First Date

One's Destiny, Another's Fate
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  The dress was beautiful. A dark maroon fabric that draped over one shoulder creating a toga effect. Whoever bought this had very great taste. The back dropped down a little low for my liking, but it was a gift. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.  “Ma’am, it has been paid for already, so you may take it with you.” the sales lady said to me.  She bowed and asked if there was anything more she could do for me. “No, thank you. I’ll be going now.” I tipped my head at her, and walked out with a huge box in my arms.    I set the dress on my bed, and my mother came in. She sat down on my bed, smoothed my covers over, and  asked how my day was. “It went well.” I said, taking the cover off. “No, Na Eun-ah. How was it really?” Did my mom know something that was going on? “It went fine mom. I’m a little tired, but it’s nothing really. I presume this dress is to be worn to dinner tonight.” I asked. I unfolded it completely.  For the first time, I held it up to my body, and looked in the mirror. My mother’s eyes softened. “It looks beautiful, My Dear. You have really grown up into a lovely young woman.” she said.  “But, how did you know about dinner? I hadn’t mentioned it yet.” She asked. I froze. “Wu Fan told me he’d see me tonight, so just assumed…” my voice trailed off. She made a face that registered the information then only nodded her head in reply.   I got ready, as it was nearing the time when Wu Fan would come and pick me up. I twirled in the mirror, and Ga Eun came in, watching me, mesmerized. My hair had been done by Hye Jin, and I did my own makeup.  Ga Eun offered her own opinions, and asked if I was excited. “To be quite honest, Ga Eun, I don’t really know what’s going on, I’m just doing what I’m told.” I said. I sat down next her on the bed.  “There’s so many conflicting things happening, and it’s just a tiny bit of a whirlwind, that I’m just going with the flow, and if there’s a time when I need to stand my gound about something, I’m just going to have to follow my gut.” I finished. “Follow your heart.” she said. “I have to go do my homework, but if you’re having a hard time, Unnie, you know I’m younger than you, but if you need any help, you know you can count on me.” she smiled at me, and I gave her a hug. “Thanks Ga Eun-ah.” She gave me a very tight hug.    Just then, Hye Jin  came in to my room. “Mister Wu is here to see you off to dinner. Shall I tell him to wait a bit, or are you ready?” she asked me. Hye Jin was always so polite. “I’ll be down in 3 minutes, Hye Jin. Thanks.” She closed my door, and left. As soon as my door was closed, I grabbed my phone and tucked it in my clutch. I usually left my phone at home on these occasions, but something didn’t feel very right. I felt uneasy, but I continued my walk down the dark hallway. I guess Hye Jin forgot to leave the lights on.    Wu Yi Fan, was standing at the edge of the stairs. He saw me coming down the stairs and greeted me with a smile. I hoped he wouldn’t be as cold since we seemed to be on the same team, if there was such a things as teams in this situation. I accepted his hand as I came down the last step, and he then took my arm and hooked it with his. “Good Evening, Na Eun-ah.” he said. He seemed to being putting on a real show. I showed no surprised though. “Good Evening to you too, Wu Fan.” I played along, smiling brightly at him. He was taken aback slightly, but moved on smoothly. My parents came forward, and greeted us. “Have a good evening, Na Eun-ah. Please return her in a timely manner, Wu Fan. Thank you for escorting her. Good Evening.” they bowed, and my mother shot me a look that I couldn’t quite decipher, but I did notice that my father grasped her hand and squeezed it.    We entered the car and he let go of me. “So, Na Eun-sshi. I hope you will find great enjoyment in the evening’s activities. I planned this outing for us, just for us, however, we will be having dinner before we proceed to the next activity.” I was surprised that he was being so formal, but I just played along with it. “I’m sure I will have a delightful time.” I replied, and flashed another smile. Two could play at this game. Wu Fan came towards me as we were sitting in the back of the limosuine. He took one of the curls that fell on my shoulder in his hand, and gently placed it behind my ear. He whispered very very quietly, “You are doing very well.” The driver looked back at us, and Wu Fan noticed, so he spoke up in a louder voice that the driver could hear. “I think you look wonderful this evening. I’m the lucky guy tonight.”and he winked.    