongguk? Well, do you think that the information will worth it for me?

UC : I’m sure that this information really worth it to you. It’s up to you then either you want to know about it or not. But, if you want to know about it, I hope you will aware that it’s not free. You have to pay a little bit money for it. How’s that sound?

HC : Arasso. How much should I pay you then?

UC : I’ll text the amount of money and the address after this. Meet me at that place 2PM. I’ll wait for you.

HC : Hmm.. Arasso. *disconnect the call*

Jongup then woke up too from his sleep and asked Himchan about the call.


JU : *yawns* Who is it, hyung?

HC : Yah! Jongup-ah! Ppalli and get ready now! I get a call and it’s regarding our rival, Yongguk.

JU : Jinjja? Ne, hyung. I will go and get ready now.

Jongup then went to take his shower quickly and get ready of himself. And the same goes to Himchan too. Soon after that, both of them were already ready and Himchan also already received the text message from the unknown caller just now.

JU : Where are we going hyung?

HC : We’re going to their place. Have you prepared the amount of money that we needed later on?

JU : Yup.. I already brought the money along with us.

HC : Good then. I think everything is ready now. Let’s go.

JU : ne, Himchan-hyung.

Both Himchan and Jongup then went into the car and started their journey to see the unknown caller. They managed to arrived there before 2PM. They knocked the door a few times before someone asked them to go inside the house. Both of Himchan and Jongup then just follow the guy and the guy brought them to see their leader.

Neither Jongup nor Himchan know who was the person. They never remembered that they ever saw this person before. How did he manage to know about them and their rivalry with Yongguk’s gang?

JW : Nice to meet you guys. I’m Jeong Won.

HC : I’m Himchan and this is my member, Jongup.

JU : I’m Jongup.

HC : So, how did you know us and what about Yongguk that you want to tell to us? You better make sure that the information that you have is really worth it and not just a piece of s***.

JW : *laugh* Don’t worry. I’m sure this information is not a piece of s***. But, before that, you have to give me my money first. It’s not that easy for me to get this information.

JU : *give the bag to Jeong Won’s assistant* Here’s the money that you needed. I’ve checked it many times and I’m sure it’s the right amount.

HC : So, tell us now what is it?

JW : Good! I like you guys! *laugh* So, for your information, Yongguk is actually looking for his younger sister now.

HC : What?! Younger sister? I never know that he has a younger sister? I thought he doesn’t have any siblings.

JW : You’re wrong, Himchan-ssi. Yes, he does have a younger sister. And he actually just knew about this a few years ago and started from that moment, he was trying his best to search for his younger sister. But, he failed to find her. Until one day, he knew about me and he asked my help to track his younger sister. And that’s when I actually searched everything about him and I discovered that he has a rivalry with your gang.

JU : So, why did you tell us about all this?

JW : It’s all because of money. Besides, I’m not a loyal person. I can tell anyone I like about what I know as long as they pay me. It’s the same with you guys. I think it will bring a win-win situation for both of us. I got the money and you guys got the information. Am I right? *laugh*

HC : Yeah. It’s good for us too then. So, did you managed to found who Yongguk’s sister is?

JW : Of course! *laugh* After a few months of investigating and go through everything, we managed to found who his sister is. And I bet you guys will also surprised if you guys knew who is his sister. This will be really interesting!

JU : Waeyo? Who is she?

JW : *show the picture* This is Yongguk’s younger sister. *smirks*

Jongup and Himchan were really shocked when they saw the picture. They never thought that Yongguk’s younger sister was actually you!

HC : What?! What the hell is going on? This girl? So, this girl is Yongguk’s younger sister?

JW : Yup! This is her. This is Yongguk’s younger sister that he looking for. I know she’s living with you guys right now. I don’t know why but this is all a coincidence that she involved in your fight and eventually, I found out that she’s the one.

JU : I can’t believe this! She really looks different from Yongguk. Are you sure that they are siblings? Perhaps, you make some mistake.

JW : Ani! I’m really sure about this and I also have a strong proof that this girl is really Yongguk’s younger sister. She was being adopted by a human family since she was a little baby meanwhile Yongguk was growing up with his vampire gang. The different between them was Yongguk knew that he was a vampire but that girl never knew that she was a vampire. Not until when you guys finally discovered that she was actually a vampire from the beginning.

HC : Daebak! *smirks* Thanks for the information, Jeong Won-ssi. I think we have to go now. I will call you again later.

JW : No problem. You can call me anytime as long as you pay for the information. *smirks*

HC : I get it. Nice dealing with you.

JW : Me too.

Himchan and Jongup then walked away from the house and went into their car. They were heading back home.

HC : This is really daebak, Jongup-ah!

JU : I know right? *laugh*

HC : *evil smirks* Since that girl was living with us now, we can use her to get our revenge to Yongguk.

JU : Yup.. I’m sure Yongguk will do anything to protect his one and only younger sister.

HC : Yongguk-ah~ We shall wait and see what will happen later on. *evil laugh*

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Chapter 39: Cute ending.
Chapter 39: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwww so cute
Chapter 39: Awee,, it finally ended... To tell the truth,, yeah,, i'm quite sad... But hey,, there's more to come.. So hwaiting!!~~
Chapter 39: Wow that was fasttttt! Thanks.
ada5842 #5
Chapter 37: Himchan, don't keep it to yourself. You should tell her the truth. Should also tell your brothers and brothers inlaw. At least can plan what to do and how to protect her.
Chapter 36: Please dont tell me himchan had a serious disease !!!!! Itll totally break my heart!
ada5842 #7
Chapter 36: What did Himchan mean that he don't have much time??
AhSongyi #8
Chapter 34: So nice~~~~!
Chapter 33: WAAAHHH!!!! What a nice chapter!!!! Can't wait to know what's next...
AhSongyi #10
Chapter 32: Aigoo...bad oppa...Yongguk-ssi...why you pushed her?!