
Break My Heart (3)

            Jordan was a physical therapy major.  Amelia was a TEFL major.  Beki was a journalism major and I was an international relations major.

            Four completely different majors and departments.

            So the next day, for the first day of class, we ate breakfast together and then split to go our four separate ways to our first classes.  Or as Jordan put it, after our first breakfast as university students, we went to our first classes on our first day on our first campus at our first university.  The end doesn’t really make sense, but the rest of us didn’t want to burst her happy bubble.

            When I finally reached my classroom, I sat in the back against the wall.  There were only a few students in the room at the moment.  I pulled out my cell phone and texted Kyung.  Mostly because I wanted to get a message from him, but partially because I wanted to make it look like I was doing something.

            Kyung, good luck performing today…fighting ^^

            Block b were performing on a variety show today.  While I was here in class.  A second later, my phone buzzed.  Unlocking it, I saw the picture Kyung had taken of himself making a funny face and programmed into my phone under his name.

            Thanks, love. Study hard. I’ll call you tonight.

            I sighed and refrained from kissing the phone.

            You better I replied before dropping my phone into my bag.  A couple more students walked in.  I smiled at them if they looked at me, but I felt awkward and alone.  I wished at least one of my girls was in here with me.  Or better yet, Kyung.  No, if Kyung were here I wouldn’t hear a word any of my professors ever said.

            I knew, overall, it was good for the students that Seoul University didn’t have lecture type classes in huge auditoriums with 1000 students and a professor speaking over a microphone, at the moment, I felt like everyone was staring at me.  All by myself.

            Suddenly, as more students entered the classroom, one in particular caught my eye.

            Oh, hot damn, he was gorgeous.  I almost slapped myself for thinking that, but he was.  Black hair gelled and fixed forward into a haphazard Mohawk.  Dark, almond eyes.  Oval face and full lips.

            Shut up, Madison! I reprimanded myself, feeling my face and all the way down my neck turn hot.

            Just my luck, he sat in the empty seat next to me.  After dropping his bag under the desk attached to his chair, he looked over at me.  “Hi,” he said.  “I’m Hyun Joong.”

            “Hiiiiiii…” I purred.  Shut up!  “Um, I’m Madison.  Maddie.”

            He smiled and I almost felt out of my chair.  “Nice to meet you, Maddie.”  He held out his hand to shake mine.  My hand, apparently having a mind of its own, reached out and took his.  Oh, soft skin.  Shut. Up.

            “Nice to meet you,” I sighed, holding onto his hand.

            That was all we could exchange before the professor walked in.  With one last smoldering smile, he faced the front as the professor began to speak.  And took back his hand.

            I spent the whole lesson tapping my pen against my book and staring out the window or toward the door or at the professor or at my nails or anything I could think of to keep from looking at the perfect specimen sitting a mere two feet away from me.

            The second the professor dismissed us, I bolted like my was on fire.  I ran down the four flights of stairs and out of the building.

            I had about an hour before my next class so I sat on the ledge of the water fountain in the open area between two of the class buildings.  I tried to catch my breath as I listened to the water in the fountain.  I closed my eyes and tried to think about Kyung.  His eyes.  His hair.  His mouth.  Think about kissing him, I told myself.  I now give you permission to think of every dirty, naughty, X rated fantasy you’ve ever had of him, Madison.  Anything to keep that Hyun Joong guyfrom entering your thoughts.

            Inhale.  Exhale.  All is right in the world.  Mmm…Kyung.


            My eyes snapped open and I looked up, squinting against the sun behind him.

            “H-Hyun Joo-Joong,” I stammered.

            “Yeah, hey.  You left class so quickly, I didn’t get a chance to talk to you,” he replied sitting next to me.  I made sure to sit forward so I couldn’t ogle over him.

            “Here I am,” I said with a weird cackling sound I’d never made before.

            He laughed lightly.  God, even his laugh was y.

            “Here you are.  Do you have time now?  Can I buy you a coffee or something?” he asked, pointing across the street.  There was a little university café.

            “Yeah, sure, ok.”  Who said that?  From the look of his smile and us crossing the street, apparently I said that.

            We ordered iced teas, he paid – doesn’t mean anything, just saying, and we sat down at a table outside the café.  I smiled up at him as he held out the chair for me to sit in.  A cool fall breeze blew around us.  What a lovely day to ruin your relationship, a voice said.

            Ah, shut up.

            Hyun Joong and I talked, small talk.  Nothing too deep, but he was nice.  Sweet.  And as frightening as it was, I could tell he felt the chemistry crackling between us.  The instant lusty attraction between us.  The crap that only happens in movies and those trashy romance novels Jordan reads.  Whenever he spoke, I couldn’t help but watch his mouth.  Watch his lips move.  And think bad, bad thoughts.

            It was official.  I was a terrible person.  I also had only fifteen minutes to get to my next class.  I apologized and stood up, telling Hyun Joong I needed to get to my class.

            I was appalled at how much I liked it that he touched my back as we walked to the corner of the block.  Do not walk.  We were stuck here for a few more precious moments.

            “See you in class then,” he said, pointing behind him.  “I have to go that way.”

            I nodded.  He was the one watching my mouth now.  I pressed my lips together to keep from them.  Kill me.  Kill me now.  I want to get struck by lightening.

            “Thanks for the iced tea,” I said as casually as I could.

           He smiled.  No, please stop doing that.  “No problem.  Hey, maybe we could hang out some other day, too?  After class or something?  When we have more time?”

            No.  I have a boyfriend.  I love my boyfriend.  Go away.

            “Yeah, sure.”  You’re an evil girl, Madison.

            “Cool,” he replied.  Walk.  Walk to freedom.

