
Oppa's Little Sister

( fourteen )


Ara complained to Sehun by the time the two got home. It was sooner than Sehun and Lay expected. Maybe because of the heavy rain which poured nonstop. She threw her bag to the couch - the first furniture that struck her eyes as they arrived home.

"Crazy driver Luhan.", Ara made a quick comment about her road adventure as Luhan made it impossible for her to look at the ways they took. Several routes they took were shortcuts Ara didn't knew. No matter how much she asked Luhan to slow down, it just turned the other way around and thus, Ara made an inference that whenever Luhan see the spotlights change colors to green, he always changes his gears and drives the fastest (as if the road was his) and that they were in a racing competition. Then suddenly out of wonder, when the lights turn to red again, Luhan sets the vehicle on a full stop which made Ara bump her head on the head rest. No wonder how it made Ara pissed and deliver her reaction to her two other older brothers just like that.


Upon taking the couch, Ara switched the television on and did get some popcorns out of the kitchen counter. Lay, who was working out on a few baking procedures, can't help but to give the popcorns to his little sister. She seemed to be in a bad mood.


Sehun was in a no reaction state, he simply unrolled his sleeves and relaxed at the couch. He moved a little so Ara can take her seat. Meanwhile, it was then Luhan who will make his stand clear. Sehun and Lay, actually all of them, knew that Luhan was quite the excited person and may have a naughty attitude of a boy when in streets. But apart from this they couldn't think that Luhan can harm people or may be involved in an accident. His driving skills were crazy, but Sehun and Lay was sure that he is very protective of Ara, even though they quarrel on little things for most of the times.


Luhan made a great entrance. He wasn't sure if the other two welcomed him at all. He carried a leather jacket with him, resting it on his back for a while, as his mind flew into confusions. He was still finding out a resolution about Kai. Nonetheless, his being quiet will not work as the two other saw his actions, differentiating it from the Luhan who is greets so out-of-the-blue and all smiles.

He actually overheard Ara's comment to him but he chose to remain silent about it. One way or the other, they'll just throw each other impeccable arguments that can result them a talk of some debate in the end.


Luhan expressed both fear and surprise emotions in his face. It was unclear to the two until after they took their dinner. "Luhan," Sehun approached the boy who seemed to be very bothered. "Did something went wrong?"

Concern, at the same time, curiosity was found there in Sehun's voice.

Luhan shrugged, surrendering. "I couldn't think well hyung" He paused for a moment. "I saw a guardian of EXO. They're after us."

"What do you mean?", Lay can't help but to join in the conversation.

"I was in the middle of hurrying to fetch Ara when I saw her talking to a guy I thought was a stranger. But then when I came to see who the man was, it took me and I was shocked. He isn't human."


His statement made it clearer that what he saw was a spy.


Ara was out of the picture. She was there, but it seemed that she's not there. She's there, but there are things that are inconsiderable for her to become part of the three other   men living with her together in one roof.

When she was still a kid, Lay would always check her if she wore the necklace. "Remember to keep this always with you, alright?"

 "Sure!", little Ara yay-ed with so much cheerfulness. Lay waved goodbye after pinching her cheeks.

She believed that from there on, the necklace was her lucky charm.


The following morning, she still has not felt any better of the secrets the other three were hiding from her. It was as if she was not trustworthy enough to be included in their conversation. Feeling the burden inside, she took her jacket from the hook and wore it.

Secretly making her way out of the house, she carefully closed the door, avoiding any creaking sound it might produce. The escape was a success. She wanted to have a little time for herself to cool things down and clear her thoughts.

Walking at the cold streets, she huffed; a small fog coming out from . It was a wintry day. Her hands were inserted in her pocket for warmth. Taking the bus, she sat by the window, viewing the same old streets she usually passes by.

The bus came to a stop; it’s her stop. She stepped outside and the playground was at sight. She made a small smile before heaving a sigh. She remembered how Chanyeol described this place as his valued one.

She decided to stay there for awhile. Since it was early still, six in the morning to be exact, no children were present at the play place. She sat by the bench, near the slide. Nostalgias coming along to her back and forth. If it was one precious place for Chanyeol, it was a treasure to her. Nothing varied from the other. Likewise with him, she had a very special moment right at that spot. The slide that was at sight, it was where they placed their childhood memories.

“Look who I didn’t expect to meet here.”

Her long contemplation was interrupted by a familiar deep voice. Startled, her eyes momentarily widened. She turned to its source as what her instinct told her to do so. A smile curved on her face at the sight of him.

“Chanyeol,” she breathed his name.

“Hi.” He raised his hand – his means of greeting her.

