Chapter 3

Carry On

Chapter 3


                (sorry for the late update! my birthday was yesterday so thats why it took me 2 days to write this chapter ;-; ) 


               Jonghyun stood outside by the front gates to the school. He wasn’t going to leave until he sees Onew. He gets nervous and walks beside Onew when he steps onto campus. “Hyung, what happened?” Jonghyun wanted to help in any way he could.

                Onew looks over at Jonghyun with a dead face. “Nothing, I’m fine.” He quickly flashed a fake smile at Jonghyun wanting Jjong to leave him alone.

                “You are not okay, people said they saw you running like a maniac outside.” Jonghyun pulls Onew over to the side once they step into the dorm house. “Something happened, and you have to tell me or I won’t stop bothering you.”
                Onew sighs to himself while trying to walk around Jonghyun. “Jjong, stop it. It’s not like I’m going to kill myself over it.”

                “Then why won’t you tell me!?” Jonghyun starts to get impatient. He can’t stand it when someone keeps a secret from him.
              Onew looks up at Jonghyun with dark eyes, obviously pissed. “Jonghyun keep your damn nose out of my business.” He shoves Jonghyun back hard and stomps up to his dorm room. He slams the door shut once inside and throws his school bag across the dorm, making other stuff fall over. “Damn it!!” he screamed. Onew sits down on the couch gripping his pant legs. “I’m not going to do anything drastic.” He stands back up and walks to the kitchen rummaging around for something. Pulling out one last drawer Onew picks up a small pocket knife. “I’m totally fine.” He kept repeating this to himself while walking to the bathroom and calmly shutting the door.

                Minho walks into the dorm right as Onew goes into the bathroom. “Onew?” Minho shouted. “Onew I want to talk to you!”

                Onew hears Minho’s voice and quickly locks the bathroom door. “I’m perfectly fine.” He started to roll his sleeve up to his elbow. “Nothing’s wrong…” He pushed the blade against his wrist wincing slightly.

                Minho walks around the dorm trying to find Onew. “Onew please, let me talk to you.” He gives up and goes to the bathroom not expecting the door to be locked. “Onew? Are you in there?” Leaning against the door, he could hear Onew doing something. He was crying. “Onew!?” Minho starts jiggling the handle frantically.

                Onew digs the blade deeper into his arm causing blood to run everywhere. “GO AWAY!!” he screams. “I’m fine!” He pulls the knife away from his wrist and sees a river of blood running down his wrist and over his hand.

                Minho starts to bang on the door. “Onew don’t do this!!” He starts to use his body to break the door open. Running back out into the kitchen he grabs the small ring of keys to unlock the door. “Onew stop it!” He unlocks the door and finds Onew sitting against the wall.

                Onew drops the knife to the floor with a clatter and holds his arm close to his chest so Minho won’t see the blood. “I’m fine….go away.” He looked up at Minho with a pale face.

                Minho dropped down to his knees. “Onew… you can’t do this.” He reaches out to Onew hoping Onew would let him touch his hurt arm.
                “I said go away!!” Onew breaks down crying completely confused. He tries to push Minho away but hurts his wrist in the process. He winces and groans in pain, giving up to Minho.

                Minho picks Onew up easily and carries him out into the kitchen. “Onew, tell me why you did this.” Onew didn’t answer. He sighs and sits Onew down on top of the table. “Let me see your arm.” He tries to not shout at Onew knowing how fragile he is. Onew didn’t lower his arm. “Let me see your arm Onew!” He yells at Onew hoping he’ll follow what he says.

                Onew looks up at Minho and slowly lowers his arm to show the gashes along his wrist.

                Minho goes stiff and grabs a first aid kit down from a cabinet. “Can you tell me why you did this?” Minho talks in a more calm tone now not wanting Onew to retaliate and possibly hurt himself more.

                Onew looks down and shakes his head not speaking. “I can’t tell you.” He says in a whisper.

                Minho gives up and starts to wrap Onew’s wrist in some gauze being careful to not hurt his wrist. “Yes you can, but I won’t force you.” He lifts Onew’s chin so they would make eye contact. Grabbing the sides of Onew’s face Minho leans in slowly. “What is hurting you…”

                Onew looks down with his eyes and lets tears roll down his face.

                Minho wipes his tears away. “Don’t hurt yourself like this…Please tell me what happened.”

               Onew glares at Minho pushing him away. “I’m not telling anyone! Not even Jonghyun.” He starts to stand up pushing Minho back against the wall. “Just leave me alone.” The gauze stopped the bleeding.

