Chapter 13

Carry On

Chapter 13



                Minho ran off down the side of the road, taking the quickest exit to Jonghyun’s home. Taking another set of roads to a secluded part of the city, Minho looked around the old neighborhood trying to remember Jonghyun’s house number. He gave up and went around to each house knocking on the doors, asking for Jonghyun. It took him hours to come to one house where no one answered. He knocked harder on the door while looking at the house number. “395848…” He said to himself while he got stiff. It was Jonghyun’s house. He pulled his phone out and called the police. “Hello officer, I need you to come to this house I think this person kidnapped someone.”

                The police officer looked at the address and sighed. “I’m sorry son, it will take us about an hour to get out there.”

                “I don’t care just get out here please!!” Minho was crying into the phone. He fell against the house in defeat and hung up on the police officer. Looking up at the sky he sobbed hard, gripping his hair. “Please…please keep him safe.” He shakily folded his hands together and whispered into the sky. He was praying. “Please keep Jinki safe. I can’t lose him like last time.” He heaved his chest up and down, squeezing his eyes shut. “Please…”







Onew looked up at the door as soon as he heard the handle turning. “Jonghyun I’m tired of this.” He stood to his feet and looked at Jonghyun with narrow eyes.

                Jonghyun frowned and pulled a gun out from behind his back. “If you’re smart enough, you’ll keep your mouth shut.” He motioned for Onew to get on the ground, but Onew didn’t move. “Didn’t you hear me? You be smart, and do what I say for you to do.”

                “Why would I follow orders from an like you.” Onew stood up straighter, being able to look over Jonghyun’s head from his height. “You don’t scare me anymore Jonghyun. I’m sick of how you treat people.”

                Before Onew could take in another breath he felt scorching pain from his left shoulder. He felt pain before he could hear the sound of the gun. He fell to the ground with a yelp, holding a hand over the bullet wound tight. “What the hell Jonghyun!?”

                Jonghyun shoved his foot into Onew’s face, pushing him to the ground. “I told you to shut up!!” He bent down next to Onew and grabbed handfuls of Onew’s hair. “Now, since you wouldn’t listen you’ll have to suffer even more.”

                Onew looked at Jonghyun, feeling the blood run out of the corner of his mouth. “I don’t care anymore. Just do what you please.” He squeezed his eyes shut waiting for another blow to the face, but he felt Jonghyun push the tip of the gun into his stomach.

                Jonghyun’s eyes were blood red. He was going insane. “But I want to have you all to myself. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to steal you away from the world, and keep you in my own.” He pulled the hammer of the gun back, making the click ring in and out of Onew’s ears. “Now, I want you to stand up and let go of your shoulder.”

                Onew glared at Jonghyun before spitting blood in his face. “I won’t do anything for you. I’m not giving in to you anymore!!” Before Onew could say anything else he felt screaming pain in his side. He looked down and he saw the blood seeping through his shirt. All the color left Onew’s face while he fell to his side, not having enough strength to clutch his side.

                Jonghyun stood up and dropped the gun to the ground. “If I can’t have you, no one can.” He kicked the gun hard, causing it to clatter into the wall. “Bang on the door three times if you want me to save you. But, if you want to die, don’t even bother to move.” He walked out of the room, locking the door once more.

                Onew gasped for breath, finally getting enough strength to touch the open wound on his side. “I…I can’t do this….to Minho.” He slowly pushed himself up with one hand, trying to stand up. He grabbed at the wall helplessly, clawing his way up to his feet. “Minho…” He went to the door and hit his hand weakly against the door more than three times.

                Jonghyun looked up from his chair at the door. “I said three times.”

                Onew squeezed his eyes shut and held his tongue out of his mouth, panting for a breath of air. Blood ran out of his mouth, leaving small dots of blood on his shoes. “Minho…” He kept repeating Minho’s name over and over.






