I Hate You, Jungkook

Next Stop, Insanity

“Yah! You idiot! Give me my backpack!”

“Not until you tell me what you got on your Math test!”

“I'm not telling you!”

“Okay fine. I'll just look through your backpack for the test.”

“Don't you dare!”

“Oh I will- Ow, ! Woman!” Jungkook cursed as Hanuel tackled him to the ground and grabbed her backpack from his hands. She dusted her jeans and glared at him, “You're such a jerk.” He smirked as he got up and crossed his arms over his chest.

“51%.” He mouthed. She furrowed her eyes at first, not able to understand what on earth he was saying. That's when it hit her.

“You saw my mark!?” She shrieked as she looked through her backpack for the test. Jungkook slid it out from his back pocket with a grin, “Yep and god, I never knew you at Algebra that badly. You barely passed.”

“Shut up, I don't get perfect on every test like you do.”

“Since when did I get perfect on every test?”

“You always beat me!”

“That's because it's funny seeing your reactions. No but seriously, maybe you should consider getting a tutor or something.”

“Like who?”

He coughed, “Me.”

“More time for you to harass me? No thanks.” She scowled and turned away from him as she began walking away. He rolled his eyes and followed after her.

“Stop following me.” She mumbled angrily.

“No.” He replied shortly.

She turned to glare at him, “Why won't you just leave me alone, you stalker!”

He raised an eyebrow, “I'm sorry, miss. But if you've forgotten, we live next to each other?”

Her face fell.

Oh yeah.

They did.

- - - -

Hanuel yawned as she walked out of her room and down the corridor to the kitchen. She slumped down onto the table and lay her head down. Her dad raised an eyebrow before rolling up the newspaper and smacking her head with it. She sat up with round eyes, “What? Ow! Dad, what was that for?”

“What time did you sleep last night?” He questioned. She gulped, “Around one in the morning.”

“Why were you up so late? You told me you were going to sleep at 10.” Her mother commented as she put down her glass of milk and her dad's breakfast plate.

“I was studying because-” She stopped mid-sentence. She couldn't tell them that she was studying for a make-up test because then they'd ask about her test mark and then they'd scold her for sure. She racked her brain for an answer.

“I was studying because I had a test coming up and I wanted to do better than I did before.” She replied smoothly. “So you can finally beat Jungkook?” Her dad teased. Hanuel pouted at him, “Dad!”

Her mother nodded, “Just don't sleep so late, alright? Jungkook sleeps earlier than you and he still gets better grades.” Hanuel rolled her eyes, “Yeah yeah.”

She quickly gulped down her milk and went back into the washroom to brush her teeth. Most people usually brushed before, but she preferred to brush her teeth after breakfast because she didn't want to go to school with full of her breakfast. She dried off her face and combed her hair before walking back out.

She grabbed her backpack from her room and went to put on her shoes.

“I'm leaving now, bye!” She called out as she left the apartment. She walked towards the elevator and pressed the button. When the doors opened, she walked in. She was just about to close the doors when a hand reached out and stopped it. She looked up and she scrunched up her nose.

Jungkook grinned, “I made it in time.” Hanuel shuffled towards the other side to make room for him, “Darn. I should have closed it earlier.”

“But then you wouldn't have seen me in the morning.” He pointed out. She scowled, “Who said I would have wanted to?”

“Ouch. Fine. Don't come crying when you don't see me everyday.” He scoffed. The sides of her lips curled up, “I won't.”

They got out of the elevator together and exited the apartment building towards their bus stop. They stood there in silence until Jungkook decided to bother her.


“I swear, every time I see you, you're wearing a new style to school.”

She looked down at her clothes. She was wearing a pair of skinny jeans, a white tank top, and a jean vest over it. She blinked, “So?”

“Try-hard.” He commented. She bit her lip in frustration, “How am I a try-hard!?”

“You're trying to look good so your fanboys fall for you more right?” He teased. She slapped his arm and he winced from the strength, “You're always trying to look good for your fangirls too, so shut up.”

“Wait, so you admit I look good?” He questioned.

“You said I looked good first.” She back-fired. He grinned, “Touche.”

- - - - -

Hanuel walked through the halls to her first class. Her bus came earlier, almost 40 minutes earlier before classes started so she'd always wait outside her class. She sat down along the wall beside her Math classroom and plugged in her earbuds. Time passed by, before a shadow loomed over her, causing her to pause her music and look up.

She mentally sighed when she saw who it was.

Kangdae stood there with a smile as he gripped onto his backpack straps. “Uh, good morning, Hanuel.” She meekly smiled, “Good morning.” He sat down beside her and put his backpack down, “So, uh, did you finish the homework from last night?”

“Yeah, did you?” She replied, not wanting to be rude.

