Chapter 10

Wounded Soldier
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I'm sorry for taking so much time to update this.

just starting to get the rhythm of my life now. =)


Anyway, here it is..





Jiyong was barely through the doorway when his conscience began mocking him, taunting him with ferocious thoughts and shouting out insulting names.


You did this!


It screamed over and over.


You did this to him! You and your selfish idea to go with the nature!


You... who couldn't stop your pace long enough to listen when Seungri said he had a bad feeling.


You... who didn't get him out of the woods soon enough!


And you… who had the stupid stupid STUPID idea to tie that damn bandage around his leg and cut off all the blood flow!


This is your fault, Kwon Jiyong. THIS IS ALL ON YOU!


Jiyong ran blindly down the hallway, ignoring the fiery pain shooting from every muscle of his chest and shoulder as he bounced off medical staff and visitors. Unwelcome tears filled his eyes, making him unable to see where he was headed even if his head had been clear enough to make those decisions. The hallway seemed to stretch on forever, or maybe it was because suddenly he couldn't seem to drag in a full breath anymore and stars beginning to dance in front of his eyes, but Jiyong continue to run.


Finally, the elevator came into view and he reached blindly for the down button, pressing rapidly and continuously. Jiyong staggered into the elevator before the doors had fully opened, his one good arm supporting his quickly deteriorating body against the cool metal of the wall. And as he passed over the threshold, he felt himself grabbed firmly, someone generously supporting his fatigued body as it finally slumped to the floor. He heard voices calling his name, but the blood rushing to his head didn't allow him to clearly establish who it was, or what it was saying.



Several minutes passed before the ocean between Jiyong's ears began to quiet and the stars rushing rapidly in front of his eyes slowed to a tolerable speed and he finally recognized the voices.


"Hey, man, I need you to look at me," Youngbae urged gently, brushing both of his hands against Jiyong's face.


Blinking against the bright light, Jiyong finally focused on his bestfriend and he groaned. From the lurching feeling in his gut, he figured they were still riding the elevator. He glanced to the side and saw Daesung is there too, flashing a sad smile toward him.


"There, now, are you with me?" Youngbae soothed, smiling now that Jiyong is focusing on him.


"You think you can sit up?"


He nodded uncertainly but allowed the mohawk to gently help him sit, leaning heavily against the wall of the elevator when he was upright.


"Yah, hyung, you had pulled your stitches!" Daesung reproached now that they had a better look on him.


Jiyong looked side to his shoulder where their eyes lay and saw the small pool of bright red blood staining the side of his hospital shirt, making the material stick to his body. It wasn't too bad, but he sure need to sew it again before it get worse.


"I ran into some stuff... and people on my way here," he explained in a whisper, trying to catch a breath.


"How long was I..."


Daesung looked at Jiyong in sympathy, patting his hand.


"Not long," he said.


"Do you want to go somewhere, man? Maybe to the cafeteria…" Youngbae asked.


After taking a second to think Jiyong nodded his head. "Yeah."


Jiyong leaned forward, awkwardly pushing off from the floor with one arm and stumbling before the two leaned down and helped him to stand. Daesung supported him as he reached out to press the button for their floor.



They guided him gently to a small table away from crowd of the cafeteria. Luckily, no one approach them.


"You want something to drink, hyung?"


"Coffee." Again, Jiyong nodded, replying with a single word.


"Hyung?" Daesung turn his attention to Youngbae.


Youngbae just shook his head and Deasung disappeared, moving slowly to the counter to

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Chapter 25: Hi! Just in case u r contemplating wether there still people waiting for this update, know that I’m still here waiting. Can’t wait for the continuation! ❤️
Chapter 25: I’ve reread this again and I still get upset when seungri gets upset 😭😭
Also, I hope u r doing fine authornim! I’ll be here patiently waiting for an update :)
Chapter 25: oh god the cliffhanger!! i wish wish wish seungri is going to be okay T_T cant wait for u to update this! <3
Angelvip1123 #4
Chapter 25: Iam witing for you!
Angelvip1123 #5
Chapter 25: Is there an update I'm waiting for?
pandari_1212 #6
Chapter 25: Please update
tomginger #7
Chapter 25: Please continue this story
Chapter 25: Ive seen this on the recent bb ot5 tags and im happy that you were able to update this. Please continue the story we wouls like to know if seungri survived or not!
Chapter 25: Pls be okay seungri
The trigger warning is on spot
Thank you author nim