The tale of the Star and the Moon

Lunew Got Married

Luna's POV.

I took the rest of the time on the flight to think about everything i've never thought of. Was i falling for onew? I took a glance at Onew who was sleeping comfortably on the flight seat, his book on his lap and his smile on his face. I continued thinking. of course i love Onew. He was like my brother, my best friend. People around me told me he liked me, but i chose not to believe them.  But why didn't I? He did act strangely whenever he's around me, and he gets shy and blush a lot. But he was like that ever since the first time we met, so i am already used to it. I couldn't fathom his acts and his behaviour, but i wish i could. I wish i could have telepathy powers and read his mind. But i couldn't even understand mine, so i doubt i could understand his.

The crew told me that both of us will be staying in our own suite at Paris and they told the SM company and the managers. But Onew and i will be sleeping in seperate rooms. Krystal pouted, showing her envy, because, of course the rest of them will be staying in a normal hotel. I just smiled nervously, because i couldn't even imagine what it would be like to be with onew for the whole trip in Paris.

We reached Paris and had the whole day to ourselves. Onew and I wondered what we should do for the day. WGM crew followed us everywhere and I wish i knew what it would be like if they didn't. What if they weren't there in the first place? What if Onew and I really dated? Will it still be the same? Will he act this way? I also wondered what Yesung oppa would think about this. He wanted to spend his Paris time with me, but Onew spoilt it all. I don't know what i felt about this. I don't know if i was upset or not. I was torn between my best friend and my boyfriend. Which did i love more?

Onew's POV

i didn't know much about Paris or if there were any cool places nearby. But i did some research, and i wanted to bring Luna to a great shopping mall only a few minutes away from our suite. So after unpacking, we both headed out to the big shopping mall.

We took the taxi and went straight away there. It felt kind of different, and the vibe from the people were much different than in Korea. We took a stroll there and we ended up in a jewelry store.

"YAH, oppa, you don't have to do this." She gasped, covering with her hands.

"What are you talking about?" I pretended to not know what she was talking about.

"This place is expensive!" She said again, trying to drag me out of the store.

"SHINee is doing well! I can afford this." I chuckled.

"No, i won't want you to waste your money on me." She said grumpily.

"Waste? What do you mean waste? I'd spend my money for whoever i'd like to, alright?"

"I demand you to not buy me anything."

"Watch me." i grinned. I walked towards the counter service and asked the lady to show me the best rings they've got. They didn't have much and none of them caught my eye. I frowned. "There's not a lot of nice ones." I whispered to Luna.

"See, oppa? Nothing! So don't buy any ring here, Okay?"

"Okay.. i won't buy it." I sighed.


"Promise." I smiled.

We continued walking around the shopping mall, then i pretended to have a stomach-ache. "Luna yah, I'll go to the toilet for a while, stay here. okay? Will you be okay here?" I asked.

"Yeah, don't worry about me. I'll be fine." She smiled, nodding her head. "Will you be okay? Do you want to go home?"

"No, I'll be fine. wait for me." So then i left and silently went to the jewelry store once more. I asked if they had already done the custom-made necklace that i ordered since were were in Korea. i prepared it a week ahead. The pendants were made from a crystal and in the shape of a star and the moon. I smiled to myself, looking at the necklace. It was perfect.

We went home (the suite)  soon after that because Luna worried too much about me. As soon as we arrived, i dragged her to the living room and got down on one knee, with the case and the necklace in it on my hand, i smiled and said "Park Sun young. Will you do the honor of being my wife for the show?" I was more nervous at this time than i was when we first debuted.

Luna gasped. She didn't say anything at first. Then she smiled and said yes.

"But oppa, you promised you won't buy me a ring."

"I didn't."

I showed her the necklace and wore it for her around her neck. She gasped in awe.

"Luna... the moon. You're my moon and I'm your star." I smiled.

She smiled at me too and gave me a tight hug. And i swear, the moment her lips curved into a smile it was as if the Earth was rotating unbelievable fast and my heart was pumping out of my chest and the whole world was smiling with her. 


A/N: AWW so sweet i would melt if onew did it to ME. anyway, i'd like to thank you guys for the awesome comments and new subbers. I also want to inform you guys that Luna is "Moon." :)

It was also shown in La Cha Ta, ne? :D

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Bubblewan #1
Amazing story
Chapter 5: Authornim please update this story~ Please please please pretty please with sprinkles on top! TTTT_TTTT You probably wouldn't see this or chiose to ignkre this but I just wanted to let you know that there are stipl people who read this fic >_< Thank you for writing a Lunew story
Chapter 13: Update please ❤
Chapter 13: OMG !
This fanfic makes me like and love LUNEW more. ❤
Chapter 13: HUMAYGHAD. MY LUNEW FEELS <3 <3 OMG >///< update soon wah
Oebmoon #6
Chapter 13: Authornim jjang!!!!
Jeongmal gomawo for update!!! ^^
moonlightangel77 #7
Chapter 13: Awwwwwwww such a sweet chappie!
moonlightangel77 #8
Chapter 8: Yay u hav updated!!!
Chapter 13: OMG AN UPDATE <3 <3 YAY!
Chapter 13: Omg, u updated! Yay lunew!~