Everyone knew Choi Kangdae had a crush on her. Including herself. She was good friends with him until he decided to tell his friends that he had developed a crush on her, causing it to spread around the school. Now that she knew, he thought it'd be easier to make a move. But her only problem was how would she tell him off? It wasn't like she didn't like him, because she did- as a friend. She just didn't want to get into anything more.

“Yeah. I finished it easily.” He said proudly. She nodded and returned her attention back to her phone. He peered at her phone, “Who's that?”

She bit her lip. Another thing was this guy was quite a stalker, in her opinion. He asked her random questions about herself and she was speechless at his boldness sometimes.

“Uh, just a friend. Why?”

“Sorry. Am I making you uncomfortable?” He blinked. She sighed, “No. It's fine.”

“Oh, by the way, you were online at 1 in the morning last night right? How come you didn't reply to my message?” He wondered. She felt like crying. This guy was a nice friend, but he just got a lot creepier ever since she found out he liked her.

“I didn't see the notification, sorry.” She muttered.

He nodded, “It's alright. I'll just message you later then.”

She mentally groaned.

“Hey! Hanuel! Do you know where Mrs- Oh, sorry am I interrupting something?” Jungkook blinked as he walked down the hall. Hanuel's eyes brightened as she mouth 'help'. Jungkook raised an eyebrow as he came closer.

He nodded at Kangdae in acknowledgement, “Sup.” Kangdae stood up, “Uh, I guess I'll go now. See you later, Haneul.” She weakly nodded and waved. When he finally walked out of sight, Hanuel pulled Jungkook down beside her. He burst out laughing. She glared at him, “Is this amusing to you?” He nodded.

“You're a jerk.” She sighed. He stopped laughing and looked at her, “Why don't you just tell him? He's such a creep.”

“How do I tell him? Oh hey, Kangdae. I like you as just a friend, okay?” Jungkook blinked, “Yeah.”

“Oh please, that would be stupid. Not to mention, that sounds so cold.”

“Not as cold as getting his hopes up. I think your biggest problem here is that you're too nice to everyone except me.” He rolled his eyes. She scoffed, “It's because you're a stupid stalker that doesn't deserve my niceness.” He raised an eyebrow, “Whoa, bad mood already?”

He chuckled as she buried her head into her arms and ignored him. He looked up and he narrowed his eyes. He nudged Hanuel and she looked up, “What.” She followed his gaze and saw what he was looking at.

Kim Jaehee was practically the girl version of Kangdae. Jungkook turned to Hanuel and pouted as Jaehee came closer with her friends.

Jaehee walked up to him and smiled, “Good morning Jungkook.” Jungkook nodded, “Morning.” She glanced at Hanuel, “Good morning Hanuel.” She smiled. Hanuel simply smiled back, “Good morning.”

The thing was, she was practically the school's angel. Everybody liked her so Jungkook couldn't even tell her off without getting himself bashed. But he wasn't too far off, he had his own back-up and friends but he just didn't know how to tell her.

The exact same problem Hanuel had.

“I needed some help with my History homework, do you think you could help me?” She asked sweetly. Jungkook knew he couldn't say no so he stood up, “Sure.” She beamed, “Thank you!” As they walked down the hall, Jungkook turned around to find Hanuel giggling as she stuck out her tongue at him. He rolled his eyes.

- - - - -

Jungkook walked down the halls, glad that his first two classes were over. He looked forward to his afternoon classes the most because he had Hanuel in both Science and Physical Education. He had all the time to bother her then.

He walked towards the cafeteria and looked around for his group of friends. He found them at their usual spot and he walked over.

Jimin and V looked up and waved as he sat down. Jungkook looked around, “Where's hyung?”

“Probably still stuck in his Tech class.” V replied as he put down his sandwich to play with his phone. Jimin looked up, “Oh, he's here.” The other two looked up as J-Hope walked over.

J-Hope looked around the table, “Couldn't have bothered to get me a sandwich? Jerks.”

Jimin, V, J-Hope and Jungkook were a well-known group of friends around their school. They were popular because of their looks, grades and the fact that they represented the school during dance competitions made people look up to them. Not to mention they had 'street names' which made themselves appear cooler, in a way.


Jungkook took out half of his sandwich and handed it to J-Hope who thanked him. V eyed the sandwich, “I'm still hungry.”

“When are you not hungry?” Jimin commented. Jungkook chuckled, “The answer would be never.”

“I'm not that much of a pig.” V complained.

“Yeah, but you still are.” J-Hope chuckled.

- - - - -

Hanuel grabbed her lunch from her locker before walking towards her friend's locker. She only had one close friend in this whole school and she definitely didn't consider Jungkook a friend. It's not that she couldn't make any friends- because there were definitely tons of people who wouldn't mind being her friend- she just didn't want to. She practically grew up with this girl and she didn't want to go ahead and start with someone new. Everybody in their grade knew that these two were inseparable. They were practically each other's halves.