“Hi. What are you doing here?”

He sat himself on the empty space beside her. “That’s what I should be asking you. I always visit here.”


He nodded. “Remember what I told you before? This place is memorable to me.”

“Oh yeah. I remember that.”

They stayed seated silently in there for the past 20 minutes until a disturbing noise from Chanyeol’s phone broke the few moments of taciturn.

He stood up and pointed at his phone – indicating he had to take that call. Ara nodded in response and proceeded back to her deep thinking, at the same time waiting for him to finish his phone conversation.

The conversation lasted for less than two minutes. He walked back to where Ara was seated and inserted his phone in his pocket.

“Hey, my friend was asking me to go watch a movie with him. Sorry if I have to go.”

“No, no. It’s okay. Have fun watching.” She let out a small smile and waved.

“I’m really sorry. I’ll just hang out with you next time.”

“Yeah, sure.”


He left. A couple of minutes have passed, silence took over the playground. There were still no signs of children around the corner. Time check: 7:33 am – too early for them to be playing around. Usually they appear around nine or ten.

She sighed. Her eyes landed once more at the slide in front of her.

She recalled their drawings at the backside of it as well as the memories it brought with it. Standing up from the bench, she walked towards the slide, underneath the slide itself and the metal ladder. Her fingers brushed onto the painted slide. Their drawings were no longer there. Bowing her head, she sighed, a tear slipped from her eye, her hand was still touching the part where they drew their memories.

Sniffing, she wiped her tear. Reaching for a coin in her pocket, she used the circular object to scrape the paint off the slide. Time by time, parts of the drawing were revealed although there were still portions of it covered. She smiled weakly, tears falling. She wanted to stop this. She wanted to tell him the truth that she was Bambi, his childhood friend. Lying to him everyday hurt her so much. He did not know how much she wanted to let him know of the truth but can’t because it was her obligation to protect her brothers. They were more of importance than anyone else.

She read the nicknames written on the slide – Chan-chan and Bambi.

“Chan-chan,” she breathed; her voice trembling.

Feeling a penetrating stare from someone, she instinctively looked back. There, she saw him. Her eyes widened in shock. Visible tears present in her eyes, making it somehow reddish.

“So you knew all along,” he spoke.

Memories started clashing in his head upon seeing the drawing. The past became clear once more in his memory like it hit him with a stone. However, he still did not know how the hell he lost his memory. But that wasn’t important. He regained his childhood memory – that was important.

But why was he back? Wasn’t he going out to watch a movie with his friend? He was supposed to ask Ara to come watch with them, feeling that leaving the girl behind would be unmanly and irresponsible. Nonetheless, instead of having the good time he assumed they’ll be having, he discovered the truths and lies she long kept.

His eyes were in the brim of breaking into tears but he held them back. He started to walk away. Right now, he did not want to be any near her. She caused so much pain in his heart. He never knew that that kindergarten girl he used to like – or love – was with him all along.

“Chanyeol, I can explain.” She ran after him, holding onto his wrist, but her hand slipped from his wrist when he pulled it as he walked away.

“Chanyeol, please,” she pleaded but it was no use. He did not stop on his steps. He did not bother to even turn around and look at her nor even say a word. It was a silent parting; but it screamed farewell.


Hello there earthlings! Soryy for the late update. I just want fill up this space to thank you all for your support. This fic has come so far. I didn't expect I'll be having more subbies. Pretty sure there will be more twists to come. Stay updated!

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cupidbaby #1
cupidbaby #2
Chapter 13: would be better if he's your bf. lol i love luara xD
anw, this is a very nice story<3
rion_01 #3
Chapter 21: Aww, love the ending so much~~ Congratulations on completing the story. You did a very good job. ^^ Loled so hard at Luhan for being paranoid. The family is so cute together~ Thank you for sharing the story with us and I'm happy that you chose Ara and Chanyeol to be the main stars. I love this couple so much. Anyway, good luck for your future stories~ Have a nice day! <33
Chapter 21: ahhhh please make a sequel >.<
Chapter 21: Bambi and Chan Chan so adorb ! Love the ending btw ^^
Chapter 20: Is this really final? ○.○
Chapter 18: omfg. ARA'S SICK?!
Somebody needs to get that necklace then. D:
And the tensed air between the three and kai. wooooah.
Update soon!
kellen_1825 #8
Chapter 17: Awww the necklace what is wrong with her? Is it something that connects her life? Aww update soon channie dont cry its not your fault aww my baby..
Chapter 17: really want to know the importance of that necklace

Btw, love this chapter ! Keep updating <3
Chapter 16: Ara so adorable !