
One's Destiny, Another's Fate
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I entered English class with my list of questions to ask Lu Han. I hoped everyone had the same questions because I was prepared to only answer the ones that I was going to give Lu Han as well.  Scanning the room for Lu Han, I spied his blonde hair towards the left side of the room bent over a folder, most likely looking for today’s assignment. On the right, I saw Wu Fan and the EXO boys making their grand entrance. Girls always looked up whenever and wherever they went. Pssh, I don’t know what was so great about them. Well, they aren't so bad looking. Okay, quit lying Na Eun, they are all extremely good looking. Especially Kris. Wait, what? I meant Kai.     Lu Han waved, catching my eye, so I went to him and sat down. “Hello there, Na Eun” he greeted me again with yet another dazzling smile. “Hello, Lu Han!” I said, “Are you ready to interview Mr. Grumpy Gills?” I giggled. He laughed and nodded. “And I’m sure you’re ready to interview me?” “Yes I sure am indeed.” I replied as I pulled out my list of questions I had written a few nights ago. “I honestly don’t think this will take that long to do. My questions are really easy and really short.” I said. “Well that’s no fun.” Lu Han jokingly replied. “Well, since I don’t have a very good command of the English language, it’d be no fun if I had a list of in depth questions.” I laughed. “That is true.” he said.    The instructor entered the room, and asked everyone to get into their groups so we could begin our interviews.  The EXO boys had finally settled down and they were busy getting their things out when I noticed Wu Fan motioning us over. “Lu Han, Wu Fan wants us to go over there.” I said as Wu Fan made more motions gesturing us over. “Do you mind going over there? I just want you to be comfortable.” Lu Han asked. He is just like, the perfect gentleman. I found myself blushing at his question. “No, I don’t mind.” I said. So, we packed up our things, and went to pick up my book bag when Lu Han stopped me. “I’ll take it for you.” he smiled, hoisted my bag up onto his shoulder and we went to where Wu Fan was sitting.    The boys noticed Lu Han and I approaching and they quietly talked amongst themselves. That’s when I heard Chanyeol say something about Lu Han and Wu Fan, and their names rhyming. The boys laughed and Wu Fan’s face hardened just a tiny bit, but he let it slide. Lu Han set my book bag down beside me, and I sat down next to him. Lu Han was getting his things situated when Wu Fan suddenly began talking to Lu Han in Chinese. Tao and Lay, the other two Chinese boys became very quiet and the rest of EXO looked amongst themselves.  During their exchange, Lu Han looked a bit caught off guard, and Wu Fan’s face wasn’t intense like it could be, but it wasn’t very friendly looking either. I decided to mind my own business and get my papers in order to interview Lu Han. The instructor would soon start class and I wanted to be prepared.   Suddenly, Lu Han let a string of very strong sounding Chinese words out yet he never lost his com
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Chapter 16: Poor girl. If I was in her position I would probably be invisible, not trusting ppl anymore and fake everything while my heart and soul breaks apart, shattered into mellineum
rocks75 #2
Chapter 16: Yay!! Thank you for this update.. really looking forward to reading this story every time... :)
rocks75 #3
Chapter 12: excited for the next update... :)
valeriemillenia #4
Chapter 10: Love it :D
viennalee #5
i ship na eun with lu
Really love the story
Contains details and has cute scenes
Love it
Update soon :)
sarij172 #7
everybody is rich omg o w o