Minjung looked up when she saw Hanuel walk over and her face brightened, seeing her best friend. Hanuel smiled, “Hey.” Minjung nodded, “How was Math?” Haneul's face fell, “It went okay. At least we're not doing the Algebra unit anymore. I still hate you for switching out of my Math class.” Minjung chuckled, “I had no choice, you hater.”

“Kangdae talked to me again.” Hanuel pouted as they walked down the halls. “What'd he do this time?” Minjung asked.

“Wondered why I didn't reply to his messages, asked me if he was making me uncomfortable. I mean, what kind of guy asks that? Isn't that weird?” Hanuel questioned. Minjung raised an eyebrow, “You got yourself a stalker.”

“I know.” Hanuel groaned.

She walked into the Music hall and into the music room. She smiled to the students who were already sitting there, eating their lunches and waiting for the meeting to begin. Minjung took a seat with the students as Hanuel walked up to the front and sat down.

“Okay, so we'll discuss some ideas for the fundraisers for our Music program. Any suggestions?

- - - - -

Jungkook walked into the gymnasium and he passed by the big gym to the small one where a group of students were gathered for the Athletic council meeting.

“Yo, Jungkook.” A student waved. Jungkook nodded.

“So, uh, I actually have no idea why we're here.” Jungkook admitted when he stood in the front. The students gave him a look and he broke out into a grin, “Just kidding.”

“The school wants a Pep Rally, so we need to think of what each sports team will do.”

- - - - -

Hanuel walked into her Science classroom and sat down in her seat. The teacher assigned the seats in reverse alphabetical order so she was near the middle. Hanuel took out her notebook and pencil case as the students came swarming in. Jungkook walked through the door and did a little salute to her but she ignored him. He shrugged and walked to his seat, two rows behind hers.

The bell rang and the teacher walked into the room.

“We have to do a project to wrap up this unit before our test, so I'll just hand out the outline and marking sheet.”

Hanuel brightened. She would work hard on this test so she could finally beat him. Jungkook could almost see her happiness when she read through it and he chuckled to himself. Another project that he'd beat her in.

When the class ended, Jungkook took his bag and walked up beside her. He leaned down onto her desk as she packed her stuff. She raised an eyebrow, “I'm going to beat you in this project, for sure.” One side of his lip tugged up, “We'll see. Since when have you ever beaten me?”

“This can be a start.” She huffed as she got up. Jungkook simply followed after her, considering they had the same class.

“Are they seriously not dating? They're so close.” Hanuel heard somebody whisper. Her eye twitched in irritation. Jungkook turned around to call after the girl who had gossiped about them,

“What? A girl and a guy can't be best friends?” She looked up, gulped, then scurried away.

Hanuel turned around and slapped him, “Who said we were best friends?”

“I did. Now come on, best friend, we're going to be late for our class.”

- - - - -

Hanuel came out of the changeroom with her hair tied up into a ponytail. She walked towards the circle where the teacher was giving out instructions.

“We're going to run around the school three times, to see if you can beat your old record we took about a month ago.”

Groans and complaints chorused around the gymnasium.

“No complaints. Now let's go!”

The kids shuffled out through the back-door and lined up along the cement. Hanuel turned to her side where Jungkook stood. He turned to her and grinned, “You're going to lose again.”

The coach blew the whistle.

“I won't!” Hanuel exclaimed as she ran beside him. They were already far ahead of the class by now and they were tied head-to-head with each other. Nearing their last lap, Hanuel gave out a burst of energy and ran ahead of him. Jungkook raised an eyebrow. She wasn't going to win.

“Hey, 51%, wait for me!” He shouted. Hanuel faltered, “Don't say that out loud!” He grinned as he passed her to the finish line. Her eyes widened in disbelief.

Not again.

Hanuel slid to the ground and almost cried out in frustration. “You cheated!”

“How?” Jungkook teased. Hanuel glared at him as she sat there,

“I hate you, Jungkook.”

“I know you do.”



Just so y'know, Jimin, V, and J-Hope are the same age as Jungkook in this story, k? c: I didn't want to leave poor J-Hope all alone in Grade 12, while Jimin and V would be in Grade 11. 

But yeah, that was the first chapter, hope you guys liked it ^-^ Thanks for reading!


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[160203] Next Stop, Insanity- It's finally complete! Thank you to everyone for sticking with me :)


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atasiwi #1
19941991 #2
14 streak #3
Chapter 50: Great story! I can't stop squealing like an idiot whenever I read about jungkook XD I would read the sequel but it's not finished... ;__;
ahhhh this was so good!
New reader<3
I can't wait to come to the end:)
Chapter 21: This is beautiful and I’m very happy reading this. Thank you!
Chapter 48: And done (againXD)