He’s only messing around with you, acting. And he’s very good too. Don’t. Fall. For. It. It was honestly nice to be treated like this. I hadn’t ever had a guy come up to me, tell me I looked wonderful, and place my hair behind my ear. It was a very intimate thing to do, and it made me a bit uncomfortable but as long as I maintained the fact that he was only acting, I could bear it. I looked out the window and it was beginning to sprinkle. I had a feeling it would rain tonight. In fact, when I had picked up my dress, I noticed clouds forming. It became a quiet ride when we noticed that the driver was listening intently. So, my thoughts turned to his earlier actions. Did he do that to MiHyun every time he saw her? One day I’ll have a guy like that, one who won’t be pretending.    We arrived at his house, and he took an oversized umbrella out before helping me out of the car, and escorting me into his house.  Mr. and Mr. Wu met us at the door, and all the maids present bowed. “We understand that you and my son, Wu Fan, are coming along quite well in your relationship. We wanted to congratulate you, and we hope you’ll accept him. Please enjoy your first date.” I wanted to show surprise, but I didnt. Without missing a heartbeat I responded. “Of course, in the near future, I hope we’ll take it a step further.” and flashed my pearly whites. Wu Fan, who had been holding my hand this whole time, squeezed it, and I wasn’t sure if what I said was bad or good. When Mrs. Wu finished hugging me, I looked at him for an answer, but he only gave me his poker face, and I noticed his dad watching me.   “Come, come!” Mrs. Wu beckoned and flew about like a canary ordering maides about, while Wu Fan and I sat down in what could be called a living room. We engaged in light conversation about the weather, and school, and how my chemistry class was becoming harder, but I was staying on top of it. We also talked about the different pieces of artwork and sculptures placed around the room. Wu Fan told me a story about him as a young boy, playing hide and seek with the butler, and he hid behind a stand that held a marble statue of a horse. While he was waiting, he noticed a piece of wood that wasn’t flush with the rest of the back of the stand. He took it out, and discovered his mother’s lost earrings that she hadn’t seen since she was a young teenager. He chuckled slightly at the memory, but heard footsteps, so he took my hand once more.    From that whole conversation, Wu Yi Fan had done a complete one hundred eighty degree turn. He wasn’t cold, or annoyed, or angry-looking. He looked alive, and sounded like a real human being. His anecdote of him as a child, was endearing to the heart, because he didn’t initially reveal things about him like that. My soul, being tickled by his laughter, made me smile. Wu Fan was somewhat actually fun. His eyes danced around the room, gleaming, as though he were sharing a treasure with someone special. It didn’t seem like he was acting but one could never be too sure. Wu Yi fan knew how to turn the switch so fast between his personalites; his technique was nearly flawless. But then again, was he actually switching, or was his sudden change, also an act?    Another thing I thought about as he talked about school, was his words earlier in the afternoon. He had mentioned to keep to myself, and keep doing what I was doing. Not to mention the text message, whom I still didn’t know sent it. “Be Yourself.” it said. I couldn’t be myself, not like this, this act I was putting on wasn’t “being myself”. It confused me, but my gut said to go with the flow, and act the act, so I decided to do that all night long.    A maid entered the room, just as Wu Fan had scooted closer to me, and announced dinner was ready to be served. I hoped his parents wouldn’t be there. This WAS supposed to be a date for us.  He stood up, and offered his hand
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Chapter 16: Poor girl. If I was in her position I would probably be invisible, not trusting ppl anymore and fake everything while my heart and soul breaks apart, shattered into mellineum
rocks75 #2
Chapter 16: Yay!! Thank you for this update.. really looking forward to reading this story every time... :)
rocks75 #3
Chapter 12: excited for the next update... :)
valeriemillenia #4
Chapter 10: Love it :D
viennalee #5
i ship na eun with lu
Really love the story
Contains details and has cute scenes
Love it
Update soon :)
sarij172 #7
everybody is rich omg o w o