Chapter 16

Wounded Soldier
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Yepp, I'm here. Yeah, yeah its been almost a year I had abandon this story. No excuse for this coz life really hit me well this time. So, here it is. Enjoy~~


! I said yes. Why the hell had I said yes? Seungri was safe in the hospital. Not just safe, but oblivious. And yet, here I am, signing him out of the hospital.


Jiyong had called the members in a panic after realizing his mistake and Seunghyun had driven right over to the hospital. But Youngbae and Daesung had remain home, preparing the room for Seungri. There was no turning back from this now. He had said yes and now Seungri is leaving the hospital and joining the rest of them.


It wasn’t that Jiyong didn’t want Seungri home, but the “home” would not be home for them now. They have to stay at the rinky dink house that they rent from an old man, somewhere secluded here in Gangwon-do. He had absolutely no idea how to explain to Seungri his absentee later if he have to go back and forth to Seoul to settle up the matters.


After many discussion, they had decide to tell YG about it and see what he can do with this. But the decision now became little bit off after Seungri’s sudden request of signing off from the hospital.


Jiyong take a look at Seunghyun’s face and that one look was enough to tell Jiyong that the older hyung of them was thinking the exact same thoughts.


But what was done has done. Final. No turning back. Seungri has packed and dressed, and clearly eager to get out of the prison that had held him for almost a month. There was no mistaking that there is a hint of a smile on the younger’s face. That alone was enough to ease the hyungs’ confidence to finish signing the papers out. But smiling or not, their doubts still remained.



Ah reum escorted them to the car, her unshakable will make her one of the very few staffs that dealt with Seungri’s rage, even after having multiple objects thrown toward her. She pushed the wheelchair while Jiyong and Seunghyun juggled Seungri’s bags, medications, bandages and a set of forearm crutches that they request for extra equipment since they will bringing back the wheelchair too.


They exited at the back door of the hospital, scared that someone will recognize them. They pulled up beside the waiting black sedan car that Seunghyun had managed to rent it from the car rental nearby. He threw the bags and stuffs in the trunk while Jiyong hovered over Seungri as he hopped into the passenger seat, refusing to accept any help.


Jiyong continued to hover obnoxiously as he slid the rest of the way into the car, one hand gently steering Seungri's still tender limb out of the way of potentially painful obstructions as the other hand clung tightly to the door frame.


Seungri watched in sullen disgust as Jiyong folded up the wheelchair and handed it to Seunghyun to stuff it into the trunk. God, how he hate that thing! He’ll give anything to get rid of it, to get the damn thing out of his sight. But his therapy had put on halt after he refused to continue and he still lacked of the proper balance to remain solely on the crutches.  It was too much of a risk. 


“You take care of yourself, Seungri,” Ah reum soft voice pulled him from his thought and he looked up to see her soft smile. Ah reum had been more like a noona to him, taking care of him still, even after everything that he did to her. Seungri is thinking, trying to determine how much pride would be lost in admitting his faults.


Seungri finally nodded.


“Thank you, uhmm.. for all your help. I- I’m sorry. I know I was a bit of a pain,”


“Can’t say I will do any differences if the table were turned,” She said, softly hold on Seungri’s face.


“Just try to remember that when you're with your hyungs, hmm? They care about you so much,"


Lips tight, Seungri nodded again. He knew when he was being called out. Ah reum may have been more subtle than others, but she still got her point across.


Jiyong and Seunghyun got into the car and Seungri knew it was time to go. He pulled the door shut and waved a bit to the woman outside as Seunghyun started the car and gentle eased onto the road.



“You’re sure you want to do this, Ri?” Jiyong turned and asked one more time.


“We can still go back there..” The plea in his hyung’s voice didn’t go unnoticed, but Seungri ignored it.


“I’ve been in there for far too long, hyung. It’s time for me to live my cripple life now,” Seungri sneered.


Jiyong sighed. He hated the label that Seungri had been putting on himself, hated the references to be disable and he especially hated hearing Seungri call himself a loser when clearly he is not.

“Seungri ah,”

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Chapter 25: Hi! Just in case u r contemplating wether there still people waiting for this update, know that I’m still here waiting. Can’t wait for the continuation! ❤️
Chapter 25: I’ve reread this again and I still get upset when seungri gets upset 😭😭
Also, I hope u r doing fine authornim! I’ll be here patiently waiting for an update :)
Chapter 25: oh god the cliffhanger!! i wish wish wish seungri is going to be okay T_T cant wait for u to update this! <3
Angelvip1123 #4
Chapter 25: Iam witing for you!
Angelvip1123 #5
Chapter 25: Is there an update I'm waiting for?
pandari_1212 #6
Chapter 25: Please update
tomginger #7
Chapter 25: Please continue this story
Chapter 25: Ive seen this on the recent bb ot5 tags and im happy that you were able to update this. Please continue the story we wouls like to know if seungri survived or not!
Chapter 25: Pls be okay seungri
The trigger warning is on spot
Thank you author nim