Spaghetti Drama And Tea With EXO

One's Destiny, Another's Fate
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It was midnight, and I flopped down on my bed, still dressed from the evening, completely exhausted. Kris had kept me by his side the rest of the night and hadn’t allowed any of the Exo boys or Luhan to come talk to me. My mom and dad of course were pleased to see that we were at least being nice to each other, although I didn’t consider his overprotective nature really “nice”. His parents were gushing over us, and his mom liked my dress. She complimented my outfit several times throughout the evening, each time highlighting something else she liked. My mom of course, was happy she found favor with me. Speaking of our parents, after everyone had left, they sat us down in the living room and brought out some tea. His dad and my dad explained that it was not an arranged marriage-they didn’t want to put us through that, nor were we being forced to date, however, they were very strongly encouraging that we get to know each other, and hopefully begin a relationship. It would help the company promotions a lot, but because they didn’t wish us to be forced to do something we didn’t want to do, they were only going to strongly encourage it. Of course, this meant, we were to see each other often, and our families would quite often dine together, requiring us to be present. So, I guess that was the “forced” part of the deal. As long as I didn’t have to marry him, I was fine.    I kicked off my heels, and then remember that Hye Jin would have to put everything away in the morning, so I put them back, took off my jewelry and put away my clothes from the night. Slipping into my most comfortable pajamas, a pair of shorts and tshirt, I climbed into my bed. Thoughts filled my mind. I’d never really had any previous relationships, and all throughout high school, I’d sorta kept to myself. I wanted to wait for the right man to date. One whom I was sure would treat me well, love me, one whom I wanted to share my first kiss with, one that I would hopefully marry. If not, then at least a relationship that would teach me about love, one that would help me grow and learn, and if it didn’t work out, in the end, I’d be a better person. That’s what I wanted. Maybe Wu Fan is that, maybe even, dare I even think of him at this time, but Luhan is that. Maybe it’s some other man I haven’t even met yet. Maybe it’s one of the Exo boys. Chanyeol, or D.O. I haven’t met all of them yet, but you never know. I yawned, and sleep overcame me.    The weekend came, and I was finally left to myself…or so I thought. My mom let me sleep in Saturday morning. I was so exhausted from my first week of college, it wasn’t even funny. “Honey, Na Eun ah, wake up.” My mom knocked on my door. It opened, and Cha Eun happily bounced on my bed. “Mom says we can all go to the movies today! Then we have to study, but lets go. Hurry hurry! Ga Eun is getting ready already.” I sleepily groaned and rolled around on the bed, trying to wake up. Cha Eun could be SO loud sometimes. “5 more minutes” I yelled at him only to be greeted by Ga Eun. “Unnie, can you help me pick an outfit? Mom says we’re going to eat lunch somewhere, then go to the movies!” she smiled so wide, I finally decided to get up. Looking at my clock, I noticed it was 9:00 and everyone was about to eat breakfast. Ga Eun left to go eat in her pajamas, and I groggily walked downstairs. “Good Morning Na Eun.” I was greeted by fresh faces and smiles all around at the table. Breakfast was on the table, and Dad was reading his newspaper. “I thought you were going to work?” I asked him, realizing he as still here, and in his comfy clothes as well. Everyone was still in their comfy clothes. “Oh, I took the day off to spend with the family.” he grinned. “So after you’re done, everyone should get ready so we can go out to celebrate a successful return to school for everyone.” Breakfast was hushed as everyone quickly ate.   This is not right…something fishy is going on here. I dried myself off and slipped on a bathrobe before opening my closet. Something cute. A cute sleeveless pastel pink top caught my eye, which I paired with a white miniskirt and colored flats. Grabbing my favorite black purse, I quickly slipped on a gold watch and a ring my parents had gifted me with. A light sweater in case it gets cold. At 10:30, I was ready. I ran to Ga Eun’s room to help her pick an outfit, and she settled on a printed tee with skinny jeans and pink flats with black bows. Her fashion was so much more carefree than mine. 11:00, we were headed to a cafe, the whole family, in the limousine. Please don’t tell me we’re going to see the Wu’s. The driver pulled up to the cafe, which looked quite appealing actually, and it quickly lost its appeal as I noticed Mr. Wu getting out of a similar car as ours followed by Mrs. Wu and a grumpy looking Wu Fan. I knew it.   “Oh Na Eun-ah! Good Morning! Your top is very cute!” an enthusiastic Mrs. Wu enveloped me in a hug. I hugged her back, but only to be nice. I usually don’t hug people unless I have to, and this was pretty much a situation I had to. Mr. Wu shook my hand and said a “Good Morning Miss Na Eun” before turning to my dad to converse with him. Cha Eun and Ga Eun both bowed politely and Wu Fan waved at them. That’s highly unusual. He turned to me with a bored expression, and said “Good Morning.” I replied back “Good Morning” and Ga Eun giggled at our interaction. I shot her a glare and Cha Eun stifled a smile. “May I call you hyung?” he brightly asked. Wu Fan only nodded a gruff reply. As long as he doesn’t ask me to call him oppa, I’m alright with that. We entered into the cafe. Mr. Wu had set up the whole thing, and apparently requested a table away from the crowds so that we could dine in peace, but he still apparently wanted a casual environment.    “Wu Fan, why don’t you sit by Na Eun.” his mother instructed him, and everyone left us alone and engaged in coversation with one another while we waited for our meal, also pre-ordered by Mr. Wu. Cha Eun and Ga Eun settled down on their phones and were playing online games with each other and when I tried to do the same, my mother shot me a look, so I put my phone away. Our parents happily chatted and this was not how I was looking to spend my weekend. Heck, I was going to see him Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and now the weekend too? This is so
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Chapter 16: Poor girl. If I was in her position I would probably be invisible, not trusting ppl anymore and fake everything while my heart and soul breaks apart, shattered into mellineum
rocks75 #2
Chapter 16: Yay!! Thank you for this update.. really looking forward to reading this story every time... :)
rocks75 #3
Chapter 12: excited for the next update... :)
valeriemillenia #4
Chapter 10: Love it :D
viennalee #5
i ship na eun with lu
Really love the story
Contains details and has cute scenes
Love it
Update soon :)
sarij172 #7
everybody is rich omg o w o