               Minho stands up grabbing Onew’s arm. “Either tell me or I’ll make you go to the nurse.” Onew shoves Minho back hard walking out of the bathroom. “Tell me Onew!” Minho screams. He reaches out to Onew pulling him back to grab his face. Holding onto Onew’s neck Minho crashes his lips against Onew’s.

              Onew becomes speechless. What was Minho doing to him? Quickly snapping back to reality, Onew shoves Minho off him having a red face. “What the was that!?”

              Minho stumbles back almost tripping on his feet. “What do you mean?” Minho wants to help Onew so bad. “I kissed you! Weren’t you paying attention!? Onew I like you!” He finally said it. He finally told Onew how he truly felt.

               Onew goes stiff as a board. ‘What?’ he thought. “Don’t…don’t play like that Minho.” He didn’t want to believe it. No one has ever confessed to him. “You’re lying to me!” he screamed.

               Minho gets hurt. He just confessed to Onew, and Onew doesn’t believe him. “Would I have kissed you if I was lying?” He walks up to Onew and grabs his arms. “I’m not lying to you Onew. The last thing I would ever do is lie to you.”

                Onew didn’t want to believe it. The first person to confess to him is a boy. What would his father say? What would his mother have said? “G-Get off me.’’ Onew pushed his hands against Minho’s chest trying to get him to go away.

                Minho steps closer against Onew. “I’m not letting you go.” He lifts Onew’s wounded wrist and kisses it lightly.

                Onew winces pushing Minho away roughly. “Don’t touch me!!” Holding his wrist close to him, Onew runs past Minho and heads for the door.

                Minho slams his hand against the door causing Onew to stop. “Why. I won’t stop until you tell me what happened.” Why won’t Onew just tell him what happened? It couldn’t be that bad to Minho.

                Onew looks up at Minho with eyes full of hate. “I’m not telling you, and that’s the end of it.”

                Minho glares back at Onew punching the door with both of his hands. “Bull Onew! Something happened and you have to tell me!”

                Onew explodes. He can’t hold it in anymore. “My mom died okay!? She ing died and that’s why I just cut my wrist!! It’s MY fault she’s dead!!” He bursts into tears. “It’s all my damn fault she died.” Sliding down to the floor Onew squeezes his wrist tight, making more blood ooze out soaking the gauze.

                Minho goes silent not knowing what to say. “O-Onew.” Minho bends down to Onew looking at his wrist. “Don’t ever hide something like that. It’s too dangerous on you to hide that.”

                Onew looks up slowly rubbing his eyes. “How would you know.” He had a stern tone in his voice.

                Minho holds Onew’s face gently trying to calm him down. “Because I know how you feel.”

                Onew’s head was spinning. Minho’s touch felt like heaven…but Minho’s a guy. “I-I…I don’t know what to do.” He looks down at his hands seeing some of his blood dropping onto his pants.

                Minho picks Onew’s hand up gently and kisses his wrist tenderly. “It’s okay. Everyone gets confused from time to time.” Minho looks into Onew’s eyes and holds Onew’s neck gently. He moves back in to kiss Onew.

               Onew closes his eyes slowly knowing Minho will kiss him. “M-Minho…” He moves to Minho hesitantly.

               Minho gets centimeters away from Onew’s lips. He whispers huskily against Onew’s lips wanting Onew to feel everything. “Don’t be so nervous. Minho kisses Onew gently.

               Onew kisses back.

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Chapter 1: new reader :)
Onew needs to decide if he wants to be a quite kid or smth else.. He is not very nice to Minho so far, especially showing him he does not like to have him as roomate, not a feelinmg an ew boy would like, right?
Chapter 17: Ong this was too cute!!!
Chapter 17: Finally onew get his happiness together with minho & they married :)
lwyCarmen #4
Chapter 17: Yay they got married!
Chapter 16: -cries- its too cute!!!!
Chapter 16: Omg aww thank god!
Chapter 16: HE'S STILL ALIVE!!!
hehe...too happy that Onew is still breathing..

Chapter 15: NOOOOOO...!!!!
what happen to onew? is he okay? i hope so..
the story was so heartbreaking but also beautiful,, ^^
hope they'll find happiness soon..
Chapter 15: o.O WUT?!! NOOOO.......!!!!!!!

Nice story, well-written. ^_^
Chapter 15: omg whatt noooo!