The Calm

One's Destiny, Another's Fate
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Monday came and went. Yet, everything was normal. As normal as it could be, I suppose. Lu Han greeted me every time we had class, but nothing out of the ordinary happened. Wu Fan and the EXO boys, I still thought it was a ridiculous name, kept their distance somewhat, yet they remained a cordial group every time our paths crossed. It was strange how quickly the week passed. I focused a lot on my studying, as the first tests of college were quickly approaching. And, nothing changed from high school…all of these tests fell within the same 2 day period. Teachers would always be out to get us. Yet, it was a nice change from the weirdness and emotions and unfamiliarities and new people I had encountered within the last month.    It was now Friday, once more, and to celebrate the success of completing my first exam week, I was going shopping after classes with Ga Eun. I rarely did such things, but, it was nice to get out sometimes, and Mom was insisting we get some fall fashion pieces to wear to the upcoming businesss dinners. Ga Eun was ecstatic, and I too, was very excited, although not quite as excited as she was.  But, it was definitely something to look forward to.    It was now late September, and the leaves were beginning to change color. It was still hot during the day though. This concrete jungle called Seoul, always retained the heat in the pavement, and made it seem like it was still summer. But when the night came, a slight chill would settle over the city, and you knew it was no longer summer after all.    I let my hair flow freely today, with a pin to keep my growing bangs out of my face. I usually had my hair done up, but today, I went au natural, with just a little hairspray on top to keep the frizz down. My hair went past my waist, and people were usually surprised at the length. I wore a sunset orange dress today, and decided to wear a higher heel than normal. As I walked to main campus, I felt this new sense of confidence wash over me that I didn’t have before. Maybe it was just the way I dressed. With my head held high, lips painted red, sunglasses, and heels clicking against the concrete like a metronome, I did something I hadn’t done before. I strutted my stuff all the way to Starbucks. There wasn’t anyone to notice, but it felt good.    Embarrassment hit like a punch to the face as soon as I walked into the Starbucks. The EXO boys had apparently seen the whole thing, and they were speechless when I came in. Suddenly, the interior design of the cafe became very interesting, as did the weather and their classes, when talking amongst the themselves. Wu Fan stared a hole through me with his piercing eyes, and D.O shyly glanced my way with his owl O.O eyes before Kai punched him and he jumped. This knocked over Chanyeol and Tao’s drinks, and a ruckus began to form amongst them. I hoped my face wasn’t red, and merely nodded an acknowledgement in Wu Fan’s direction before giving my attention to the cashier.    As I ordered my breakfast, I heard whispers behind me,  “Did you see her?” “We all did”  “Yah, Kris, you’re lucky.” “Seriously…” “what’s she dressed up for?”  “Buy me another drink, Hyung” “Yeah, me too.” “Buy mine first.” “I want a large size instead now.” “She’s got a wild side to her” “It’s not wild, just confident.”    I mentally thanked whoever put in that last comment. Someone had their head on straight in that group of hormonal boys. “YAH.” the voice pierced the cafe. I knew it was Wu Fan but I didn’t dare turn around. Instead, I counted out change instead of using my card, so I wouldn’t have to face them as soon. The cashier merely smiled, and didn’t seem annoyed that I was taking my time.  After what seemed like long enough of a time to dig around in my wallet, I handed him the correct change, and the EXO group had begun to clean up and leave. Whoever thought that I could ever be responsible for a reaction like that?   I waited for my muffin to be heated, and another worker had begun to make my drink when a hand tapped my shoulder. I froze, not wanting to turn around, whe
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Chapter 16: Poor girl. If I was in her position I would probably be invisible, not trusting ppl anymore and fake everything while my heart and soul breaks apart, shattered into mellineum
rocks75 #2
Chapter 16: Yay!! Thank you for this update.. really looking forward to reading this story every time... :)
rocks75 #3
Chapter 12: excited for the next update... :)
valeriemillenia #4
Chapter 10: Love it :D
viennalee #5
i ship na eun with lu
Really love the story
Contains details and has cute scenes
Love it
Update soon :)
sarij172 #7
everybody is rich omg o w o