            “Ok, see you later, bye,” I spit out before racing across the street.

            In my next classroom, I somehow made it with a few minutes left to spare.  I sat in the back corner of this class too, but I made sure to pick a seat right next to another girl.  I smiled at her before I let my head fall to my desk.

            My phone buzzed.  I thought it was a text until it buzzed again.  I shot upright and dug my phone out of my bag.  Kyungie Calling…

            “Kyung!  Hi, I love you,” I blurted into the phone when I answered.  I covered my mouth with my hand and lowered my voice when the girl next to me grinned at me, clearly wanting to eavesdrop.

            He chuckled and I wanted to crawl through the phone into his arms.

            “That’s a nice greeting.  I love you, too, baby,” he replied.  I heard the hoots and hollers and teasing from his band mates in the background.  He laughed and shouted a few choice curse words at them away from the phone before talking into the phone again.  “How was your first class?  Are you done for the day?”

           “It was fine and no, I have two more classes.  One starts in a few minutes.  You haven’t performed yet, have you?”

            “No, he replied.  Maybe a half hour.  We’re just sitting in a waiting room waiting,” he laughed at his own joke.  “It’s boring just waiting.  I wanted to hear your voice.”

            I laughed out a breath and nodded even though he couldn’t see me.  “I love your voice,” I replied.  He chuckled again.

            “Why are you so affectionate all of a sudden?  Something happen?  Should I be worried?”  I swallowed the gasp.  No way would he know about Hyun Joong.  I was Kyung’s secret girlfriend.  No one would see me and know to tell him.  “Oh, I know.  Your bias from B2ST is in one of your classes and you feel guilty because he asked you to run away with him!” he exclaimed and then erupted into a fit of laughter.  We had an agreement, Kyung and I.  I was allowed to lust after Yo Seob and he was allowed to lust after Dal Shabat’s Ji Yul.  Mine was just a fantasy, but his made me a little nervous since he actually met Ji Yul.  And told her how cute he thought she was.  Granted, it was for a TV show and I knew it meant nothing.  Kyung never once made me doubt his feelings for me.

            It was me who was lusting after a regular guy in my class.  Stupid Madison.

            I tried giggling.  “You guessed right.  Yo Seob was in my last class.  We’re leaving tonight,” I teased.

            “Liar!” he cried out.  “Yo Seob and the rest of B2ST are here!  They are performing on the same show as us!”

            I laughed.  “Oh, damn.  You got me.  Wishful thinking, I guess.”

            “I’ll let you go now.  It-”

            “No!” I almost shouted, cringing, I lowered my voice again.  “No, don’t.  Why?  Please don’t.”

            “You said you have class,” he reminded me.  Oh.  You fool.  Not let you go as in break up.  Let you go as in get off the phone.  You’re an idiot, Madison.

            “I do.  I do.  I just…when can I see you again?” I murmured into the phone.

            He sighed.  “Maybe this weekend.  If my mean leader is nice to us, we have some free time this weekend, maybe we can sneak out.”  More shouting in the background.

            “Tell him I’ll hold his girlfriend hostage if he doesn’t let you out.”

            “Ah, there’s an idea.  Good one.  I’ll tell him.”

            “Try.  This weekend, ok?  Try to come see me.”  I tried to keep the frantic edge out of my voice, but all the things I felt and thought while I was with Hyun Joong, I felt desperate to see Kyung.

            “Of course I will,” he replied.  “Are you sure you’re ok?  You sound funny.”

            “I’m fine.  I just want to see you.”

            “I want to see you, too, love.  This weekend then.  Ok?”


            “Really you’re ok?  Did something happen?”

            I sighed away from the phone.  “No, nothing happened.  I better go.  My class is going to start.  Perform well.”

            “I will, thanks.  Study hard.  I love you.”

            “Thanks,” I replied.  “I love you, too, Kyung.”

            I put my phone back into my bag and let my head hit the table again.  Kyung has been the only guy ever in my life to make my heart beat faster.  I was madly in love with him.  It’s just this whole chemistry with Hyun Joong.  It’s not real.  It threw me off because it’s never happened before.  I’m sure plenty of girls make Kyung all goofy.  Yeah.  This is perfectly normal.  It’s not real.  It’s not true.  It doesn’t mean anything.  It’s nothing.

            It’s not real.  It’s not true.  It doesn’t mean anything.  It’s nothing.

            It’s not real.  It’s not true.  It doesn’t mean anything.  It’s nothing.

            I repeated it over and over and over again in my head.

            But it made me feel like no less a liar.

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Ethrel #1
For two seconds I was about to get really mad if that boy had showed up over the holidays. I swear I would have jumped into the story and smacked him. And now I'm just going to sit here and let Kyung demolish my bias list further because of his amazingness.
miiivp #2
finally done with this!<br />
can i just..... amsnjakqksnalamlalqlansh<br />
i really love your story. really do. and i do love you!<br />
no sparks kiss. so.... true and so original.<br />
aaaaaaa thank you for write amazing & wonderful stories :)
hopelessromantic #3
UNNIEEEE! YOU GOT ME ADDICTED IN READING YOUR STORIES! wae does it sound so reaaaal! Oh my goooosh. I want to play peppero game with them hahaha! XD
faddyrobot09 #4
AHHHHH! DSOFIB SKDFL ISFD KKM NXG BK,VC OMFG WOMAN YOU'RE KILLING ME WITH YOUR STORIES! I completely love them all (even if the others aren't done yet. hehehe)! Anyways, the fact that there she felt doubt and was attracted to someone different was very original. It was real! The ending with the pepero game was sweet. I like how you used it with the mtv show and then used it as a way to end. Very nice! :] Now, I'm off to read the Taeil story!