
Oppa's Little Sister

( eight )


Kai sought things coming. He never wanted to compete with anyone just for the Queen’s promise that she would guarantee great powers to the one who will bring back the necklace gone missing on Earth. Moreover, he doesn’t want to compete with a girl. ‘But looks like there’s no choice’, Kai shrugged while landing Miyoung one last look before he could completely leave the cafeteria. But he had to – he had to compete against her and he had to win this challenge for his own pleasure and sake.

Their rivalry went from the very first day they were sent to Earth. However, if one knows something, the other, also, will – which makes the competition even harder. For the both of them, they used to know each other’s possible actions, each other’s possible attacks. Miyoung investigated thoroughly similar to what Kai does. But she never saw him do anything. Kai talked to people a lot and they both knew they weren’t here to befriend these earthlings. It bothered her always, but she can’t complain. It was his attack. If she thoroughly investigates through reading books, then Kai knows how his plan will give him a positive outcome. What Miyoung doesn’t see is that, Kai invests more on people which can be the possible lead and more realistic than what Miyoung does. 

The challenge doesn’t end there. It was said that there were three other living aliens wandering around the Earth but never returned in their home planet. Kai was contemplating whether to consider them as friends or foes. The decision will matter depending on how they would play a role in his life. If they are after the necklace as well, consider them as enemies from then on.


“Can I have your number?”, Chanyeol asked.

Ara stared at the boy for a couple of seconds considering the possible incidents that might happen if she gives him her number. It wouldn’t hurt her to give him her number, right? Those were just digits. She didn’t need to think of it for too long.

After her pondering, she snapped herself to return back to reality. She flashed him a smile asking for his phone. He fished out for his phone inside his pocket and handed it to her. “Here.”

She gladly received it, pressing onto the digits  and giving it back to him. “Thanks!” He smiled; his bubbly personality showing. “Ara, right?”

She nodded firmly as she stared at him. “Thanks Ara! I guess, see you tomorrow.” He smiled and waved his hand.


“I’m home.”, she briefly stated. Exhausted from her travel from school back to home, she offhandedly threw her bag onto the corner of the house.  She took out all the items that occupied her pocket – her money, hanky and phone – and placed them on the center table. She plopped herself onto the couch, and was warmly welcomed by her closest oppa, Luhan.

“Bambi!” He exclaimed running towards the couch embracing her in his arms. “I missed you so much. How was school?” His hug, it was a bit suffocating – too tight for her tired body.

“I missed you too oppa but could you please give me some air to breathe?”

“Oops. here.” He lightened his hug. Ara grinned and hug him back tight, squeezing him with all her might. “So, trying to get even?” He raised a brow and chuckled at her cuteness. He ruffled her hair. “Hey, you haven’t answered my question yet.”

“School’s fine. Same old, same old.”

Just then on cue, right after their conversation was about to stop at silence, Ara’s phone beeped.  Meaning, a message was sent to her. Both of them were caught by the sound and turned their heads to focus on it.

A little staring contest was held between them before they raced to snatch the phone. To Ara’s dismay, Luhan grabbed it first. She’s in so much trouble if he finds out it is from Chanyeol, her long time gone yet found friend. Destiny definitely has its role in playing with people’s lives. Of course, why would she expect it will be from him? Miyoung knew her number too, it could be her.

Luhan took her phone, unlocking it and checking who’s the sender. “An unknown number.” Luhan’s eyes crept from looking at the phone screen to Ara. Centimeter by centimeter, his lips’ side curved to form a smirk. “I see my baby girl has a suitor.”, he teased.

Quickly, Ara tried to snatch the phone from his grip. But with Luhan’s fast reflexes, she failed. As she forcefully tries to take it from him, he gently pushes her with his one hand and stopped her other body parts with his feet. “Give it back Luhan!”

“What’s that?”, he paused. “No oppa?”, his playful expression turned to a frown.

She rolled her eyes. “Give it back!”

“No!”, he opened the message and as he was about to read it, the phone was snatched from his hand. Both of them stopped with their horseplay. They raised their head up and saw Sehun holding onto the phone, with Lay beside him. He threw it at Ara and she caught it with both of her hands. Luhan and Ara sat up straight upon seeing the other two.

