Chapter 9

Related to Sehun

(Please read the Author's note in the last part thanks ^^ )


*Chanyeol's P.O.V*

Its been 3 days since Vanessa arrived and Mia keeps on avoiding me. Currently were here in Vietnam and then tomorrow we will be flying to Philppines and today we have all day free for ourselves 

You may be thingking who is Vanessa, she is a friend of mine we met while we were on tour she is from Japan but she is korean, its just that her family decided to transfer. 

I like her . The boys know that i like her. Who wouldn't like her? she is pretty.

What still trigger me is the fact that Mia is avoiding me for instance: (A/N: This is the scenes where Mia keeps on avoiding Chanyeol)


"Mia" i said when i enter her hotel room. She did not bother looking at me. "Yeah?". 
"Can we talk?" i said then suddenly she faked yawned. "Can we just talk tomorrrow? since I'm already sleepy" she said 
"Ohh okay" i replied


We all decided that we will go shopping before the rehersals starts.
"Who is coming with me?" Sehun asked, i look on Mia and then i realized if she will join Sehun i should also join so that i can talk to her. "Me!" i said and i look on Mia, our eyes met for a second cause she took off her gaze away from me. "I will just stay here and enjoy the pool" she said. We did not force her to come along.


So i really decided to talk to her, it was 10 in the evening the others are already asleep. I knock on her door, she look surprised.
"Lets talk" i said. She nodded her head. "What?" she added. "Why are you avoiding me? did I do something wrong? Tell me!" i said and i look on her i can see hesitation on her face. "No i'm not avoiding you and you did not do anything its just that i'm thinking some things." she replied "We all knew your telling a lie!! Come one tell me why you are voiding me!" i said raising my voice which i totally regretted cause she flinched and she was scared at me i can see tears rolling down on her cheeks. "Mia sorry i did not mean to raise my voice on you its just that i don't want you avoiding me" i said as i was about to hug her but she move away. "Its okay" she said "I'm not avoiding you, i will just be back to the old me" she said closing the door she did not even bother to hear a word from me. 

I should really do something for her to be my bestfriend again and find the reason of her avoiding me.


So here is the important note. 

I'am searching for characters for the sequel of this book which i'm not yet sure if it will happen or to my new story. 

All you need to do in order to win the contest. (Yes this is a contest there will be three winners.) is to answer this question

"If you were given a chance to have a two weeks vacation with EXO (or other k-pop stars) how will you spend that 2 weeks with them? and will you tell your bias that you love him/ her so much?"

easy right? so you need to write the answer on my wall or pm it to me. The contest will last until september three so hurry up :) 

-Muffins xx 



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So I'm guessing Mia is Krystal? Kinda confused
SNSDForever127 #2
Chapter 15: nice update ^^
SNSDForever127 #3
Chapter 13: update soon pls ^^
Chapter 11: Wow please update soon (: