Chapter 17

Carry On

Chapter 17 ((jesus im such a er i was crying when i wrote this last chapter. everyone be safe in the new year i love every single one of you who are following my story)) 

~~8 months later after Onew's recovery~~


Onew breathed out a heavy sigh, clutching a small blue box to his chest. He closed his eyes and nodded to himself before leaving his apartment. He pulled his phone out and called Minho. "Minho, baby?" 

Minho quickly picked the phone up and smiled to himself. "Hey! Morning. Ready for today?" 

Onew shook his head to himself. "Of course I'm ready~. Worry about yourself. I'll call you when I get there." He kisses the phone before hanging up. "I should do this before its too late."

"I should do this before its too late." Minho looked at himself in the mirror with a worried look. He fixed his jacket and walked out of his apartment heading to the destination. 


Onew walked for a good 30 minutes before he got to his old highschool. He looked up at the building and shivered slightly. "Here goes nothing." Without thinking Onew walked up to the same room where he met Minho a few years ago. The room was empty with the sun fighting its way in through the windows. Onew opened up the windows to let more air into the classroom. 

Shortly Minho arrived and hugged Onew from behind. "Hi~." He ew around and smiled before kissing Onew gently on the lips. Onew happily returned the kiss and smiled back. "I'm glad were here." Minho ruffled Onew's longer hair slightly to . 

"Yeobo stop it~." Onew pushed Minho's hands away playfully before getting more nervous. "W-Well...I guess I should explain why I wanted to come here." Minho nodded to Onew's statement and waited for Onew to continue talking. Onew looked around the classroom trying to stall. He rocked back and forth on his heels. 

"Onew come on~," Minho teased more. "Just say it." 

Onew nodded and looked back at Minho. "...You know how people say you only fall in love once?" 

Minho nodded to himself. "Yeah, why?" 

"Well, they're wrong." Onew responded before smirking at Minho. "Because everytime I see you I fall in love all over again." 

Minho blushed and bit his lip. "Onew, don't make me blush." He smiled to himself thinking inside his head, 'God don't smirk like that its too much.' 

Onew looked down at his feet. "I also have a question." He started to dig in his pocket. Onew didn't look up at Minho while he fished the box out of his pocket. He looked up but realized that Minho was also bent down on one knee as well, holding another blue box in his hands. 

Minho looked into Onew's eyes and blushed a dark shade of red. Onew's face turned the same shade of red. "O-Onew?" 

"Minho," Onew breathed out letting a smile creep on his face. "Y-You pabo, were tied." Onew bit down on his lip and held back happy tears. 

Smiling big back at Onew, Minho grabbed Onew's hands and looked straight into Onew's core. "You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains. You raise me up to walk on stormy seas. I am strong, when I am on your shoulders. You raise me up, to more than I can be." Minho slowly slid the ring onto Onew's finger while Onew stared back in awe. "Lee Jinki, I want you to marry me." 

Onew didn't even reply, but the next thing he knew he was walking down a church isle with Minho waiting to take his hand into the future together. 


(If that one line is smaller than the rest I'm sorry I can't fix it)

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Chapter 1: new reader :)
Onew needs to decide if he wants to be a quite kid or smth else.. He is not very nice to Minho so far, especially showing him he does not like to have him as roomate, not a feelinmg an ew boy would like, right?
Chapter 17: Ong this was too cute!!!
Chapter 17: Finally onew get his happiness together with minho & they married :)
lwyCarmen #4
Chapter 17: Yay they got married!
Chapter 16: -cries- its too cute!!!!
Chapter 16: Omg aww thank god!
Chapter 16: HE'S STILL ALIVE!!!
hehe...too happy that Onew is still breathing..

Chapter 15: NOOOOOO...!!!!
what happen to onew? is he okay? i hope so..
the story was so heartbreaking but also beautiful,, ^^
hope they'll find happiness soon..
Chapter 15: o.O WUT?!! NOOOO.......!!!!!!!

Nice story, well-written. ^_^
Chapter 15: omg whatt noooo!