                Minho stood up from the ground and looked around for something to break into the house. “I can’t sit here. I have to get inside.” Finding a hammer sitting against the side of the house Minho grabbed it quickly before running back to the door, banging it hard against the door handle. “I, won’t, let, Jonghyun, win.” Getting the handle off Minho quickly kicked the door down, running inside the house. “ONEW!? ONEW WHERE ARE YOU!?”

                Jonghyun heard the door bust open. “Who’s there!?” He quickly stood up and walked to the front of the house to see Minho. He smiled big and laughed hard. “Look who decided to show up! I hope you realize your “boyfriend” doesn’t want you anymore.” He stared hard at Minho, having bloodshot eyes.
                “Jonghyun you er, where is HE!?” Minho stomped up to Jonghyun and punched him hard across the face. “WHERE IS HE!?” Grabbing Jonghyun by his shirt he easily flung Jonghyun into the wall.

                Jonghyun quickly ducked down and shoved himself into Minho’s gut. “He’s probably good and asleep now!” Standing back up he looked at Minho with an unsettling smirk. “He’s probably asleep forever.”

                “What are you talking about?” Minho looked at Jonghyun with a confused face.

                Jonghyun shoved Minho hard into the wall. “You know what I’m talking about.” Grabbing Minho by the throat he started to squeeze Minho’s neck, causing Minho to squirm. “You might be to late. He could be dead now.”

                Minho’s face went pale. “What the hell is wrong with you Jonghyun!? What happened to the Jonghyun we knew back in high school? Where did that sweet boy go?”

                Jonghyun got close to Minho’s face, close enough for Minho to feel Jonghyun’s hot breath against his own skin. “That person died a long time ago. I myself don’t know what happened. All I know is that Onew is mine. You’re not taking him from me.”









                Before Jonghyun could say anything else Police officers busted through the doors, holding their guns up aiming at Jonghyun and Minho.  “Which one of you called earlier?” One police officer stepped forward lowering his gun slightly.

                Minho shoved Jonghyun back hard and went to the officer. “It was me.” Minho quickly ran off banging on random doors, shouting ‘Onew’ over and over with each door he went to.

                Looking up weakly at the door Onew slapped his hand against the wood again. “Minho!?” He screamed painfully.

                Minho looked back at the door and jiggled the handle. “Onew!? Are you okay!?” He quickly started to throw his body against the door hard. One police officer ran up and quickly unlocked the door with a master key. “Sir! Are you alright in there?” Onew didn’t answer.

                Looking up at the bright light when the officer opened the door, Onew heaved his chest up and down, gasping for breath.

                Minho almost fainted when he saw the condition Onew was in. “Onew, it’s okay…it’s okay now.” He bent down to Onew and scooped him up slowly, being sure he didn’t hurt him.

                Clinging to Minho for his life, literally, Onew sobbed silently into Minho’s chest. “Minho…it hurts so bad.”

                Minho couldn’t stand to see Onew like this. He started bawling with Onew. “I know baby, I know.” Walking out of the house, he saw that the police officers had called an ambulance for them. “Just hold on Jinki. Please…don’t give up.” 

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Chapter 1: new reader :)
Onew needs to decide if he wants to be a quite kid or smth else.. He is not very nice to Minho so far, especially showing him he does not like to have him as roomate, not a feelinmg an ew boy would like, right?
Chapter 17: Ong this was too cute!!!
Chapter 17: Finally onew get his happiness together with minho & they married :)
lwyCarmen #4
Chapter 17: Yay they got married!
Chapter 16: -cries- its too cute!!!!
Chapter 16: Omg aww thank god!
Chapter 16: HE'S STILL ALIVE!!!
hehe...too happy that Onew is still breathing..

Chapter 15: NOOOOOO...!!!!
what happen to onew? is he okay? i hope so..
the story was so heartbreaking but also beautiful,, ^^
hope they'll find happiness soon..
Chapter 15: o.O WUT?!! NOOOO.......!!!!!!!

Nice story, well-written. ^_^
Chapter 15: omg whatt noooo!