“Will you two stop fighting?”, Lay scolded them. “Grow up you two.”

“You guys are giving me a headache.” Sehun shook his head and climbed up the stairs.


The cold breeze of the air brushed onto her face. She realized that the windows were opened. She got up from her bed and closed it. Heaving a sigh as she gazed at her phone that lied on the table, she grabbed it and plopped herself onto the cushy bed. “That was close.” She checked the messages and opened the one that came from the unknown number. Hi! Chanyeol here. Are you home now? I hope you had a safe trip.

To what she read, she was closely to toss her phone to the blanket covering part of her knees. “Chanyeol?”, she mouthed his name and felt a little bit doubtful even though she was really expecting a text message from him. Ara moved her fingers closely to her keypad.  She thought of things to say, but nothing can complement the text message he had sent to her.   

I’m just okay. I hope you’re safe too! - Ara

“No. No. That was, a bit expectant.”, she murmured to herself quietly as she rephrased her reply.

“There.” Clicking the ‘send’ button was unusual for her. Not because she seldom send text messages or rarely uses her phone as a communicating device but, it’s one of those first times she had that recently now she sent a text message to a boy. Not just any boy but Park Chanyeol – her long missed childhood friend.


Chanyeol walked to his fridge to get some water. He lowered his head a little to grab his pitcher and poured water into the glass he held in his other hand. He made sure that the glass of water he will get is only right for him to quench his thirstiness. Just then, his phone received a text message, resulting for his phone to make a cringing sound and him to bump his head on the refrigerators door. Admittedly, the refrigerator he has was quite too small for his height that docking his head was always a need for him just to get something from it.

He rubbed the part of his head that was hurt. Chanyeol was also being used to this kind of scenario. He traveled to the living room to get his phone and then looked for a position where his body can relax. Upon making his way to the sofa, he flipped the cover of his phone to see who was the sender of the text and discovered that it was from Ara.

Hi Chanyeol.

His heart jumped with no intent. With great excitement he replied to her.

Did you get home safe? - Chanyeol

Yeah. - Ara

Good. - Chanyeol

Chanyeol used a thumbs-up emoticon that made Ara smile. It totally distracted the conversation but anyway, it only reflected how he talks to people.  All of his replies contained the same expressions he shows when they meet in person; just proving that she’s talking with the same boy that has the funny and jolly side.

By the way. About the book, just tell me when you’re finish ‘kay? - Chanyeol

He asks the same question before he could leave the cafeteria. This made Ara curious of what is in the book that he really exerts great effort just to borrow it. She felt that she had to ask him.

Sure. But may I know why you are borrowing it? - Ara

It took her a lot of courage to send that question.

Because I need it. - Chanyeol

But there are many copies in the library.. - Ara

Yes. I know that. But that copy that you have now is the original and I need it.- Chanyeol

Ara thought ‘What for?’ but a counter thought of her blocked her from asking him a question again.  More so, she concluded that it was sounding too stalkish for a girl. From her experience from her three oppas, boys get annoyed when they are being asked many questions. So she only responded him with an ‘Okay’ that ended their little conversation. 

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cupidbaby #1
cupidbaby #2
Chapter 13: would be better if he's your bf. lol i love luara xD
anw, this is a very nice story<3
rion_01 #3
Chapter 21: Aww, love the ending so much~~ Congratulations on completing the story. You did a very good job. ^^ Loled so hard at Luhan for being paranoid. The family is so cute together~ Thank you for sharing the story with us and I'm happy that you chose Ara and Chanyeol to be the main stars. I love this couple so much. Anyway, good luck for your future stories~ Have a nice day! <33
Chapter 21: ahhhh please make a sequel >.<
Chapter 21: Bambi and Chan Chan so adorb ! Love the ending btw ^^
Chapter 20: Is this really final? ○.○
Chapter 18: omfg. ARA'S SICK?!
Somebody needs to get that necklace then. D:
And the tensed air between the three and kai. wooooah.
Update soon!
kellen_1825 #8
Chapter 17: Awww the necklace what is wrong with her? Is it something that connects her life? Aww update soon channie dont cry its not your fault aww my baby..
Chapter 17: really want to know the importance of that necklace

Btw, love this chapter ! Keep updating <3
Chapter 16: Ara so adorable !