Coffee Shop Meeting

One's Destiny, Another's Fate
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I stepped into the coffee shop Im Mihyun had designated as our meeting place. It was about 3:45, but I wanted to finish a reading for a class before she came, as I was almost done with it.  A bell tingled, signaling my entrance, and at the counter stood Chanyeol. Chanyeol? He looked at me, slightly surprised, but then he managed a wave accompanied by the large smile I saw for the first time as rather charming and not so creepy. Maybe it was the uniform he was wearing. I nodded an acknowledgment in his direction before choosing a table out of sight from the windows that lined the front of the coffee shop.    He came up to the table with a menu in hand. It was a short menu, as it was only a coffee shop, not a restaurant. “Good Afternoon, Na Eun. Here is our menu. I will come back soon to take your order.” he said in his normal voice, which  it being Chanyeol style meant it was slightly louder than the average human being. Then, lowering it to almost a whisper, he asked, “Please don’t mention this to job here.” in a pleading tone. “I won’t, but Mi Hyun-sshi will be joining me here soon.” I whispered back. His eyes widened. “Well, my shift is over at 4. Hopefully she comes after then.” his voiced seemed more panicked than usual. “Is there a reason why you’re hiding?” I asked. “TLDR, I need some extra cash, and I don’t want my parents to see where I spend it. And no one knows of my job” he said. “I hope you’re not doing drugs, Chanyeol.” I said. He only rolled his eyes, before mouthing an “Oh please” and walking to take care of some customers who were leaving.   I opened my book, and began to annotate once more. “Ma’am, are you ready to order?” another young boy greeted me. Expecting Chanyeol, the young boy’s present slightly surprised me, but I was indeed ready. After glancing over the menu, I ordered a caramel frappacino and asked him to return for there would be another woman coming in a few minutes. He nodded before whispering to me that Chanyeol left, and he sends his apologies for not saying goodbye properly. I thanked him and he turned to put in my order.   The door jingled once more a few minutes later announcing the entrance of Mi Hyun. She was right on the dot, entering the door at 4:00 exactly. I smiled at her timeliness, and put my book away. As she sat down, the boy brought my frappacino, and asked her what she would like. “My apologies for ordering before you came.” I said, and she only smiled. “I’ll have my usual.” she said to the boy who smiled at her in return.    “So you frequent this place?” I asked. “Yes, it’s quite cozy and I like the atmosphere. Chanyeol works here as well. He thinks I don’t notice him, but I have, yet he always hides.” Mi Hyun replied. “Sounds like him.” I chuckled. “I have somewhere to be at 5, so if you don’t mind, I’ll start what I wanted to say.” Mi Hyun changed the subject rather quickly. I was surprised by her forwardness, but then I realized that Mi Hyun is indeed, a very forward person. “Of course.” I only said.   I was quite ready to hear whatever she wanted to say, and because of the situation I was in, which was..quite awkward to say the least, I only hoped she would understand where I was coming from. She seemed to be the type of girl that was more understanding of the situations her boyfriend was put in, and she seemed very confident in her relationship with Kris. So, I didn’t quite know what to expect.    “You are aware Kris and I are in a relationship, is this correct?” Mi Hyun asked. Her tone had changed to a more professional business like tone. It seemed like this was no longer a friendly conversation. “I am very well aware of that and have no intentions of getting between you two. I only do what I am asked of by my family and his.” I replied, hoping it would answer the next few questions and lay the groundwork for a more comfortable conversation.    “We are getting quite serious, yet his parents don’t know.
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Chapter 16: Poor girl. If I was in her position I would probably be invisible, not trusting ppl anymore and fake everything while my heart and soul breaks apart, shattered into mellineum
rocks75 #2
Chapter 16: Yay!! Thank you for this update.. really looking forward to reading this story every time... :)
rocks75 #3
Chapter 12: excited for the next update... :)
valeriemillenia #4
Chapter 10: Love it :D
viennalee #5
i ship na eun with lu
Really love the story
Contains details and has cute scenes
Love it
Update soon :)
sarij172 #7
everybody is rich omg o w o